1、外资银行监管法律制度研究 外资银行监管法律制度研究中国人民大学 硕士学位论文摘要论文题目:外资银行监管法律制度研究(英文): Research on the Legal System of Supervision on Foreign Capital Banks作 者:翁泉指导教师:徐孟洲 3外资银行监管法律制度研究 摘 要随着我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)和我国金融业的对外开放,越来越多的外资银行进入我国,在我国金融经济和社会生活中发挥着日益突出的作用。外资银行进入我国,能促进我国金融市场竞争机制的完善,促进国内银行在观念和经营上的改革以提高竞争力,提高我国金融业对外开放的水平等等。但是,外
3、本原则入手,在分析我国外资银行监管制度存在哪些问题的基础上,提出了完善的对策。本文运用了比较法、法哲学、经济学的研究方法,分为五个部分,约3.5万字。 第一章介绍了外资银行监管的基本理论。该章首先给出了外资银行的定义,外资银行的定义包括广义和狭义两种,本文的论述采用广义的外资银行定义。接下来对比了外资银行与中资银行的区别,介绍了近年来外资银行在我国的发展状况。其次在引入银行业监管定义及我国银行业监管体制的基础上,分析了外资银行监管的必要性及监管的内容和目标。 第二章分析了外资银行监管法律制度的基本原则。外资银行监管法律制度的基本原则不仅包括银行业监管的一般性原则,还包括其自身特有的原则。本章简
4、要介绍了银行业监管的一般性原则,包括监管法定原则和适度监管原则;着重论述了外资银行监管的特有原则。首先是以保护主义原则为主,对等互惠原则为补充的政策性原则,这一选择是通过分析常见的三种政策性原则(保护主义原则、对等互惠原则和国民待遇原则)的利弊、我国的现有国情,以及阐述了我国现有立法所体现的政策性原则的弊端得出的结论。其次是符合国际要求、遵循国际惯例的原则,外资银行的涉外因素及其风险的国际化使得外资银行监管必须符合国际要求和惯例。这里的国际要求和国际惯例昀主要的包括两个方面,一是我国加4外资银行监管法律制度研究 入 WTO之后所要遵守的承诺和规则(包括WTO的一般性义务和GATS条款的适用),
5、二是作为跨国银行监管国际组织的巴塞尔委员会就跨国银行监管问题所形成的一揽子协议(可概括为东道国与母国共同监管的原则和注重风险管理的原则)。 第三章深入分析了我国外资银行监管法律制度存在的问题。本章分四个方面剖析了我国外资银行监管法律制度存在的问题:一是法律体系不健全,立法阶层低,缺少一部统一调整和规范外资银行的基本法,而部门规范性文件繁杂、稳定性差;二是与国际要求存在差距,表现为存在“超国民待遇”和“次国民待遇”现象、设立的登记与审批透明度不高、缺乏与母国监管者的合作;三是存在大量立法空白,包括对设立分支机构的规定欠完善、对新兴金融业务缺乏规定、没有涉及冲突法的适用与解决的规定以及退出机制不健
6、全;四是分业监管模式与混业经营的矛盾。 第四章在前三章分析的基础上,提出了完善外资银行监管法律制度的对策。首先是要加快外资银行监管的立法,即在“内外分立”的立法模式下,制定一部调整外资银行基本法律关系的外资银行法,并出台一系列配套的管理监督细则和处罚细则,构建完整的法律体系。其次是要完善外资银行准入制度,包括完善审批程序、完善对外资银行并购进入的监管、设置合法的限制以保护本国银行。第三是完善审慎监管措施,包括坚持法人监管,重视对外资银行总体经营和风险的把握、加强风险监管、促进外资银行内控制度和信息披露制度的形成与借鉴国外的银行评级制度。第四是要完善危机处理措施和退出机制,要加快存款保险制度的建
7、立,将外资银行纳入到存款保险的范围;同时在立法中应对外资银行的退出做更详细的规定,包括退出的形式和程序。第五是加强对外资银行监管的国际合作和协调,主要是要明确不同监管者的权力和职责,并建立信息交换、共享机制。 第五部分是结论,笔者认为在完善我国在外资银行监管法律制度时应注意以下几个结合: 第一,符合国际规则与考虑我国实际国情的结合;第二,强调监管与发挥市场机制的结合; 第三,协调国内监管合作与加强国际监管合作的结合;第四,监管规范化与灵活性的结合。 关键词:外资银行 监管 5外资银行监管法律制度研究 Abstract With China s entry to World Trade Orga
8、nization ( WTO ) and liberalization of financial services, the role and influence of foreign capital banks have been gradually promoted. On the one hand, they will benefit the perfection of our financial market, improve the competitive of domestic banks and facilitate liberalization of financial ser
9、vicesOn the other hand, they also bring many backwards, for example, they will intervene the making and performance of the monetary policy, bring the financial market to a unstable situation, and impair the balance of payments. So the legal regulation of the foreign capital banks becomes an importan
10、t thing, many countries in the world all emphasize on the supervision on foreign banks. As the same, the legal regulation of the foreign capital banks makes an important part of our banking supervision system. The perfection of the legal system of supervision on foreign capital banks relates directl
11、y to the sound development of foreign capital banks in china and the stability of our financial market, so both the government and academic circles pay attention to itThis dissertation deals with the basic issues of the legal system of supervision on foreign capital banks,then discusses the principl
12、es of it. On the basis of analyzing the defects, the dissertation makes some proposals to the perfection of the supervision system of the foreign capital banks. The study shall be completed through the methods of economy, jurisprudence and comparative study. The dissertation is divided into five par
