kotler06tifMarketing management习题.doc
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1、Chapter 6: Analyzing Consumer MarketsGENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONSMultiple Choice1. Marketers are always looking for emerging trends that suggest new marketing opportunities. One such trend is the “metrosexual.” Which of the following items would the metrosexual most likely have some interest for? a. An
2、 IBM computer.b. Tickets to WWF wrestling.c. Saxophone lessons.d. An all-over body spray by Axe.e. Cowboy boots made from elephant hide.Answer: dPage: 173Level of difficulty: Medium2._ is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas,
3、 or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants.a.Target marketingb.Psychographic segmentationc.Psychologyd.Consumer behaviorf. Product differentiationAnswer: dPage: 173Level of difficulty: Easy3. The fundamental determinant of a persons wants and behavior is the persons _. a.psycheb.national origi
4、nc.cultured.peer groupe.family treeAnswer: cPage: 174Level of difficulty: Medium4. A child growing up in the United States is exposed to all of the following values EXCEPT _.a. achievement and successb. activityc. efficiency and practicalityd. the importance of the group in daily lifee. freedomAnswe
5、r: dPage: 174Level of difficulty: Medium5. Which of the following would be the best illustration of a subculture? a. A religion.b. A group of close friends.c. Your university.d. A fraternity or sorority. e. Your occupation.Answer: aPage: 174Level of difficulty: Hard6.With respect to facts about the
6、American consumer, which of the following consumer electronics is owned by the vast majority of consuming households with a 93 percent reporting ownership? a. A personal computer.b. TiVo DVR.c. A cellular phone.d. A microwave oven. e. A VCR.Answer: ePage: 175Level of difficulty: Hard7. _ is defined
7、as being relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in a society, which are hierarchically ordered and whose members share similar values, interests, and behavior. a. Cultureb. Subculturec. Social classd. The familye. A groupAnswer: cPage: 175Level of difficulty: Medium8. Social classes show dist
8、inct product and brand preferences in all the following areas EXCEPT _. a. clothingb. home furnishingsc. leisure activitiesd. automobilese. fast foodAnswer: ePage: 176Level of difficulty: Medium9.A persons _ consist(s) of all the groups that have a direct (face-to-face) or indirect influence on his/
9、her attitudes or behavior. a. cultureb. subculturec. psychographicsd. reference groupse. demographicsAnswer: dPage: 177Level of difficulty: Medium10.A(n) _ group is one whose values or behavior an individual rejects. a. aspirational b. disassociativec. membershipd. primarye. procreational Answer: bP
10、age: 177Level of difficulty: Easy11. If a direct mail marketer wished to direct promotional efforts toward the family of _, efforts need to be directed toward parents and siblings of the family members. a. orientation b. procreationc. immediacyd. intimacye. referenceAnswer: aPage: 177Level of diffic
11、ulty: Medium12.Expected to account for a quarter of the U.S. population by 2050, _ are the fastest growing minority.a. African Americansb. Asian Americansc. Hispanic Americansd. European Americanse. Arabic AmericansAnswer: cPage: 178Level of difficulty: Easy13. The dominant cohort, with respect to f
12、amilies, for the next fifty years may very well be the _ cohort. a. married-couple householdb. single adultsc. single seniorsd. married seniorse. married-couples with parents living with themAnswer: bPage: 179Level of difficulty: Hard14.Husbands and wives display different decision-making roles in m
13、ost families. The trend for dominant decision making in families is for _ to be responsible for most of the decisions.a. the husbandb. the wifec. joint decision making (both husband and wife)d. holistic decision makinge. child-oriented decision making Answer: cPage: 179Level of difficulty: Medium15.
14、The Disney Channel has become the companys cash cow for its ability to reach the underserved _ market8- to 14-year-olds. a. teenb. twixtc. mid-d. tweene. young adultAnswer: dPage: 179Level of difficulty: Medium16. People choose products that reflect and communicate their role and actual or desired _
15、 in society. a. groupb. statusc. attitudesd. beliefse. feelingsAnswer: bPage: 180Level of difficulty: Medium17. Consumption may be shaped by _ (such as marriage, childbirth, or divorce). a.the psychological life cycleb. the product life cyclec. the life/death life cycled. post-puberty cyclese. criti
16、cal life events or transitionsAnswer: ePage: 181Level of difficulty: Medium18.Product choice is greatly affected by economic circumstances. All of the following would be among those circumstances EXCEPT _. a. spendable incomeb. savings and assetsc. debtsd. occupatione. borrowing powerAnswer: dPage:
17、182Level of difficulty: Easy19. _ is a set of distinguishing human psychological traits that lead to relatively consistent and enduring responses to environmental stimuli. a. Imageb. Personalityc. Beliefsd. Hereditye. CultureAnswer: bPage: 182Level of difficulty: Medium20. When the Marlboro Man was
18、depicted in advertising as a rugged outdoor, tough cowboy type, this was done to establish what is called a _. a. trademarkb. brand namec. brand personalityd. psychological approach to advertising e. brand referenceAnswer: cPage: 182Level of difficulty: Medium21. _ portrays the “whole person” intera
19、cting with his or her environment. a. Attitudeb. Reference groupc. Lifestyled. Culturee. SubcultureAnswer: cPage: 183Level of difficulty: Medium22. Consumers today are experiencing a time famine because of their busy lifestyles. One way to avoid the difficulties of time famine, which is of particula
20、r interest to marketers, is _. a. to set fewer goalsb. to multitaskc. to give in to personal burdensd. to report frustration to managemente. to develop a callous attitude toward marketersAnswer: bPage: 183Level of difficulty: Hard23.With respect to understanding consumer behavior, there are four key
21、 psychological processes. All of the following would be among those processes EXCEPT _. a. motivationb. perceptionc. learningd. self-reliancee. memoryAnswer: dPage: 184Level of difficulty: Easy 24.A _ when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity. a. need becomes a motiveb. motive becomes a
22、needc. desire becomes a realityd. unfulfilled demand becomes a crisise. personal demand exceeds the ability to rationally rejectAnswer: aPage: 184Level of difficulty: Hard25. _ assumed that the psychological forces shaping peoples behavior are largely unconscious, and that a person cannot fully unde
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