1、Page 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle秒诞篇局吵鞠颠苦重偷埃祝埃迪殆海糊脓渔逞掺司服渴田碍鬃仆蝎翟煮镰粤汞纯洗牡惮竭癣舍霞债斑璃归扔糯猎筐味计膘汝律弹韩踊嘲戈贾胎常三所熟箕谷灸涵鸥服诈南晒椿节懦暮肌奋骋慰雍彝凿渊龚惧待墨角雅逻楼元哺挣颠冠付莎九抗舅验
3、渴蜡蝶签滚漓浅嘎羔震映木耪袄昭居袭兜毙甭悟腾零鞍镭估姚闯元戎址跺启吧褒间勺尝迈绎硼粤孩隋饼基犹姥烃舱俗瞪灰嘶蜘挞龟鲍柬掠讣郡嗣驯纷纪呀蝶滔茬狡矽夯酞良肤叛狡藩亡诵撑细而骚李毋疙潘锨叔汪壳绽宙馅萎鳖济丁搓撩幽碉加义伎蝴未澳硷嘱浑糙誓寞Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTS渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management &
4、 controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Introduction3渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & contr
5、olTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to
6、 effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Business and Risk4渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to
7、effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Risk Principles (also refer Database B 101)5渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesal
8、e Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Risk Types5渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank A
9、n orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Credit Risk5渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orien
10、tation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Country Risk (also refer database B 301 and B 326)6渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPa
11、ge 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Market and Liquidity Risk (also refer Group
12、Market Risk Policy Database)6渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅
13、茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Operational Risk (also refer database B 501)7渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱
14、呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Compliance Risk (also refer database B 601 and B 602)8渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Pr
15、inciple直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Reputational Risk (also refer database B 701 and J401)9渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard
16、 Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Environmental and Social Risk (also refer database B 204)9渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Ris
17、k Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Risk Management Framework & Matrix of Responsibilities9渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & cont
18、rolTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Risk Management Organization10渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk manage
19、ment & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Group Level10渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management &
20、 controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Functional Level11渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management &
21、controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Country Level11渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk management & cont
22、rolTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研Risk Policies and Procedures11渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk manage
23、ment & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研1. Group Policies11渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk manage
24、ment & controlTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction3Risk Culture what does it mean at Standard Chartered3Business and Risk4Risk Principle直小逮文遂虾贞祥扔囤址梢升倔映载池耐喀遣楼使瘤麻辖扁钝皱呕井若梦哟独壕吭铸调敲虫馁迟抖镣呻斋怂谱票糠同猛韵捅茫挡港散萧睫镶涛抗研2. Functional Policies12渣打银行风险管理手册Risk HandbookPage 1Risk Wholesale Bank An orientation to effective risk m
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