13、tsPart 1 introduces a series of basic problems of the legal system of supervision on foreign capital banks. First, the dissertation introduces the conception of the foreign capital bank, its characteristics compared with domestic bank and its development in china. Second, the dissertation introduces
14、 the conception of banking supervision and the overview of banking supervision in China. Third, the author pay attention to the6外资银行监管法律制度研究 necessity, the contents and the aims of the supervision on the foreign capital banksPart 2 is about the principles of the legal system of supervision on foreig
15、n capital banks. The author holds the view that the principles include the basic principle of banking supervision and the particular principles of foreign capital banking supervision. The former includes the principle of the supervision according to the laws and the principle of the reasonable super
16、vision. Then, this part focuses on the meanings and the contents of the particular principles of foreign capital banking supervision. First is the policy principle. On the basis of introducing three kind of the policy principles of the host supervision over foreign banks (the principle of the protec
17、tionism doctrine, the principle of mutual benefit on an equal footing and the principle of national treatment), the author believes that china should adopt the combination of the principle of the protectionism doctrine and the principle of mutual benefit on an equal footing .Second, the principle of
18、 the supervision according to international rules, which including WTO s legal documents and Basle s guidelines and principles concerning on foreign banking supervision. This principle is in response to the international component of foreign banking supervision Part 3 analyzes deeply the weaknesses
19、and shortcomings of the presentlegal system of supervision on foreign capital banks in China. There are four main defects:first, there is not a basic law on foreign banking supervision ; second, the present legislation does not meet the international rules on many aspects, for example, its violation
20、 of the principle of national treatment of the principle of transparency, and of the principle of the cooperation of the mother country and the host country;third, there still many problems which the present legislation dose not mention;fourth,the operational independence of supervisors is not prese
21、rved, which will impair the efficiency of foreign banking supervisionBased on the former three parts, the author makes some proposals on the perfection of the legal system of supervision on foreign capital banks in part 4. First, a basic law named the Foreign Capital Banking Law should7外资银行监管法律制度研究
22、be made as soon as possible to regulate foreign banks. Second, since the legal regulation of market access of the foreign banks is the first important thing of foreign banking supervision, we should perfect the legal regulation on market access of the foreign capital banks.Third, to control risks, p
23、rudential rules and requirements must be implemented by bank supervisors. Prudential requirements include capital adequacy, asset concentrations, loan classification system and adequacy of loan loss reserves, liquidity and risk management and internal controlsFourth, we should resolve problem bank s
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- 关 键 词:
- 外资银行 监管 法律制度 研究
