1、1,几个概念,创伤多发伤多部位伤复合伤,轻伤中等伤重伤,严重创伤,2,Why should we learn trauma anesthesia?,Anesthesiologists are being faced with anesthetizing an increasing number of trauma patientAll anesthesiologists will likely have significant and unpredictable exposure to trauma patients,3,In 1993,approximately 90,000 individ
2、uals in the U.S died of accidental injuries,for a rate of 34.9 deaths per 100,000 population,the second lowest accidental death rate on record,4,In the same year there were an estimated 18,200,000 disabling accidental injuries,or about 2,080 injuries every hour,and the 90,000 accidental deaths amoun
3、ted to 1 every 6 minutes-and these numbers excluded the rising level of intentional injuries caused by attempted or successful suicides and homicides,5,Injury ranks as the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S.Currently,for American younger than 40 years,trauma is the most common cause of death,f
4、ollowing heart disease,cancer,and cerebrovascular disease,6,Potential roles of the anesthesiologist in this area,Trauma team memberTrauma team leaderAnesthesiologistCritical care physician,7,Pain relief physicianProhospital care physicianCritical care transport physician or directorDisaster planning
5、 consultant,8,病情评估,9,病情评估,评分系统(scoring system)创伤机制(mechanisms of injury),10,Scoring system,ASAPSGCS:a useful prognostic tool for patient with acute head injuriesTS,RTS(revised trauma score)and PTS(pediatric trauma score):used to predict outcome and direct patients to appropriate facilities.CRAMS Sco
6、re,ASA分级,12,GCS(Glasgow coma score),Eye opening(41)Verbal responses(51)Motor responses(61),轻型:1315分,意识障碍20min以内中型:912分,意识障碍20min 6h重型:38分,伤后昏迷至少6h以上或伤后24h内情况再次恶化者,13,Eye opening,Spontaneous-4To voice-3To pain-2To none-1,14,Verbal reponses,Oriented-5Confused-4Inappropriate-3Incomprehensive words-2Non
7、e-1,15,Motor response,Obeys command-6Localizes pain-5Withdraws(pain)-4Flexion(pain)-3Extension(pain)-2None-1,16,创伤机制,虽然创伤的原因多种多样,但各种创伤导致的损伤机制是相同的,因此可以用创伤性疾病(traumatic disease)来概括各种创伤导致的机体损害了解创伤的损伤机制是创伤治疗的前提钝性损伤与穿透性损伤颈部与气道创伤胸部创伤闭合性头部损伤与开放性股骨骨折,18,严重创伤病人的病情特点,病情紧急,伤情复杂生理紊乱重,并发症多,死亡率高疼痛剧烈饱胃,19,严重创伤病人的麻
8、醉处理特点,不能耐受深麻醉难以配合局部麻醉麻醉药物作用时间明显延长容易误吸常需支持循环功能,20,术前准备,Preoperative Preparation,21,原则,按步骤获取病史、体检、诊断和治疗的程序不适用于创伤病人在经过3045s的病情判断后应立即开始创伤救治经过初期复苏治疗后,应除外一切可能的隐匿损伤,22,程序(sequence of management of trauma patients),OverviewPerform visual scan of patient for obvious injuriesObtain history from prehospital pe
9、rsonnel and patient(if able)Primary survey(ascertain“ABCDEs”)Airway maintenance(with cervical spine control)Look for chest wall movements,retraction,and nasal flaringListen for breath sounds,stridor,and obstucted ventilationFeel for air movement,23,Primary survey(ascertain“ABCDEs”)Breathing(give sup
10、plemental oxygen)Determine whether ventilation is adequateInspect chest to exclude open pneumothoraxAuscultate for bilateral breath soundsProvide assisted ventilation for ventilatory failureCirculation(establish venous access)Check peripheral pulses,capillary refill,and blood pressureObtain electroc
11、ardiogramGrade shock according to vital signsCorrect hypovolemia and obtain blood samples,24,Primary survey(ascertain“ABCDEs”)Disability(determine neurologic status)Evaluate central functionA:alertV:responds to vocal stimulusP:responds to painful stimulusU:unresponsiveEvaluate pupil response to ligh
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