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4、责任。 承诺人(签名): 日 期:中外商业银行理财业务比较分析摘 要银行理财业务是指理财师通过收集整理客户的收入、资产、负债等数据,倾听客户的希望、要求、目标等,为客户制定投资组合、储蓄计划、保险投资对策、继承及经营策略等财务设计方案,并帮助客户的资金最大限度地增值。随着中国经济的发展和综合国力不断增加,在监管部门引导和大力帮助下,中国理财市场发生很大的变化,银行理财业务也受到新闻媒体和投资者广泛关注,银行理财产品层出不穷,理财市场空前的繁荣。为引导投资者树立健康、正确的投资理念,进一步推动银行理财市场的长远发展,需要对商业银行理财业务进行深入的研究。居民可支配收入大幅度增加,个人理财意识也在
7、也对认清我国商业银行理财业务的现状和存在问题提供了参考标准。第四部分,通过国内外商业银行理财业务的对比分析,形成对我国商业银行理财业务发展过程中所存在问题的认识,得到启示。第五部分,在对国内外商业银行理财业务发展问题的研究基础上,得出结论并提出一些推动我国商业银行理财业务建设的建议。第六部分,提出未来商业银行理财业务发展的展望。关键词:商业银行 个人理财 中外比较COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CHINESE AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL BANKS FINANCIAL SERVICESABSTRACTBanking financial services is
8、defined as financial planner collected the customers income, assets, liabilities and other data, listened the hope and demands of customers, to develop a portfolio, savings plans, insurance and investment measures, inheritance and other financial strategies for customers, help them maximize the valu
9、e.With Chinas economic development and overall national strength increased, in the regulatory guidance and strong help, chinese financial market has undergone great changes, bank financial business has also been widespread concern in the news media and investors, many financial products launched, fi
10、nancial markets unprecedented prosperity. To guide investors to establish a healthy and correct investment philosophy, further promote the long-term development of bank financial markets, we need conduct depth study of wealth management business of commercial banks. A substantial increase in househo
11、ld disposable income, personal finance is also awakening of consciousness and enhancements, it is provide a basis for the development of banks; Economic development and the opening up of the financial sector so that the demand for financial services companies has also undergone a significant change,
12、 what the customers need is non-standardized comprehensive needs and package of financial services, To meet the financial needs of corporate customers, commercial banks must accelerate the development of corporate wealth management services.Nowadays, banking Financial Services is an important source
13、 of profit of the commercial banks in developed countries, plays a strategic role in the development of commercial banks. However, Chinas commercial banks finance business development is not yet ripe, foreign banks in the wealth management business has a long and rich experience, compared with forei
14、gn commercial banks, there are some relatively large gap in some respects. Therefore, it is a very important topic that how to use related theory of commercial bank financing business and combined with Chinas national conditions to find a innovation and development approaches.This article is based o
15、n the status of banking financial services of domestic and foreign commercial banks, combining theory and practical experience at home and abroad to explore the development of domestic commercial banking financial business development, analysis the current domestic problems of banking financial serv
16、ices, our aim is to find the gaps in the banking financial planning business development of domestic commercial banks and propose some ideas by comparing the different in idea, methods and means of domestic and foreign commercial banks in financial services, This paper consists of five parts: The fi
17、rst part, describes the background of banking financial services. The second part, review the development process of banking financial services of the domestic commercial banks, analysis the status and problems of domestic commercial banks financial business and pave the way for the following analyz
18、e differences in banking financial services. The third part, introduce the background and development process of foreign commercial bank financial services, and the current representative of the foreign financial services market under the financial operation of the business model and development pat
19、tern, it is not only allows us have a more profound understanding of the mature banking financial services, but also provides a reference standard to understand the business of commercial banking financial situation and problems. The fourth part, by comparative analysis of business development in th
20、e field of banking financial business of domestic and foreign commercial banks, get the awareness of the problem in domestic commercial banks financial business development process and obtain inspiration. The fifth part, based on the study of development issues of the domestic commercial banks in th
21、e banking financial services, offer some banking finance business-building advice to promote the development of domestic commercial banks. The six part, proposed banking financial outlook in future commercial banking business.KEYWORDS: Commercial Bank Financial services Foreign Comparative目 录摘要ABSTR
22、ACT第1 章 绪 论11.1 选题背景与研究意义11.2 国内外文献综述21.2.1 国外研究文献综述21.2.2 国内研究文献综述21.3 研究思路与方法5第2章 国内商业银行理财业务的现状及问题62.1 国内银行理财业务的现状及趋势62.1.1 个人理财的市场需求和产品特点72.1.2 对公理财业务的市场分析82.1.3 商业银行理财业务综合排名92.1.4 银行理财产品的发展趋势102.1.5 国内银行理财业务的趋势122.2 国内银行理财业务存在的问题132.2.1 理财市场不规范132.2.2 理财业务缺乏自主创新能力,经营理念尚未完全转变132.2.3 缺乏专业人才142.2.4
23、 理财产品营销不规范,售后服务不到位142.2.5 电子化水平偏低15第3章 国外商业银行理财业务现状及经验借鉴163.1 国外商业银行理财业务的发展历程163.2 国外商业银行理财业务的现状及经验借鉴173.2.1 英国商业银行公司理财业务现状及经验借鉴以渣打银行为例173.2.2 澳洲商业银行个人理财业务现状及经验借鉴18第4章 中外商业银行理财业务对比分析214.1 宏观外部环境的对比分析214.2 经营理念和业务重点对比分析224.3 人员培养和营销服务模式对比分析254.4 技术支持对比分析264.5 商业银行理财业务的风险及防范26第5章 研究结论及对策建议295.1 研究结论29
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- 毕业论文 中外 商业银行 理财 业务 比较 分析