1、教 学 进 度 表周次起讫日期教材内容备注18.188.31Unit 129.39.739.109.1449.179.21Unit 259.249.2869.3010.7国庆节放假Unit 3710.810.12810.1510.19910.2210.26Recycle 11010.2911.2Unit 41111.511.91211.1211.16Unit 51311.1911.231411.2611.30Unit 61512.312.71612.1012.14Recycle 21712.1712.21课程表: 周一周二周三周四周五1236.
2、355.16.26.5 6.4午休6.466.26.375.5六年二班学生成绩表序 号姓 名序 号姓 名1武 云 朝948731付 俊 博98872宋 浩 佳768932胡 新 宇75863孟 令 佳986533盛 可 欣99874阴 玉 琢988734李 知 涵76885鞠 赫 馨758635石 金 田100986董 济 玮998736刘 圆 圆99887徐 婉 婷768837张 凤 奇76878李 金 泽1009838候 纯 心98869张 启 佳998839王 浩 宇868510张 健 升768740彭 柯 瑀657911李 莹988641张 美 姬908912赵 玥868542曹 东1
3、009813由 广 建657943李 慧 敏998814王 晓 宇908944曲 唯 溪76871 5宋 佳 琪828745邹 佳988616杜 松 经88904617陈 鹏891004718孙 明76894819李 煜 锦98654920杨 明 宇98875021怀 爽75865122李 明 月99875223阴 玉 言76885324王 喻 瑾100985425李 敏99885526杨 铭75865627韩 彦 飞99875728齐 美 玲76885829尹 航100985930马 亮998860六年三班学生成绩表序 号姓 名序 号姓 名1杨 彦 维8910031郭 鑫 磊891002杨
4、一 鸣768932贾 晨 晓76893赵 一 名988933刘 斯 文98894国 梦 涵789034姚 宇 芳78905段 林 喜897835徐 萌89786张 传 卉9010036周 金 雨901007任 新 月1009137王 子 硕100918李 佳 琪988738夏 馨 雨98879谷 洋 洋909739潘 洪 成909710梁 爱 兰789040李 建 华789011刘 新 宇909241高 广 超909212始 玉 琪979442杨 阳979413刘 浩948743刘 雨 晴948714裴 春 瑞768944李 佳 良768915姜 彪986545朱 立 昊986516姜 齐 严
5、908946刘 忠 阳908917迟 良 玉828747于 安 琪828718张 济 行889048李 佳 山889019李 玲 宇8910049林 千 琦8910020李 胜 东76895021张 玉98655122杨 欣98875223徐 硕75865324李 俊 莹99875425徐 佳 欣76885526李 俞 铮100985627谭 斌99885728孙 长 宇75865829谷 俊 军76875930卢 文 博657860六年四班学生成绩表序 号姓 名序 号姓 名1施 萍 芮768931赵 彦 超98652孙 玉 亮986532杨 泽 昱98873王 心 怡988733崔 晓 莹7
6、5864郭 东 浩758634刘 孝 博99875杨 子 欣998735王 文 博76886迟 艳 君768836严 硕100987王 浩 坤1009837吴 熙99888贾 金 恒998838凤 佳 兴75869王 璐 莹768739张 雪 莹998710赵 子 轩988640薛 冰768811齐 心868541赵 艳 奇1009812陈 晓 阳768942史 贺 云998813李 炳 达986543梁 惠988614李 明 轩988744梁 博 瑞868515郭 东 旭758645姜 祉 卉768916郭 彦 良998746轩 浩 元986517胡 宪 阳768847鲁 俊 麒859818
7、史 文 康100984819高 峥99884920野 瑛 嘉76875021田 歌98865122孙 佳 乐86855223李 美 琪98655324王 文 奇98875425尹 佳 恒75865526周 美 杰99875627姜 博 文76885728杨 彤100985829桂 子 明99885930赵 宣 林758660六年五班学生成绩表序 号姓 名序 号姓 名1孟 柏 伊优优31唐 凡 婷优优2严 立 阳优优32谷 雨 松优优3杨 子 桐优优33林 琪 琪优优4王 杰 森良良34周 泽 鑫良良5刘 尧优优35刘 宇 超优优6景 姣 姣优优36刘 宇 佳优优7刘 宇 航优优37席 正 昱优
8、优8徐 鑫 研优优38王 云 达优优9李 钦 语优优39计 新 月优优10温 凯 博优优40汪 双 泽优优11史 林良优41张 家 玮良优12王 佳 琦优优42郭 嘉 邑优优13钟 立 新优优43刘 洪 言优优14潘 雷 凯优优44王 新 月优优15李 阳优良45刘 家 溪优良16刘 子 行优优46杜 威 力优优17曹 玲 月优优47吴 蔚优优18张 馨 芳优优48姜 安 琪优优19李 元 博良良49孙 宇 航良良20张 金 平优优50黄 国 栋优优21张 麟优优51魏 浩 天优优22杨 馥 榕优优52李 恒 辉优优23吴 昊优优53吴 艳 莹优优24杨 艳 丽优优54靳 博 文优优25杜 献
9、 策优优5526孙 鹤 松优优5627姚 欣 桐优优5728吕 卓 然良优5829孙 琦 贺优优5930赵 贺优优60学情分析:1:班级情况分析:五年组一共5个班,每班平均60人,每个班学生的学习成绩差异很大。需要因材施教。:2:学生家庭情况分析:他们大多数都是农民家庭,孩子接触英语的机会不是很多,另外,家长也不能及时辅导,监督和检查孩子的英语方面的缺点和不足,以至于很多孩子英语水平不高,有些孩子的英语水平甚至可以用很差来形容。3:学生情况分析:由于学生的家庭情况和个体差异,导致学生们的英语水平都不一样,有些两极分化,需要进行因材施教。Unit 1 How can I get there? L
