高考英语研讨会课件:立足话题 自主选择 优化资源.ppt
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1、立足话题 自主选择 优化资源,单项选择与完型填空中词义辨析题比重加大试卷对学生阅读的要求高,篇幅长,话题多样,深层理解题增加。书面表达试题设置更具开放性和话题性。,词汇的基础性和重要性 交际功能(基于话题的语言输出),管中窥豹-高考试卷特点,高考对学生词汇的考查更活、更语境化,要求在逐年提升。,思考,注重在创建语境构建话题的基础上重点考查了词义辨析能力如形容词辩析、动词辩析、名词辩析等。许多题项考查考生的语用能力。在考查语言基础知识的同时,着重考查运用英语的综合能力,2015年浙江卷考查词汇在短语境中的运用有10题,2014年浙江卷考查词汇在短语境中的运用有9题,2013年浙江卷考查词汇在短语
3、境现状,表达建议。,2012年:“剖析名言”,解释名言,表达自己对它的理解。,2014年:为图书馆推荐科普类和人文类图书,说 明推荐理由,2013年:记述一件你自己认为自豪的事,并简 要说明你感到得意的原因或从中得到的启示。,11-15年书面表达特点:以话题为核心 注重高级词汇和句子结构运用,2015年:在与他人观点冲突时,坚持自己并说服他人还是听从大部分同学观点,用具体事例阐述并说明理由,连续五年书面表达所折射出的信息:,1.学生熟悉的学习、生活或社会时事信息相关 的话题。,叙+议,3.学生对英语语言基本知识的综合运用程度,即学生的词汇运用能力和语言信息的组织能力。,2.学生提出自己的想法和
4、建议(即观点的表达 能力),建立在话题的基础上的词汇的运用,高三复习模式的改变!,1.不要机械简单重复的复习:每天词汇过关默写2.不要停留在客观题的训练:大量的试卷轰炸 3.侧重以话题为基础的综合语言能力的提升,建立体系:以话题为抓手 立足词汇 自主选择 优化资源,高三阶段复习的立足点 立足话题 自主选择优化复习资源,最后与该话题相关的写作任务作为输出点。,立足考纲语言输入:以话题为核心自主选择模块词汇和句型等资源 课外相关话题阅读材料补充 词汇句型等拓展语言输出:仿写 以该话题为基础的单句翻译和写作 以该话题为基础的各种体裁的书面表达,考试说明上的24个话题,1.个人情况(Personal
5、information)2.家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family,friends and people around)3.周围的环境(Personal environments)4.日常活动(Daily routines)5.学校生活(School life)6.兴趣与爱好(Interests and hobbies)7.个人感情(Emotions)8.人际关系(Interpersonal relationships),9.计划与愿望(Plans and intentions)10.节假日活动(Festivals,holidays and celebrations)11.购物(Shopping)
6、12.饮食(Food and drink)13.健康(Health)14.天气(Weather)15.文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)16.旅游和交通(Travel and transport),17.语言学习(Language learning)18.自然(Nature)19.世界与环境(The world and the environment)20.科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)21.热点话题(Topical issues)22.历史与地理(History and geography)23.社
7、会(Society)24.文学与艺术(Literature and art),立足话题 自主选择优化资源的复习策略,基于必修和选修教材文本的话题整合复习,每册书选取1-2个话题进行整合:Module 1:Language LearningModule 2:Wildlife protection Module 3:Travelling Festivals Module 4:Personal descriptionModule 5:Nature Module 6:Science&technology,立足话题的复习模式:模式一:从词到句,从句到段,从段到篇,循序渐进,自主选择,优化资源;模式二:先
8、篇后句,模板引导,选取资源,自主提炼,由面到点,步步落实;,模式一基本流程:,师生讨论每一模块所适合的话题,学生摘抄课本经典好句,展示交流学生的典句和精彩仿写,课堂上老师结合文本的经典句型,引导学生词汇拓展和多形式仿写,连句成文训练,根据话题和子话题就摘抄的典句进行仿写,话题写作输出,查阅各地高考卷确定相关子话题(为输出:书面表达做准备),相关语篇拓展穿插在整个流程中,补充、拓展、整理更丰富的与本话题有关的词、句、段,课堂教学案例Module 1 Language Learning,Unit1 Friendship Unit2 English around the world Unit3 Tr
9、avel journal Unit4 EarthquakeUnit5 Nelson Mandela,Language learning,确定话题,Topic:English learning,在英语学习中所遇到的问题及解决方法;(如:高考安徽卷,高考山东卷),作为高三毕业生与高一新生的英语学习经验交流;(如:湖南高考 卷仿写),感谢老师在我学习遇到困难是给我的指导,帮助或鼓励;(感谢信),对班级学习现状的总结,并提出改进计划和建议;,陈述在国外留学过程中所遇到的语言学习问题,并希望得到的帮助:(如:高考全 国卷),作为教育专家对学生关于学习方面遇到问题进行分析并给出建议和帮助;,以该话题为引导
10、整理必修一中有效的句式并针对上述话题仿写,学生原稿,以该话题为引导整理必修一中有效的句式并针对上述话题仿写,学生作品展示:I can well remember there was a time when a deep blue sky.P2,I can well remember there was a time when I devoted myself to English learning.沈铭扬I can well remember there was a time when I had trouble studying English.纪丽晓 I can well remember
11、 there was a time when I was upset with my study.王静秋,All hope was not lost.P26,Although my study isnt perfect,all hope is not lost.郁晨熹My teacher encouraged me that all hope was not lost.吴一尘All hope is not lost.So we can be successful in time as long as we have enough confidence.沈朱俐,Once he has made
12、up her mind,nothing can change it.P18,Once we set a target,we need to try our best to achieve it.陈祉杰Once you make a promise,you should keep it.何思嘉Once you make a study plan,you should stick to it.凌怡佳,让复习课不再是简单的知识的复现,缺乏新意,而是通过探究让学生参与到课堂教学,有新的知识的生成,有针对性的进行选择并优化整合资源,让学生能动的进行归纳总结生成。,以考纲词汇为基础,根据学生典句梳理总结出
13、与话题紧密相关的核心词汇群,并拓展表达方式 让学生总结核心词汇群有利于学生对词汇的掌握、话题的拓展 对核心词汇群表达方式的拓展有利于学生拓展性思维,为后期的语言输出做好准备。,基于典句总结话题核心词汇群 进行表达方式拓展,基于典句总结话题核心词汇群 进行表达方式拓展,1.I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.(Unit 1,P2),my memory
