1、英语(外研社)(三起)第一册Module 8Unit 1 Is it a monster ?【教学内容分析】本课是外研社小学英语新课标三年级起点第一册第8模块的第一单元,课标要求学生在图片和动作的提示下能够听懂简单的故事,并能做简单的角色扮演。课文通过Sam和朋友在室外玩风筝,而风筝的图案吸引了路过的小朋友,他们通过Is it a .? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.来猜测那是什么东西。他们最后认为是Monster,吓得抱头大喊“help”, 这时Sam 从树后面出来,那两个小朋友也看清楚了他们看到的东西是kite,而不是monster.生动形象的多媒体资源为学生提供了比课本
2、更生动更真实更丰富的资源,更容易引起学生的兴趣,因此有助于培养学生观察和判断事物的能力,容易激发与培养学生的想象力,使学生可以在生动活泼的氛围中进行创新思维。 【教学目标分析】1、语言知识目标: (1)能听、说、读词汇:or, no, know, kite, new, monster, help. (2)能听懂、能实际运用句型: Is it a .?的语言结构, 并会用Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.来进行回答。2、语言技能目标:通过本模块的学习,学生能用英语对不确定的事物进行猜测,并对别人的猜测进行Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.回答。3、情感目标: (1
3、)通过动物单词、句型的学习以及情境教学,培养学生认真观察周围事物的习惯,主动关心他人,积极与他人进行交往的品质。(2)培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。培养学生的自主学习能力、参与语言交际的能力和团结合作精神。【教学重点和难点】重点:1、掌握以下单词:or, no, know, kite, new, monster, help2、运用Is it a .?来猜测不确定的物品,并用Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.来回答。难点:1、熟练掌握本单元的单词和句型,能在实际生活中灵活运用。2、创设英语情景,使学生正确运用一般疑问句询问物品的名称。【教法和学法】 在教学中,我尽量采用直观教学法入手
4、,抓住学生兴趣。通过制作PPT和光盘辅助教学,创设一系列情景,让学生在具体的情景中学习新单词、新句型,听听、看看、说说、读读。运用于语言交流,使整个教学源于生活,又用于生活,创设了真实的生活场景,使学生学有所用,体验成功的喜悦。我具体采用“任务型教学法”、“活动性教学法”和“情境教学法”来完成教学任务。借助小道具,进行小组对话,全班问答。在会话教学中鼓励学生勇于说,有感情,有条理地说,培养学生口头表达能力。 【课前准备】CD-ROM、PPT、单词卡片数张、礼物盒、笑脸与哭脸的牌子。Step One: Warm up(5min)1. Greeting:T: Good morning, boys
5、and girls. S: Good morning, Ms Feng .T: How are you ?S: Im fine. Thank you, and you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you. Sit down, please.2. Sing a song: How old are you, Sam?(设计意图:通过简单的几句问候,让学生立刻融入英语学习的氛围中去,无形中拉近了师生间的距离。轻快活泼的英文歌曲演唱,可以为学生营造浓厚的英语氛围,激起学生的兴趣,引导学生乐于用英语开口说话。)Step Two: Presentaion and practice.1.1
6、) (CAI) Show the pictures and ask:T: Whats this?( book, pencil, pen, window, school bag)Ss: Its a book, pencil, 2). Show a picture a cat kite and learn the new words new, kite.T: Whats this?Ss: Its a cat.T: Now is it a cat? Yes or no?Ss: No.T: No, it isnt. Is it a kite? Yes or no.Ss: Yes.T: Yes, it
7、is.2.Look at the PPT to tell the pronunciation of the two words. 3) Say a chant to practice new and kite. My my , 我的. New, new, 新的Kite, kite, 风筝 My new kite,我的新风筝。Cat, cat, its a cat. Kite, kite, its a kite. Cat, kite, its a cat kite. 4) Play the CD-ROM to think about what happen between Daming and
8、Sam. 5) Look at the PPT to learn the new knowledge Is it a .? Yes, it is/ No, it isnt. (learn the new words no, isnt = is not) Step Three: Text-Learning.1.(CAI) Show a monster kite and learn the new words monster and new sentences:I dont know, Help! by the actions.T: Can you guess, whats that? Do yo
9、u know? Ss:.T: You dont know whatt that, so you should say I dont know.3) Play the CD-ROM to find Whats that in the story? 4) Review the guess between the two girls in the text and read aloud by follwing teacher, boys and girls, group and group in roles.5) Read aloud the text.(设计意图:以学生为中心,通过学生的分组练习,
10、达到巩固强化知识的目的,同时提高小组合作能力,发扬团队精神。)Step Four: ConsolidationGuessing game1) Open your big eyes and guess Is it a .? in the pictures by answering Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.T: Is it a .?Ss:. 2) A student chooses a pictures. And other students guess Is it a.?. And the student answers Yes, it is./ No, it isnt
11、. Each group has three times to guess.GA/ GB: Is it a.?S1: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.Step Four: Knowledge extension.(设计意图:采用有趣的Guessing game 符合目标语句的语境,巩固目标语句“Is it a.”对物品的推断。通过游戏活动的开展真正使学生体验“玩中学,学中玩”的英语课。) Step Five: Sum-up1) How to guess the things by using Is it a .? and answering Yes, it is./ No,
12、it isnt. 2) Which group is the winner in the end?3) Enjoy a song What is this?(设计意图:帮助学生总结本课学习的重点,使本课教学目标更加突出。对胜利的小组进行奖励,让学生体验成功的喜悦。并鼓励落后小组在下节课更加努力。以一首歌曲轻松愉快地结束本课的教学。)Step Six. HomeworkRead aloud the text and act it out with your partners. Step Seven. Handwriting on blackboard Moduel8 Unit1 Is it a
13、monster?New words: new kite monster no help dont known isnt Is it a. Yes, it is No, it isnt. Unit 2Purpose: Knowledge aim: New words: dog, cat, cap.New sentence pattern: Its + colour + nouns.Ability aim: 1.Help the students can describe the basic character of the objects with “ Its + colour + nouns.
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- 外研社 小学英语 三年级 Module8unit1 教案