10、esson1Period OneTeaching contents: Part A lets learn & lets playTeaching aims:1 To enable the students to master the four skills phrases: science museum post office bookstore cinema hospital 2 To enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following sentence patterns: Where is the
11、museum shop ?Teaching focus: To master the four skills phrases: Teaching difficulty:To difficulty : four words Teaching methods: Communicative ApproachTeaching aids:1. Word cards2. Tape recorder and tape3. Multi-media player4. Teaching thought: Invite students to answer the questions so that the tea
12、cher can check the studentsunderstand1. (Warm-up) Greeting: Good morning , class ! Glad to meet you again. How are you? What day is it? What s the date? Whats the weather like today?2. Presentation Show a picture of busT: Whats this? S: Its a bus.T: I go to school by bus. Where is the museum shop ?I
13、ts next to the museum Subway: Its an underground railway in a cityIt travels very fastWe can see a great museum 3. Play games Ask one S to the front and stick the word cards next to the phrases written on the Bb when T read the new phrases quickly and the other Ss put up their cards. The one who ref
14、lect fastest and correctly is the winner.4. Listen to the tape of Part A Lets learn and follow it.Pay attention to the tone and pronunciation5. Practice: Lets playSs practice with above places and ways in pairs:Encourage the Ss to make up as many sentences as they can.6. Spelling competitionDivide t
15、he class into tow groups. Show the pictures of traffic tools and ask Ss to spell the phrases. The first one who puts up hand gets the chance to spell. The group spell out more phrases are the winners.Homework Copy the new words and phrases Finish Page1 of the ABBb design:Unit One Science museum post
16、 office Bookstore cinema hospital Teaching thought: Give students an example so that they can understand the teachers questions clearly. Unit1 How can I get there? Lesson 2Teaching contents: Lets try & lets talkTeaching aims:1. To master the four skills sentence: “Where is the cinema ? Its next to t
17、he bookstore ? 2. To enable the Ss to ask and answer about traffic ways and explain the simple reason why he or she chose this traffic 3. science museum post office 4. To make the Ss understand the listening material in “Lets try” 情感目的Teaching focus:文中的新句子 To use and write the following key sentence
18、s: Where is the cinema ?Its next to the bookstore Usually I go to school by bike. Sometimes I go on foot.Teaching difficult points:To write the key sentences: How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike.To use Adverbs of frequency: usually, sometimesTeaching aids:
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- 董玉丽 上册 教案 六年级
