1、,骨骼肌Skeletal Muscle,A single skeletal-muscle cell is known as a muscle fiber(肌纤维).The nerve cells whose axons(轴突)innervate(支配)skeletal muscle fibers are known as motor neurons(运动神经元)运动单位Motor Unit=a motor neuron+muscle fibers,神经肌接头的传递Nuromuscular transmission,The alpha motoneuron branches,as it appr
2、oches the muscle,sending axon terminals(轴突末梢)to several skeletal muscle fibers.Synaptic transmission(突触传递)occurs at the end-plate region(终板区)(i.e.,the postsynaptic membranes 突触后膜)of the skeletal muscle fiber.,Ca 2+通道的开放和Ach 的释放,The axon terminal is enlarged into the terminal button.(末梢钮扣)Each termin
3、al button contains thousands of vesicles that store Ach.Propagation of action potential the terminal triggers the opening of Ca 2+channels in the terminal button.It permits Ca 2+to diffuse into the terminal button from extracellular fluid,which in turn causes the release of Ach by exocytosis(出胞)from
4、 the vesicles.,终板电位 End plate potential,Binding of Ach with the receptor site in the motor end-plate induces the opening of channels(both Na+and K+,为化学门控通道).More Na+moves inward than K+outward,bringing about a depolarization of the motor end plate-This potential is known as end-plate potential(EPP).
5、(终板膜本身无电压门控钠通道,故不会产生动作电位,但可形成局部电流)Local current can reach the threshold of adjacent muscle fiber membrane(邻近肌膜)and bring about an action potential.,乙酰胆碱酯酶Acetylcholinesterase,The surface of the motor end plate contains the enzymes acetylcholinesterase,which can break down(分解)free Ach in the cleft.As
6、 the concentration of free ACh falls because of its breakdown by acetylcholinesterase,less ACh is available to bind to the receptors.When receptors no longer contain bound Ach,the ion channels in the end plate close.The depolarized end plate returns to its resting potential and can respond to the su
7、bsequent arrival of ACh.,神经-肌接头传递各环节,Action potential in presynaptic nerve terminal depolarization Ca2+channels open intracellular Ca2+acetylcholine vesicle release ACh synaptic cleft binds to postsynaptic ACh receptor postsynaptic membrane depolarization end-plate potential(EPP)action potential in
8、muscle cell occurs contraction of muscle cell.,箭毒传说,美洲的古印第安人在遇到敌人入侵时,女人和儿童在后方将箭毒木的汁液涂于箭头,供男人在战场上杀敌。1859年土著民族在和英军交战时,这种毒箭的杀伤力使英军惊恐万分。传说西双版纳最早发现箭毒木汁液含有剧毒的是一位傣族猎人。这位猎人被一只硕大的狗熊紧逼而被迫爬上一棵大树,可狗熊仍不放过他,生死存亡的紧要关头,猎人折断一根树枝刺向正往树上爬的狗熊,奇迹突然发生了,狗熊立即落地而死。从那以后猎人就学会了把箭毒木的汁液涂于箭头用于狩猎。,又称见血封喉树,“七上八下九倒地”,意思就是说,如果谁中了箭毒木的毒
9、,那么往高处只能走七步,往低处只能走八步,但无论如何,走到第九步,都会倒地毙命,箭毒木又名加独树、剪刀树等,高可达30米,多分布于赤道热带地区,国内则散见于广东、广西、海南、云南等省区。现为濒临灭绝的稀有树种,国家三级保护植物。,南美箭毒 Curare,The deadly South American arrowhead poison curare binds strongly to the ACh receptors,but it does not open their ion channels and is not destroyed by acetylcholinesterase.Wh
10、en a receptor is occupied by curare,ACh cannot bind to the receptor.Hence,there is no EPP in the motor end plate and no contraction.Since the skeletal muscles responsible for breathing(呼吸),curare poisoning can lead to death by asphyxiation(窒息).,肉毒杆菌毒素 Botulin and ACh,Botulin is an enzyme that breaks
11、 down a protein required for the binding and fusion of ACh vesecles with the presynaptic membrane.Hence,it can block the release of acetylcholine from nerve terminals in neuromuscular junction.This poisoning is one of the most potent poisons,which can cause flaccid paralysis(肌肉松驰性瘫痪).,生物武器,它造价低,技术难度
13、传导,可使局部肌肉瘫痪,肌肤因此舒展,皱纹便神奇般消失A型肉毒毒素注射过量可致人死命。但美容除皱注射的A型肉毒毒素是人致死量的3%。注入肌肉后它选择性使肌肉松弛,几乎无多余的A型肉毒毒素进入血液或进入人脑脊液。,有机磷 Organophosphates and acetylcholinerase,Some organophosphates,which are the main ingredients in certain pesticides(农药)and“nerve gases”,inhibit acetylcholinesterase.When ACh binds to the end p
14、late receptors,which is not destroyed,producing a maintained depolarization in the end plate and muscle plasma membrane.Hence,sodium channels enter an inactive state.Muscle does not contract in response to subsequent nerve stimulation,and result is death from asphyxiation(窒息).,Organization of skelet
15、al muscle,Skeletal muscle is made of individual muscle fibers(肌纤维).The muscle fibers are made of fibrils(肌原纤维).The fibrils are divided into individual filaments(肌丝).The filaments are made up of the contractile proteins(收缩蛋白).,肌丝 Filaments,The myofibrils(肌原纤维)contain thick(粗肌丝)and thin filaments(细肌丝)
16、composed of contractile proteins.粗肌丝Thick filaments contain the protein myosin(肌球蛋白,含有横桥).Thin filaments contain proteins actin(肌动蛋白),tropomyosin(原肌球蛋白),and troponin(肌钙蛋白).,横管 T Tubule 与肌浆网 SR之间的关系,Transverse Tubule(T tubule 横管)is formed as an invagination(凹入)of the surface of the muscle membrane.Th
17、e action potential spreading over the surface of the muscle membrane is propagated into the network of T tubules,which forms contacts with sarcoplasmic reticulum(SR肌浆网)SR contains a high concentration of Ca 2+,肌质网 SR and Ca2+release,The T tubule membrane contains dihydropyridine receptor(二氢吡啶受体,a vo
18、ltage-sensitive receptor 电压敏感受体,L-型Ca2+通道)When an action potential is propagated down the T tubule,the local depolarization activates dihydrpopyridine recepotor that in turn opens the Ca2+release channel(终池上的钙离子释放通道,also known as ryanodine receptor)on SR.,肌钙蛋白及其作用,由三个亚单位组成:肌钙蛋白T(TnT)、肌钙蛋白I(TnI)和肌钙蛋白
19、C(TnC)TnT与原肌球蛋白结合,将整个肌钙蛋白固定在原肌球蛋白上。TnC可与Ca+结合。TnI的作用是TnC可与Ca+结合时,将信息传给原肌球蛋白,引起后者发生构象变化并向肌纤蛋白双螺旋沟深部滑行,从而暴露肌纤蛋白的结合位点,使横桥与之结合。,粗肌丝、横桥与细肌丝的关系,Pulling thin filaments inward by the bend of cross bridges is directed toward the center of the thick filament.Each thick filament is surrounded by six thin filam
20、ents,all the which are pulled inward simultaneously through cross-bridge cycling during muscle contraction.,从神经元动作电位到肌纤维收缩-(1),1.Action potential is initiated and propagates in motor neuron axon.2.Action potential triggers release of Ach from axon terminals at neuromuscular junctions.3.Ach binds to
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