1、影响CT冠状动脉成像质量的主要因素,因 素 设备参数 空间分辨力 探测器层厚度 时间分辨力 球管选择速度 Z轴时间分辨力 探测器宽度 后处理功能 简便、实用的后处理 软件,冠状动脉管腔大于50%狭窄者,16排CT与64排CT的比较 Sep Spe PPV NPV16MSCT 95%69%79%92%64MSCT 97%90%93%96%Hamon M,Radiology,2007,Dec,245(3):720-731.,16排CT在空间分辨力方面仍是限制准确评价冠脉病变的因素 Iriart X,Eur.Radiol,2007,(10)17:2581-2588 Knollmann F,Int.J
2、.Cardiovasc Imaging,2007 Set.12 Hamon M,Radiology,2007 Dec,245(3):720-731.,64-slice CT with z-Sharp technology,0.6 x 32 x 2=64,Spartial resolution:0.4mm x 0.4mm x 0.4mmTemporal resolution:0.33s/r 165 ms,Courtesy of Siemens medical solution China,Dual Source CT,Courtesy of Siemens medical solution Ch
3、ina,TOSHIBA,Z-轴时间分辨力:16 cm coverage per rotation空间分辨力:320 x 0.5 mm detector elements时间分辨力:350 msec rotation time(数据由东芝公司提供),one aquilion,256-iCT,Z-轴时间分辨力:8cm纳米探测器空间分辨力:0.625x128(256Slices)时间分辨力:270 msec rotation time(数据由Philips公司提供),VCT-XT:GEZ-轴时间分辨力:4 cm coverage per rotation空间分辨力:64 x 0.625 mm det
4、ector elements时间分辨力:350 msec rotation time前瞻性ECG门控扫描:实时心电信号调节,降低辐射剂量吕滨,中华放射学杂志,2007,41(10),1011,心脏、冠状动脉CT检查:更高的时间分辨力更高的空间分辨力最小的辐射剂量更宽的探测器(Z轴时间分辨力)简便易行的后处理软件,推荐选择设备:使用64排以上CT设备,空间分辨力为毫米级0.4x0.4x0.4 mm,Y,Z,X,螺旋CT三维重建技术,冠、矢状位重建Co.Sa.Reconstruction多层面重建-MPR最大密度投影重建-MIP最小密度投影重建-Mip容积编码重建Volume Rendering,
5、多层螺旋CT技术进展,冠脉检查注意要点,技术简介和心理沟通呼吸训练心律和心率的干预硝酸甘油的使用,五、心脏CT成像适应症简介,美国多学科学会联合推荐心脏(包括心胸部)CT成像适应征:ACCF/ACR/SCCT/SCMR/ASNC/NASCI/SCAI/SIRJournal of American college of Cardiology 2006,48:1475-1497,19分法CT心脏检查分级(79分),1,有症状者、中等以上冠心病风险、ECG不 确切、不能进行运动试验,无症状者不推 荐CT检查(筛查)2,急性胸痛者,中等以上冠心病风险、ECG无改 变、酶学正常者3,各种检查结果均不能明
6、确诊断者4,冠状动脉、大血管、心腔和瓣膜等的形态学检查5,肿瘤、血栓、心包病变、肺静脉、冠状动脉内 乳动脉、主动脉夹层动脉瘤、肺栓塞,正常冠状动脉,正常冠状动脉,不同心率冠脉成像结果(支数%),血管成 90像等级 4 148 82.2 322 78.5 218 66.1 120 70.6 34 48.6 3 28 15.6 82 20.0 98 29.7 41 24.1 25 35.7 2 4 2.2 6 1.4 14 4.2 8 4.71 11 15.2 1 0 0 0 1 0.6 0,正常冠状动脉,左冠状动脉狭窄,CTA 与DSA对照,CTA与DSA对照,前降支狭窄,明确诊断后介入治疗,C
7、T检测冠脉狭窄准确性MDCT vs.ANGIOGRAPHY,作者 例数 旋转时间/周 敏感度 特异度 阴性期望值 不能评价Leschka 53 370 ms 94%97%99%-Raff 70 330 ms 86%95%98%12%Leber 59 330 ms 73%97%99%-Mollet 52 330 ms 99%95%99%2%Ropers 82 330 ms 95%93%99%4%杨立等 61 330 ms 90%94%93%-,冠脉粥样硬化斑块,钙化(混合性)斑块 纤维斑块 软斑块(脂池)Agatston Score 90+20HU 30+20HU,管壁偏心性斑块,管壁偏心性斑块
8、,管壁偏心性斑块,管壁偏心性斑块,管壁环周性斑块,粥样硬化斑块导致管腔狭窄,冠脉血管造影,冠脉支架治疗,The progress of coronary atherosclerosis,Plaque rupture resulting myocardium infarction,Courtesy of Dr.Wei Li-xin.PLA General Hospital,China,The vulnerable plaque without lumen stenosis,The aids of coronary CT imaging:detect the vulunerable plaque
9、before rupture,Courtesy of Dr.Wei Li-xin.PLA General Hospital,China,CT发现冠脉斑块的敏感度PLAQUE DETECTION:MDCT VS.IVUS,83 segments in 22 patients Sensitivity plaque per segment:94%(all)16-slice CT 53%(non-calcified)Achenbach et al:Circulation 2003-58 vessels in 37 patients Sensitivity plaque detection:85%(al
10、l)16-slice CT 82%(non-calcified)Laber et al.JACC 2004-32 vessels in 18 patients Sensitivity plaque detection:84%(all)64-slice CT Leber et al JACC 2005,The controversy in identification of plaque types with MSCT,Soft plaque:11+/-12HU Fibrous plaque:76+/21HU Calcified plaque:516+/-198HU There were sta
11、tistically highly significant differences in the densitometric characteristics among the plaques and lumen The IVUS-based coronary plaque configuration can be accurately identified by MSCT.Motoyama S.Circulation J.2007 Mar:71:363-366,Soft plaque 14 26 HU,Intermediate plaque 91 21 HU,calcified plaque
12、 419 194 HU,Schroeder et al.JACC 2001,The controversy in identification of plaque types:MSCT vs.IVUS,Courtesy of Dr.Lars K.Hofmann,The controversy in identification of plaque types with MSCT,The overlap of CT value on the plaque composition:16-slice CT results vs.IVUS mean CT value IVUS 58+/-43HU Hy
13、po-echo.Plaque 121+/-34HU Hyper-echo.PlaqueSignificant differences and substantial overlap between the plaques types Pohal K.atherosclerosis,2007,Jan,190:174-180.,LAD:soft-plaque,No significant stenosis,PLAQUE TRANSFORM,A 54-y/o man with“cardiopalmus”.LAD irregular-surface plaque with lower density
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