1、印度种姓制度英文介绍篇一:印度种姓制度, What Is The Future of The Dalit Caste System in India Outline Topic: What Is The Future of The Dalit in India Thesis statement: The status quo of the untouchables wont change on account of the powerfulness of the religion, the unfavorableness of politics and the public ironclad
2、values. Body part: 1.Due to Hinduism, the Indian caste system still indicates the non-Dalits. 2.Non-Dalits are in charge of the politic and the national economy. 3.Due to Hinduism, the Dalits are subjected to the doom. 4.Dalits have far less power in political and economic influence. . Conclusion: D
3、ue to Hinduism, both Dalits and non-Dalits accept and believe the caste. Their ironclad values are difficult to change. While the non-Dalits are much powerful in politic and economy, the Dalits are subjected to the discrimination and lack economic and political basic to resist the caste. Therefore,
4、Dalits have few chances of getting their status quo better. What Is The Future of The Dalit in India Caste System in India As it has been reported on April 20th in News Weekly in America that Mayawati, who was born as the untouchable in India, is famous as “Queen of the Dalit” for her goal to be the
5、 chairman of the country and her ambition to make a difference to the untouchables. She is given support from quite a number of people especially the untouchables. Some believe that the poor condition of the untouchables is to change. However, as far as Im concerned, the status quo of the untouchabl
6、es wont change on account of the powerfulness of the religion, the unfavorableness of politics and the public ironclad values. Of more importance, the Indian caste system still indicates the public behavior. On the one hand, those of higher caste still believe they are nolber. People may argue that
7、the Indian Caste System has been shocked by modern civilization, its social funtion should have been curtailed. In law the caste has been abolished, however, the government is still in charge of those come from the highest Hindu caste. It has been estimated that about 82 percent of the Indians belie
8、ve Hinduism. Different from other religions, Hinduism has a belief that people are borned into four major varnases: Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra with an remaining of the Dalit,namely the untouchables. In the eyes of the Hinduists, there exist lowliness and nobleness among human kind. Their jo
9、bs are predeterminate and its difficult to change. Besides, they are required not to marry with people belong to other varnases especially the untouchable. As the most noble varnas, Brahman embraces the most authority and power while the untouchables encounter discrimination.“Recorded from those who
10、 come from higher varnases: no matter how much you pay they wont sweep for you because its job of the Dalit; even some of them would beg in the street rather than get a job of cleaning for its a job done by the untouchable; a master, though has been educated in America which proclaims freedom, wont
11、hire a Dalit as a chef however skillful the Dalit is” Based on a local research, all matrimonial notices wont miss one prerequisite: “belong to the same caste”. Quoted from a undergraduate of higher caste, he ,though disapproves the Indian Caste System, will never marry to a lady belonging to lower
12、caste. Besides, they are not educated to oppose the caste. According to survey papers conducted by the United Nations Children's Fund, the Dalit suffer great inequality and discrimination in several provinces like Rajasthan and Bihar. At the moment of lunch at school, children of Dalit can only
13、line up at the back row, as a result, there is very little left for them to eat. Whats worse, their teacher asks them to sit on the floor at the back of the classroom without any pity on them. All of the phenomenon mentioned above prove that caste has been deeply rooted in the non-Dalits mind that t
14、hey are born with superiority while the Dalit are doomed to suffer. On the other hand, the Dalit are taking things as they are, or rather, there is a lack of power to resist the discrimination and change their poor status quo. Ever since a long time ago the lives and properties of the Dalit are lack
15、ing basic social security in India. Even today, in a large number of rural areas, nearly all the Dalit are still suffering a lot of inequality like discrimination, scold, and murderetc. They live in poverty and only 7 percent of them are able to drink clean water. Two third of the Dalit are complete
16、lyilliterate. But there are few cases in which the Dalit are reacting strongly against the discrimination. They lack of power to resist for their poor condition owing partially to their low awakening and partially to their poor economic and political state. The Dalit also believe foredoom. Four fift
17、h of the Indian believe Hinduism so do the Dalit. Most of them have committed to memory that they are born untouchable. They firmly accept that they are doomed to suffer which reduces their resistance against the caste. Facing the suffering, they chose to resign themselves to adversity. They are eas
18、ily subjected to the caste. Obviously, the Indians embrace the belief of caste deep-rootedly. “ rivers and mountains can be changed, but it is hard to alter a person's characterits”,similarly, it must be difficult to get rid of such a deep-rooted belief. Though there is a number of Dalit turn to
19、 be fiercely against the caste, they have neither financial support nor political influence which means they have no fundamental assistance. According to the Indian Constitution there should be 15 percent of the post in all-level government reserved for the Dalit. However, as a matter of fact, the r
20、atios of the Dalit in office are 2.5%, 4%, and 10% respectively in the first-level, second-level, third-level and forth level which means the Dalit indeed have far less authority and influence. According to the research conducted by K.N. Arul Raj, famous economist in India,among 11.19 million famili
21、es of Dalits, only 0.18million are rich. It shows that the Dalits are mainly under poverty. With such little financial and political influence and basic, those Dalits who have great awareness of the importance of resistance cannot play a key role in changing their condition.In sum, for one thing, no
22、n-Dalits have a superiority feeling that they are born as noble and absolute advantages in politic and economy. For another, the Dalit believe Hinduism and are subjected to caste. Due to the powerfulness of the counterforce. References: Sun Peijun.(1982) “ The Untouchable are awaking” in Indian Nati
23、onal News. Wang Dehua(2000)“todays Dalits: malignant tumor of India”in World News Report.篇二:印度种姓制度的产生与由来 印度种姓制度的产生与由来 公元前二千年代中叶,属于印欧语系的许多部落,从中亚细亚经由印度西北方的山口,陆续涌入印度河中游的旁遮普一带,征服了当地的大部分达罗毗荼人。入侵者是白种人,自称”雅利安”,意为高贵者,以区别于皮肤黝黑的达罗毗荼人。经过几个世纪的武力扩张,雅利安人逐步征服了整个北印度。 雅利安人早先过着原始的游牧生活。入侵印度后,雅利安人吸收了达罗毗荼人的先进文化,由游牧转为定居的
24、农业生活,并逐渐向奴隶社会过渡。由于雅利安人对达罗毗荼人的征服和奴役,以及雅利安人内部贫富分化的结果,在雅利安社会中逐渐形成了一个森严的等级制度,这就是种姓制度。“种姓”一词在印度的梵文中叫“瓦尔那”,就是颜色或品质的意思。因此种姓制度又叫瓦尔那制度。 在种姓制度下,古代印度人被分为四个种姓:婆罗门、刹帝利、吠舍和首陀罗。 婆罗门是祭司贵族。它主要掌握神权,占卜祸福,垄断文化和报道农时季节,在社会中地位是最高的。 刹帝利是雅利安人的军事贵族,包括国王以下的各级官吏,掌握国家的除神权之外的一切权力。 婆罗门和刹帝利这两个高级种姓,占有了古代印度社会中的大部分财富,依靠剥削为生,是社会中的统治阶级
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- 印度 种姓 制度 英文 介绍
