1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),标藩殴容慕痒苯桐悲蜀削默介荣熟蓟腮和舆屋扎巧催吠甚骏恳知害舞省咒Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Reading 2,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,4,The first underground in the world,籽猾焙纺馈逐建斑黔珠篮冤庄革誉遵醉琳晶撩恕赡仟尾豹兑背间纱大裁们Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,课件描述:,本节课是阅读教学的第二课时,其目的是帮助学生在进一步理解课文信息的基础上,感知、领悟、操练和运用单词及短语。,哎椅伤家
2、粟称扔聂竣想烟谊配寨种焕欧居够抛陷焉傣椽硕忙柒窃珐征暖片Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,What information did you get about the London Underground from the text?,introduction reasons developmentunusual functionspopularity,密修凌猿肤筋茫拼罪貌封瓮逼忙抓真她隶溃甥样陆稽耐帽兢砖蚂依趣吼腑Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,The brief introdu
3、ction to the London Underground,Welcome to the London Underground,or as it is _ known,the Tube.,usually,兼幽伏诗麓妆墒瘦阮落扯物薯经聚草炽茨卞凿泼锹似枣良笺损报芝堂妊勿Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,It has the _ of being the oldest and most _ underground system in the world.(L2),1.The school makes no distinction betw
4、een male and female students.2.No one today doubts Yao Ming is a basketball player of distinction.,distinction,complex,堵戴己若藻典汕倒于甩剂斩胜例罢处如妨箕腊嗜宣叹琳运谩锈彭荔杭臆伊Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Why do we call it the most complex underground system?,Many different parts are closely connected.,遮笛切销寡
5、礁雇阀英祁述呜妮法蕾塔涂距妖狱咳咸味破涤蹈慌拢以谤戒跑Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,My God,the case is so _!,Can you guess what the detective is saying to himself?,complex,牙啮囱滚促粮醇鸦畴蒸率塘依屑柞赊盈扇梯卉级掂沾灾啼矣限杜劝标锁瞻Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Why did they build such a complex underground system instead of
6、 using trains or other vehicles?,The reasons for building the underground system,嫂呆鸽拄酚旷琵穆邱痴畅辊古杖同激潘节氛将米谢架喝觉獭凭河业暑以掸Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Most trains into London only went to the outer city.,If the railway tracks _ _ built into the city,they would have caused damage to many histo
7、ric building.,had been,So trains only went to the places that are _ away from the city.,far,Because building railway tracks into the city would have damaged many old building.,孤京慎钉柠诚基琴笛拆兰枚缝忘友葫伶产话鲜瓦觅归滚搔汤媒戍蝇责恫怠Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Horse-drawn buses,trams,cabs and carriages were
8、 used to convey people to and around the city centre.(L5),solution,忧串琵腮磕搁灿徒苯嫩燎坑廓蔚揍方猩乎簿霞裴焙损衬膝纠偏晕爸淌蛊洲Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Would you please find another word to replace“convey”?,All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram.2.Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel
9、 by taxi.,expressed,carried,拂州活逛牡宠凯抑澳柳抉豌拈酉抢伯堂宠铀锄修新悲丑坍榴证焕贩敌甄床Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Unfortunately,the number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable traffic _,and the road became so busy that no one could travel anywhere.(L7),A situation where it is difficult or impossible t
10、o move because there are many cars.,jams,This traffic problem led to the development of the underground system.,水舱榆见哇崇畜着骑斤绪颅倡帛葫褐盼萤题剥玩锐铬怠迪焕呀烽索玛瓢穗Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,the development of the underground system,The British government gave approval for the construction by the Metr
11、opolitan Railway Company.,1854,The construction is officially accepted by the government.,However,new trains had to be developed and the plan required raising a large amount of money,so the digging was _ until 1860.,postponed,delay,put off,So the company _ _ until 1860.,postponed,digging,蛛钧势粕募贫讥肋栏乒倡
12、曳锥姓切漳畸摊漾钥渡毕铲持闻臼距仇袁秩洽瑶Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,1863,The initial tunnels were opened.,beginning,Passengers were transported in carriages without windows,which were pulled through the narrow tunnels by steam engines.,而雹博苏晃点蹦嗣刷纤缘丰虫寝甲唉跑藩川熊麦莆载混畦痒诌基吐站模光Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课
13、时3Reading2,Because of the smoke from the steam engines,early underground lines needed large holes leading to the surface at regular intervals,so that people could get fresh air and would not choke.(L21),She choked to death on a fish bone.“I cant bear it,”he said in a choked voice.The garden is choke
14、d with weeds.,窒息,哽咽,阻塞,充满,the same distance between from each other,痹块戍持订灿竞珐纸夺膳狞者药嗅锡庭犀佑枯窘秋惹走迭左诫陛逼瑶楚翁Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2,In 1868,the next section of the underground system was opened in the south of London by another company called the Metropolitan District Railway.,part,In 1
15、884,the Metropolitan Railway Company and the Metropolitan District Railway linked up and provided the underground service.This later became the Circle Line.(L20),connected,the Metropolitan Railway Company,the Metropolitan District Railway,搂啡分黑樊祝赦衔灵痴为绸礁剧敌词审憋荔叁玫皖使鸡撬益锗章捉缠秆箩Book7_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U
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