耶鲁大学公开课:人性的哲学与科学 第14集英中字幕.doc
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1、目 录第1集 课程介绍2第2集 盖吉斯之戒:道德和伪善20第3集 灵魂各部分 I37第4集 灵魂各部分 II54第1集 课程介绍 E01 PROFESSOR: So, welcome to Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature.Its nice see so many of you here today.I hope to see more of you here again on Thursday.And my goal today is to try to give you a sense of what kind of course thi
2、s is going to beso that you can make an informed decision about whether this is a course thatyou actually want to enroll in for credit.With that aim in mind, there are three things I want to do in todays lecture.In the first part of the lecture, Im just going togive you a very broad overview of what
3、 kind of course thisis, and to say a few words about what my goals are for the course.In the bulk of the lecture, what Im going to do is to runthrough three examples of the kinds of topics that were going to be addressing this semester,so that you have a sense of what kind of material were going to
4、be talking about.And in the final section of the course, Ill say a fewthings about what it is that makes this course distinctive,and a few things about the courses requirements.So the course has this perplexing cross-listed title.Its called Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature, andits listed b
5、oth in Philosophy and in Cognitive Science, andits a course for which you can get credit in the Psychology major.So what kind of course is this?Well, in some ways, this is a course like Directed Studies Philosophy or Philosophy 125-126.That is, were going to be reading works by Plato, byAristotle, b
6、y Epictetus, by Boethius, by Hobbes, by Hume, and by Mill-all major philosophers from the Western philosophical tradition.Were going to be reading them roughly historically, with anattempt to get at some of the kinds of questions that onewould get at in a traditional philosophy course.In addition, y
7、oull get some of the material that you would get in an ethics course.So one of the topics that well cover in Philosophy and the Science of Human Natureare the three main ethical theories in the Western philosophical tradition.Well talk about utilitarianism, well talkabout deontology, and well talk a
8、bout virtue ethics, andwell talk about how those relate to one another.Youll also get some of the materials that you would getif you took an introduction to political philosophy course.Well very briefly look at the work of Thomas Hobbes on the legitimacy of the state,and then well read and think abo
9、ut the debate between John Rawls and Robert Nozick abouthow much weight should be given to the relative valuesof equality on one hand and liberty on the other.So in that regard, this is, in some ways, a standardphilosophy course in the moral and political tradition.Its not a course in metaphysics; i
10、ts not a course in epistemology;its not a course where were going to be talking about issues like free willor the mind-body problem,all of which could legitimately fall under the topic of philosophy of human nature.But whats distinctive about this course is that inaddition to the contributions that
11、are made by the philosophical side of the equation,were also going to be drawing from a number of other disciplines.So one of the main themes of the course will be to thinkabout how the questions raised by the traditional philosophers that Ive mentioned alreadyare picked up in the contemporary cogni
12、tive science tradition.In particular, how theyre picked up by what I see as oneof the main strands in contemporary cognitive science,the strand that looks at the relation between human beings as rational creatures,capable of a certain kind of calculated and reflective understanding of themselvesand
13、their place in the world,and, on the other hand, humanbeings as evolved animalswho are subject to forces that lie beyond their rational control.In light of that recognition that human beings are capable of being affected in multiple ways,well look at a number of writings from psychology.So well read
14、 some Freud;well have a discussion of cognitive behavioral therapy;well talk about post-traumatic stress disorder; well havediscussion of happiness,using a wonderful book written by a Yale alumnus, Jonathan Haidt.Well look at some work on self-regulation, on love and friendship,and well also look at
15、 empirical work on topics like moral reasoning and punishment,and social psychological work on situations and attitudes.So a lot of the material that well address in this course will come from psychology.But some of it will also come from the tradition of political science.So in the course of discus
16、sing the legitimacy of the state,well introduce ourselves to the notion of the prisoners dilemma.Well talk about the tragedy of the commons,and in the closing section of the course,well talk about the role of rhetoric and argument in political persuasion.Well also draw from the field of behavioral e
17、conomics.One of the reading assignments is to listento Daniel Kahnemans Nobel Prize speech, accepting the Nobel Priceon behalf of himself and his collaborator, Amos Tversky,for the extraordinary work they did founding behavioral economics.But well also look at some additional work in the dual proces
18、sing tradition,and we have some excerpts from Dan Arielys delightful book,public book on behavioral economics.Finally, well even draw a little bit from literature.Were going to read a short excerpt from the Iliad; weregoing to read a short story by Ursula LeGuin; and in thesecond to last lecture of
19、the course, well look at whatPlato has to say about the role of literature andartistic representation in affecting human self-understanding.So what Im going to try to do in the course is to bring together these eight fieldsin a way that provides a coherentstory about what kind of things human beings
20、 are, andhow we can learn about what kind of things human beings are from these various perspectives.In slogan form, the structure of the course isdead guy on Tuesday, cog sci on Thursday.Except not all the philosophers were reading are dead. And not all of them are guys.And not all the other fields
21、 are cog sci.And in fact, most things are going to be covered together on Tuesday and Thursday.And there are going to be sections.But other than that, the slogan works.So thats an overview of the kinds of disciplines that contribute to the course.Let me say a bit about the specific topics that I hop
22、e toaddress in the course of the semester.So the first overarching topic, and I roughly organizedthe syllabus under these three topics, but in some way,each of them will keep re-emerging throughout the semester.The first topic is the topic of happiness and flourishing.What does the ancient Western p
23、hilosophical tradition sayabout what it takes for human beings to thrive in a meaningful sense,and how does that connect to work thats been done more recently in various literary andscientific traditions about what it is that enables human beings to flourish?What is it about human nature that can gi
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- 耶鲁大学公开课:人性的哲学与科学 第14集英中字幕 耶鲁大学 公开 人性 哲学 科学 14 集英中 字幕
