1、“醒脑开窍”针法简介Introduction of XNKQ Acupuncture,“醒脑开窍”针法是石学敏院士1972年针对中风病的基本病机,即瘀血、肝风、痰浊等病理因素蒙蔽脑窍导致“窍闭神匿,神不导气”而提出的治疗法则和针刺方法。XNKQ Acupuncture is raised by Shi Xue-MIN Academician in 1972.It aimed at the basic pathogenesis,such as blood stasis,liver wind,phlegm which lead to orifices closed,consciousness lo
2、st and Qi-disorder.,在选穴上以阴经和督脉穴为主,并强调针刺手法量学规范,有别于传统的取穴和针刺方法。The points on Yin meridians and Du meridian are mainly selected and standard quantitative manipulations are applied emphatically,which are quite different from traditional point selection and acupuncture manipulations in treatment of stroke
3、.,治 疗 方 法 Treatment,1.处 方 主穴:内关(手厥阴心包经)人中(督脉)三阴交(足太阴脾经)1.Point PrescriptionMainpoints:Neiguan(PC 6,the Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Juejin)Renzhong(DU 26,the DU Meridian)Sanjinjiao(SP 6,the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin),辅穴:极泉(手少阴心经)委中(足太阳膀胱经)尺泽(手太阴肺经)Supplementary points:Jiquan(HT 1,the Heart Meri
4、dian of Hand-shaoyin)Weizhong(BL 40,the Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang)Chize(LU 5,the Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin),配穴:吞咽障碍加风池、翳风、完骨;手指握固加合谷;语言不利加上廉泉,金津、玉液放血;足内翻加丘墟透照海。Point Modification:For difficulty of swallowing,Fengchi(GB 20),Yifeng(SJ 17)and Wangu(GB 12)are added.For failing to extend finger
5、s with stiffness,Hegu(LI 4)is added.For slurred speech,Shanglianquan(EX-HN)is added,and Jinjin(EX-HN 12)and Yuye(EX-HN13)are used with blood-letting method.For strephenopodia,penetrating method from Qiuxu(GB 40)to Zhaohai(KI 6)is used.,2.操作方法 Manipulation,内 关Neiguan(PC 6),直刺0.51寸,采用捻转提插结合泻法,施手法1分钟;,
6、First puncture bilateral Neiguan(PC 6)perpendicularly for 0.5-1 cun,using combinative reducing method of lifting-thrusting and twirling-rotating the needle for 1 minute;,人 中Renzhong(DU 26),Secondly puncture Renzhong(DU 26)obliquely upwards to the nasal septum for 0.3-0.5 cun with heavy bird-pecking
7、method until the patients eyeballs are moistened or tears flow down.,向鼻中隔方向斜刺0.30.5寸,用重雀啄法,至眼球湿润或流泪为度;,三 阴 交Sanyinjiao(SP 6),沿胫骨内侧缘与皮肤呈45度角斜刺,进针11.5,用提插补法,使患侧下肢抽动3次为度Thirdly puncture Sanyinjiao(SP 6)obliquely for 1-1.5 cun,at the angle of 45 degrees with the skin surface along the posterior border o
8、f the medial aspect of the tibia,with reinforcing method of lifting and thrusting the needle to make the affected low limb have tic for three times.,极 泉Jiquan(HT 1),原穴沿经下移1寸,避开腋毛,直刺11.5寸,用提插泻法,以患侧上肢抽动3次为度。,Select Jiquan(HT 1)point at 1 cun below the original location along the heart meridian to keep
9、 away from the armpit hair,puncture perpendicularly for 1-1.5 cun with reducing method of lifting and thrusting the needle to make the affected upper limb have tic for three times.,尺 泽Chize(LU 5),屈肘成120度角,直刺1寸,用提插泻法,使患者前臂、手指抽动3次为度。,Perpendicularly puncture Chize(LU 5)for 1 cun depth while the forear
10、m bends to form an angle of 120 degrees with reducing manipulation of lifting and thrusting the needle until the affected arm and fingers have tic for three times.,委 中Weizhong(BL 40),仰卧直腿抬高取穴,直刺0.51寸,施提插泻法,使患侧下肢抽动3次为度。,Select Weizhong(BL 40)point with the supine position and the lower limb lifted,pu