14、 flashed back to.is rooted in my mindI will never forget such a thing that.one thing.(eg.I am proud of)happened when I still remember.be kept in mind that.crowd in my mind,2.I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature(unit 1,P2),be interested in/show interest in/develop interest in be a
15、bsorbed in/concentrate oncatch ones eyes/attract ones attention put ones heart in/be buried in/be devoted to be occupied with,3.It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.(unit 1,P10),lay a solid foundation for benefit from/be beneficial to have effect/influence on enrich ones
16、knowledge/open ones eyes/broaden ones horizon/enlarge ones vocabulary,4.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train Konigsberg.(unit 1,P2),beyond/without doubt undoubtedly.It is no wonder that.There is no denying that It is widely acknowledged that It is obviousevident that What matter
17、scounts is not but,核心词汇及表达方式的拓展:使学生把词汇串联起来形成体系,扩充了词汇量。单词间不再是孤立的,而是有内在联系的,一个核心词汇带出一个词汇群为相关话题的信息输入,如课外材料的吸收、文本阅读扫清了词汇的障碍,提升阅读的效率提高了学生围绕话题进行语言输出的能力,为语言输出奠定了良好的基础,一、围绕话题展开的词汇的复现It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.(Unit 2,P10)2.Shakespeare was able to make use of a wide vocab
18、ulary than ever before.(Unit 2,P10)3.Geography also plays a part in making dialects.(Unit 2,P13)4.My sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.(Unit 3,P18)5.A determined person always tries to finish the job,no matter how hard it is.(Unit3,P20),核心词汇群的拓展运用,6.Once she has made
19、up her mind,nothing can change it.Finally I had to give up.(Unit 3,P18)7.We can hardly wait to see them.(Unit 3,P22)8.The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress.(Unit 5,P34)9.They said the good job and the pay from the new South African government we
20、re my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Black.(Unit 5,P38)10.She told me some good ways of improving listening.(P53)11.Amazing as it may seem.(P65),基于典句总结话题核心词汇群进行拓展和仿写,1.I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flower
21、s could never have kep tme spellbound.(Unit 1,P2),my memory flash back to.is rooted in my mindI will never forget such a thing that.one thing.(eg.I am proud of)happened when I still remember.be kept in mind that.crowd in my mind,我清楚的记得我曾经在英语学习方面面临了许多困难。I can well remember that there was a time when
22、I was faced with many difficulties in English learning,2.I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature(unit 1,P2),be interested in/show interest in/develop interest in be absorbed in/concentrate on catch ones eyes/attract ones attention put ones heart in/be buried in/be devoted to be occu
23、pied with,我慢慢地对与英语有关的一切感兴趣了。I gradually developed interest in everything to do with English,3.It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.(unit 1,P10),lay a solid foundation for benefit from/be beneficial to have effect/influence on enrich ones knowledge/open ones eyes/broaden o
24、nes horizon/enlarge ones vocabulary,我每天要记很多词汇,为以后的英语学习打下牢固的基础 The vocabularies I remember every day lay a solid foundation for my future English study,12.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train Konigsberg.(unit 1,P2),beyond/without doubt undoubtedly.It is no wonder that.There is no
25、 denying that It is widely acknowledged that It is obviousevident that What matterscounts is not but,毫无疑问,学习是没有捷径的。Undoubtedly,there is no shortcut in study.,基于典句总结话题核心词汇群进行拓展训练,根据图片运用核心词汇进行表达,我清楚的记得我曾经在英语学习方面面临了许多困难。我慢慢地对与英语有关的一切感兴趣了。我每天都要记很多词汇,而为以后的英语学习打下牢固的基础同时我比以往更加充分利用每一次机会来练习我的口语词汇在我们的英语学习中起到了
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- 高考英语研讨会课件:立足话题 自主选择 优化资源 高考 英语 研讨会 课件 立足 话题 自主 选择 优化 资源
