1、曲靖市申办外商投资企业须知Guide to Application for Establishment of Foreign-invested Enterprises in Qujing City附件1:曲靖市外商投资企业申办程序。Annex 1: Application Procedure for Foreign-invested Enterprises in Qujing 附件2:市商务局外商投资企业合同章程审批需提交材料。Annex 2: Submissions Required by Municipal Bureau of Commerce for Approval over Cont
2、ract & Articles of Association of Foreign-invested Enterprises 附件3:市工商局外商投资企业设立登记需提交材料。Annex 3: Submissions Required by Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce for Establishment and Registration of Foreign-invested Enterprises附件4:国家外汇管理局曲靖市中心支局外商投资企业外汇登记管理需提交材料。Annex 4: Submissions Requir
3、ed by State Administration of Foreign Exchange Qujing Central Sub-branch for Administration of Foreign Exchange Registration by Foreign-invested Enterprises附件5:市国税局外商投资企业登记需提交材料。Annex 5: Submissions Required by Municipal State Taxation Bureau for Registration of Foreign-invested Enterprises 附件6:市地税局
4、外商投资企业登记需提交材料。Annex 6: Submissions Required by Municipal Local Taxation Bureau for Registration of Foreign-invested Enterprises 附件7:市财政局外商投资企业登记需提交材料。Annex 7: Submissions Required by Municipal Finance Bureau for Registration of Foreign-invested Enterprises 附件8:市质监局认证机构办理程序。Annex 8: Application Proce
5、dure for Establishment of Certification Agent Formulated by Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision 附件9:技术转让有关规定。Annex 9: Relevant Provisions Concerning Technical Transfer 附件10:关于中外合资经营企业注册资本与投资总额比例的暂行规定。Annex 10: Provisional Regulations for the Proportion of Registered Capital to Tota
6、l Amount of Investment of Chinese-foreign Equity Joint Ventures附件11:农产品出口审批事项。Annex 11: Approval Matters Concerning Export of Agricultural Products 附件12:农产品出口扶持政策。Annex 12: Support Policies for Export of Agricultural Products 附件13:曲靖农业科技示范园入园企业税收政策(国税)Annex 13: Taxation Policies for Resident Enterpr
7、ises in Qujing Agricultural Sci-tech Demonstration Park (State Tax) 附件14:农业科技示范园内涉外企业相关税收政策(地税)Annex 14: Relevant Taxation Policies for Foreign-related Enterprises in Agricultural Sci-tech Demonstration Park (Local Tax) 曲靖市商务局外国投资管理处Foreign Investment Management Office, Qujing Municipal Bureau of Co
8、mmerce联系电话:08748969282Tel: 0874-8969282附件1Annex 1 曲靖市外商投资企业申办程序Application Procedure for Foreign-invested Enterprises in Qujing向市发改委申请立项报告向市工商局申请企业名称预核准向市商务局申请合同章程审批到技术监督部门申请组织机构代码到市商务局领取批准证书到市工商局办理注册登记、领取营业执照到国家外汇管理局曲靖市中心支局办理登记备案到银行开户到市国税局办理登记备案到市地税局办理登记备案到市财政局办理登记备案到注册会计师事务所办理验资手续按项目建设需要,到土地、建、按项目
9、建设的需要,到土地、环保、林业、农业、建设、卫生、规划、消防等有关部门办理其他相关手续建厂或开业Submit feasibility study report on an enterprise to Municipal Development and Reform Commission Apply for pre-verification of name of the enterprise at Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce Apply for review and approval of contract & Artic
10、les of Association at Municipal Bureau of Commerce Apply for organization code at technical supervisory department Receive approval certificate from Municipal Bureau of Commerce Register at and receive business license from Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce Register at State Adminis
11、tration of Foreign Exchange Qujing Central Sub-branchOpen accounts at banks Register at Municipal State Taxation BureauRegister at Municipal Local Taxation BureauRegister at Municipal Finance BureauComplete asset verification at certified public accountants firm Complete other relevant procedures at
12、 related departments of land resources, environmental department, forestry, agriculture, construction, health, planning and fire control, etc., according to project construction.Build a factory or start business附件2Annex 2 曲靖市商务局外商投资企业合同章程审批需提交材料Submissions Required by Municipal Bureau of Commerce fo