11、ncture perpendicularly for 0.5-1 cun,with reducing method of lifting and thrusting to make the lower limb have tic for 3 times.,风池、完骨、翳风Fengchi(GB 20)Wangu(GB 12)Yifeng(SJ 17),针向结喉,进针22.5寸采用小幅度高频率捻转补法,每穴施手法1分钟;,Puncture Fengchi(GB 20),Wangu(GB 12)and Yifeng(SJ 17)in the direction of the laryngeal pr
12、otuberance for 2-2.5 cun,with reinforcing manipulation of twirling and rotating the needle in high frequency and small amplitude for 1 minute to each acupoint.,合谷针向三间穴Hegu(LI 4)toSanjian(LI 3),进针11.5寸,采用提插泻法,使患者第二手指抽动或五指自然伸展为度;,Puncture Hegu(LI 4)1-1.5 cun in depth with the needle tip toward Sanjian
13、(LI 3),with reducing method of lifting and thrusting to make the patients second finger or five fingers extended freely.,上廉泉Shanglianquan(EX-HN),针向舌根1.52寸,用提插泻法;,Puncture Shanglianquan(EX-HN)for 1.5-2 cun,with the needle tip towards the root of the tongue and reducing method of lifting and thrusting
14、 the needle.,金津、玉液Jinjin(EX-HN12)Yuye(EX-HN13),用三棱针点刺放血,出血12毫升;,Prick Jinjin(EX-HN12)and Yuye(EX-HN13)with the three-edged needle to cause bleeding for 1-2ml.,丘墟透向照海穴Qiuxu(GB 40)toZhaohai(KI 6),约1.52寸,局部酸胀为度。,Puncture Qiuxu(GB 40)1.5-2 cun in depth with the needle tip toward Zhaohai(KI 6),until sore
15、ness and distension occurred locally.,醒脑开窍针刺法适宜病症THE Suitable Diseases Of XNKQ Acupuncture,1.中风病及其并发症的治疗 Treatment of Stroke and Complications2.神志、精神疾患的治疗 Treatment of consciousness and mental disorders3.厥闭脱证的治疗 Treatment of prostration syndrome with fainting and closure 4.痛症的治疗 Treatment of pain5.各
16、种脑病的治疗 Treatment of encephalopathy6.各种疑难杂症的治疗 Treatment of Difficult Miscellaneous Diseases,1.中风病及其并发症的治疗Treatment of Stroke and Complications,中风病的治疗难点The Problems of Treating Apoplexy,如何减轻血管神经单元的损害、促进重构神经组织、重建脑组织循环是神经功能恢复的根本。中风病治疗的难点及突破点,聚焦在神经与血管的新生。How to reduce the damage of neurovascular unit,pr
17、omote reconstruction of nerve tissue and brain circulation is important for neurological recovery.The treatment of stroke is focus on the regeneration of blood vessels and nerves.,目前,治疗中风病最有效的方法是卒中单元,但是现代医学意义上的卒中单元需要较高的软硬件配备,无法于现有医疗资源基础上推广应用。所以,如何利用有效的中医手段构建符合中国特色的“中风单元”是今后重要的研究方向。Currently,the stro
18、ke unit are the most effective ways to stroke,but modern medical unit requires advanced software and hardware which does not meet the available medical resource.Therefore,how to effectively use the traditional method to set up Chinese characteristic stroke unit is an important research direction in
19、the future.,针刺是我国治疗中风病的重要手段,也是构建“中风单元”的主要因素。“醒脑开窍”针刺法在临床上取得了显著疗效,并被国家列为重大科技推广项目。Acupuncture are effective treatment in China and important factors of stroke unit.“XNKQ acupuncture”get great clinical effect,and has achieved remarkable listed by the state science and technology major promotion project
20、s.,(1)椎-基底动脉供血不足:针风池、完骨、天柱、颈椎夹脊穴,vertebro-basilar artery insufficiency:Puncture Fengchi(GB 20),Wangu(GB 12),Tianzhu(BL10),Cervical Jiaji Points(EX-B2).,(2)吞咽障碍:针风池、完骨、翳风、咽后壁点刺,Dysphgia:Puncture Fengchi(GB 20),Wangu(GB 12),Yifeng(SJ 17),Prick Posterior Pharyngeal.,风池、完骨、翳风三穴均向喉结方向斜刺,进针22.5寸,施用小幅度;高频率
21、捻转补法,即捻转幅度小于 90;捻转频率为120160转/分钟,行手法1分钟。要求双手操作同时捻转,留针2030分钟。,风池、完骨、翳风,(3)语言謇涩:针上廉泉、金津、玉液,Inhibited Speech:Puncture Shanglianquan(EX-HN),Jinjin(EX-HN12),Yuye(EX-HN13).,颈 椎 夹 脊 穴,Cervical Jiaji Points(EX-B2),颈椎夹脊穴于颈椎正中线旁开0.5寸,平棘突直刺0.81寸,每对穴施捻转补法30秒。均留针20分钟。,(5)复视:针天柱、晴明、球后,Double Vision:Puncture Fengch
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