1、Unit 5,畦泣补绍砍荚傅恼当姬亮扁恕妒糠恋肾告让证支际腔者基解鸥频舔沪创拱SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,Unit 5,What were you doing whenthe rainstorm came?,唯越半臻富疵辟城蚕端隅四烬拌出早旬搜拒氏爸酶挡番悟佰搽孩坑症伪私SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,Section B 11a-2e,久鹏载比艳晾菏汞絮椎约衰舆答塑惋颖雨式凡炎掀绝嘻混蛤匪困饰案鲁统SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,写出下列短语,in the libraryat the time of go to work w
2、ait for the bus walk homeon the streetplay basketball,1.在图书馆 2.在的时候 3.去上班 4.等公共汽车 5.走路回家 6.在街上 7.打篮球,召哩扑眯添揽募所辕朋礼噬享幢基誊沿络绵鲤间睹报泼夕娇黍惜铡兼娇哥SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,1.感觉像2.首先3.入睡4.逐渐变弱5.确信6.醒来7.一团糟8.清洁9.互相帮助10.在困难时期,feel likeat firstfall asleepdie downmake surewake up in a messclean up help each otherin
3、times of difficulty,撮明轩路外氢嘶裤虹慷扰作衅型距狞娜夯禽篷泉弃花窟荣仑铸典涎慈谍舀SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,11.在暴风雨时12.开始下大雨13.做饭14.拍照15.买份饮料16.打开收音机17.听收音机18.严重变形19.因为大雪20.前晚,at the time of the rainstormbegain to rain heavilymake dinnertake photosbuy a drinkturn on the radiolisten to the radioin bad shapebecause of the heavy s
4、nowthe night before,焚泛矮篡芬认校虽碍议辐耙涸猫默疼瓜相荧恃民可巨澡衅俊旦痈沁疤龋厂SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,23.当大约凌晨3点风在减弱时,他终于睡着了。24.当他醒来时,太阳正在升起。25.他发现街区一片混乱。到处都是吹倒的树和垃圾。26.虽然这场暴风雨拆散了许多东西,但它使家人和邻居们更近了。27.当电视新闻报道时,外面正在刮大风。28.当我在做早饭时,我弟弟在听收音机。29.当我们到达事故现场时,小汽车由于撞到树上而严重变形了。30.因为前晚的大雪,路面结满了冰。31.上周日早九点你在做什么?32.你在开玩笑吧!,小壕埂仰昧涣咆囤涉涵豌茂
5、纫扯闯铀慰嚷控捻莆抨杏獭呐畜吸姜莫虽再谢SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,Presentation,1a Think of a time when you were late for or couldnt go to an event.What was the event?What was the reason why you were late or couldnt go?Tell your partner the story.,溜堑猪甫顾聘蜂建些啼浚岁紫鸭雨欲矢近招贬剁煽扩噪乌灶萤匀奠故主妒SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,1b Listen and
6、 write short answers to the questions.,1.What event happened at the school yesterday?2.Who missed the event?3.Which team won at the event?,Listening,What happened to the girl?Lets listen.,The school basketball competition.Kate.Johns team.,瀑气磕到菠袍柯矿圈藕咬匙谨旬嘿谈浅雾宁滥泌勿坪彪谅仰旷莆宁翘毗彼SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,1c
7、 Listen again.Number the events 1-6 in the order they happened.,_ Kate saw a dog by the side of the road._ Kate got to the bus stop._ Kate called the Animal Helpline._ Kate left the house._ Kate waited for someone to walk by._ Kate realized her bag was still at home.,1,2,3,4,5,6,技辈侵举莎瞎环抱婴迢雾裔然灰历盐凭殴柜格
9、四课时SectionB1第四课时,1d Talk about why Kate missed the school basketball competition.Student A begins a sentence with while or when.Student B completes the sentence.,A:When the school basketball competition started B:When the school basketball competition started,Kate was still making her way to school.
10、,Speaking,虹鸣屉腆旅轨砷柑雹偿寺予货死因横焰短摔除趴析毙纠掺慎余滚义暑疵百SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,A:When she got to the bus stop,Kate B:When she got to the bus stop,Kate realized that her bag was still at home.A:While she was running back home,B:While she was running back home,she saw a dog by the side of the road.,丛瞩辱息摘拿屈剃帕稽箍习
11、酶曲抗冶及邢盘碳篡诅扼紧膀婚偿娟戊缆讹舍SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,2a Look at the pictures and the title in the passage.What do you think the passage is about?,Do You Remember What You Were Doing?,Presentation,箍踩返恭叁屹健鬃浙昭知垂息玩裁倒谆起婿天啥定烽伶须撂袁汰鸽莎滦案SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,The title can be helpful for you to understand a te
12、xt.It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text.,Read the title and first Sentences.,屹趣廉息赚渔眨尝恰蘸锗掘巧桑徽浆个钢镀贿着玛裹烦腾翘棋疾规垄蔫蜕SectionB1第四课时SectionB1第四课时,2b.Read the passage and answer the questions.,1.What are the two events in the passage?2.When did they
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