13、r Approval over Contract & Articles of Association of Foreign-invested Enterprises 审批:鼓励类、允许类投资总额在1亿美元以下,限制类投资总额在5000万美元以下的中外合资(合作)企业的合同和章程及独资企业章程。Approval: Contract & Articles of Association of any Chinese-foreign equity (cooperative) joint venture and Articles of Association of any wholly foreign-
14、invested enterprise, where the total amount of investment is bellow US$ 100 million for the categories being encouraged and permitted and below US$ 50 million for the categories being restricted. 转报:鼓励类、允许类投资总额在1亿美元以上,限制类投资总额在5000万美元以上的中外合资(合作)企业的合同和章程及独资企业章程。Forward & report: Contract & Articles of
15、 Association of any Chinese-foreign joint (cooperative) venture and Articles of Association of any wholly foreign-invested enterprise, where total amount of investment is above US$ 100 million for the categories being encouraged and permitted and above US$ 50 million for the categories being restric
16、ted. 审批和转报依据:中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法、中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法实施条例;中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法、中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则、中华人民共和国外资企业法、中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则、中华人民共和国公司法。Basis for approval and forward & report: the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Implementation Rules for Law of the People
17、s Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures, the Implementation Rules for Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures, the Law of the Peoples Republic of Ch
18、ina on Foreign-capital Enterprises, the Implementation Rules for Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Foreign-capital Enterprises and the Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China. 设立中外合资(合作)企业需提交材料Submissions for Establishment of Chinese-foreign Equity (Cooperative) Joint Ventures一、企业设立外资企业的申
19、请书(合资企业中方申请并加盖公章);I.Application for establishment of a foreign-invested enterprise (in the case of an equity joint venture, applied and officially sealed by the Chinese party); 二、合资(合作)企业合同、章程原件(各方法人代表签署);II.Originals of contract & Articles of Association of the equity (cooperative) joint venture (s
20、igned by legal representative of each party); 三、可行性研究报告及发改委的核准(备案)意见书;III.Feasibility study report & Development and Reform Commissions opinions on approval (filing); 四、有效商务注册登记证明(须经所在国家公证机关公证并经我国驻该国使(领)馆认证。香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者的主体资格证明或身份证明应当依法提供当地公证机构的公证文件);IV.Valid commercial registration certification (i
21、t must be notarized by the notary office of the country where the investor is and authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the same country. Notarized documents from local notary office shall be offered for entity qualification or identity certificate of any Hongkong-based, Macao-based or
22、 Taiwan-based investor under laws); 五、外方银行资信证明;V.Bank credit certificate of the foreign party; 六、合资公司董事会人员名单,各方投资者法定代表人签署的委派书,身份证明(复印件),董事长、总经理履历、总经理聘书及身份证明复印件;VI.List of directors of the equity joint venture, letter of assignment signed by the legal representative of each investor, identity certifi
23、cates (copies), resumes of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the General Manager, letter of appointment and copy of identity certificate of the General Manager; 七、行业主管部门意见(按项目建设的需要,如:建设、林业、规划、卫生、农业等主管部门的意见。其中中方涉及国有资产投资,需提供国资管理部门意见。);VII.Opinions of competent department of the industry (e.g.
24、, competent departments concerning construction, forestry, planning, health and agriculture, according to project construction. Where the Chinese party is involved in investment with state-owned assets, opinions of state-owned assets administration are required); 八、环保部门初步选址意见;VIII.Opinions of enviro
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- 行政公文 行政 公文 曲靖市 申办 外商投资企业 须知
