1、工商管理硕士学位论文MBA DISSERTATION论文题目:我国银行股票挂钩型理财产品收益和风险探究摘 要结构性理财产品发展的历史并不长,它在国际理财产品市场上已经有了比较重要的地位。我国的结构性理财产品发展较晚,但是由于广大的市场,其发展速度很快,发展潜力巨大。结构性理财产品在理论设计上具有“高收益、高风险”的特点,因此很多中外资银行发行了很多结构性理财产品。然而,最近我国银行的结构性理财产品也出现了亏损的现象,使老百姓遭到了一定损失。股票挂钩型的理财产品是所有结构性理财产品中的一种,它挂钩标的是股票、基金、股价指数以及指数型基金,因为它一方面可以使老百姓拥有保本效益,另一方面又可以分享部
5、ured financial products, although the short history, but in the international financial market has become mainstream products. Compared with developed countries, Chinas structural financial products started late, but rapid development, has great potential for development. Characteristics of structur
6、ed financial products with high yield, high risk in the theory of design, attracted many foreign banks issuing structured financial products. However, in recent years our country market structural financial products appeared zero income, negative returns phenomenon, so that investors suffered huge l
7、osses, bank credit is also being questioned. Equity linked financial product is a kind of structured financial products, which linked to the subject of the stock, stock portfolio, stock index and index funds, because of the hand so that investors can enjoy the benefits of fixed income security, on t
8、he other hand, they can share the high profit products derived from, and the hook the stock market is the most active financial market, so this kind of product will be one by the advent of attention, has been the rapid development. As Chinas financial system reform unceasingly thorough, structured p
9、roducts market expansion, product innovation emerge in an endless stream. However, the lack of in-depth study of the literature on the measurement of concrete structure, operation principle, the risks and benefits of these innovative products, analyzes it has one sidedness and limitations of single
10、product only, so that banks and investors are unable to accurately understand the products real income and relative risk. The early nineteen seventies to 80 years, the major western industrial countries into stagflation situation, the economic downturn, fixed income products in real interest rates l
11、ow, has not favored by the vast number of investors, investment main body in the market has undergone great changes, institutional investors began to risk seeking admission products, commercial banks and investment banks profit model has been a great challenge, the objective requirements of their fi
12、nancial innovation, innovation of financial derivatives emerge as the times require. Until the mid 80s, the United States economy is out of the stagflation, the stock market opened a new round of the bull market, the equity linked structured financial products is produced under such background. Ther
13、efore, according to the structure design, structured financial products income and risk, it is important to study the.This paper is divided into six parts. The first chapter is the introduction, including the research status of the research background and significance of the topic, domestic, pave th
14、e way for the following. The second chapter is the summary of the theory of structured financial products, from the development process of structured financial products, meaning, characteristics, classification and abroad are described, lay the theoretical foundation for the discussion below. The th
15、ird chapter is the current situation of the development of the equity linked financial products of our country and characteristics. First analyzes the equity linked structured products production and development status, and then analyzes the equity linked structured products structure, classificatio
16、n and characteristics of elements etc. The fourth chapter is the application of VaR method in the equity linked financial product revenue and risk measurement, which is the key part of this. This part first introduces the income and risk of equity linked structured products, and finally selects thre
17、e financial products are positive, and the validity of the empirical a description. The fifth chapter is the analysis and Countermeasures of contrast income and risk suggest structured products in China, the main and key part of the thesis, based on the risk and return analysis, comparative analysis
18、, obtains the income and risk of non symmetry of the conclusion, on the basis of different categories of structured financial products and different bank structured financial products income and risk are compared, finally from product innovation to improve product profitability, risk management, to
19、avoid the potential risks are deepening education, income and risk investors should refer to the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions of the advanced experience of the foreign bank, this is of vital importance to the structured products market development in china. The last chapter emphasiz
20、es the conclusion, summarizes the full text.Key Words: Structured products; Income; Risk目录第一章 绪论1第一节 研究背景与意义1第二节 研究概况1第二章 结构性理财产品理论概述3第一节 结构性理财产品的涵义与特征3第二节 结构性理财产品的分类4一、产品结构分类法4二、IFB报告分类法5三、收益分类法6(一)保证收益类6(二)非保证收益类6第三章 我国股票挂钩型理财产品的发展现状与特征7第一节 股票挂钩型理财产品的产生及发展7第二节 我国股票挂钩型理财产品的现状8第三节 我国股票挂钩型理财产品的特征10一、
21、股票挂钩型理财产品的结构特征10二、股票挂钩型理财产品的分类特征10三、股票挂钩型理财产品的要素特征12第四章 VaR方法在股票挂钩型理财产品收益及风险度量中的应用13第一节 VaR的概述13一、VaR的基本概念13二、VaR的特征15三、VaR计算的基本方法15第二节 我国股票挂钩型理财产品的收益及风险17一、我国股票挂钩型理财产品的收益17二、我国股票挂钩型理财产品的风险18第三节 股票挂钩型理财产品收益及风险实证研究19一、阶梯型收益产品20二、区间累积型收益产品24三、多观察日到期年化收益阶梯型产品27第四节 实证分析的现实意义和其创新之处33第五章 我国银行结构性理财产品收益与风险问
22、题的对策建议33第一节 产品创新提升产品收益能力34一、从产品本身的结构设计上寻求提高收益的途径34二、产品改进关键在于技术35三、产品完善关键在于市场和客户35第二节 风险管理规避产品潜在风险36一、针对不同的风险,采取相应的对策36二、完善内部监控系统,建立风险管理体系36三、全面披露信息,实现产品透明化36四、加强外部监督检查,创造良好制度环境37第三节 深化投资者的收益与风险教育37第四节 应借鉴外资银行的先进经验38一、可直接购买外资银行同类的高收益产品38二、可引进外资银行的品牌管理38三、应借鉴外资银行的客户服务体系39第六章 结论39参考文献42致谢44第一章 绪论第一节 研究
23、背景与意义我国第一款结构性理财产品是中国工商银行在2003年率先发行的与LIBOR关联的区间累积型结构性理财产品。之后,银监会公布了一些关于衍生品的条例和管理办法,相关的法律法规也相继出台,为我国结构性理财产品的发展创造了有利的制度环境,使我国结构性理财产品成为一类新兴的、发展潜力巨大的理财产品。但是,无论是发达国家还是我国的结构性理财产品,在发展过程中都暴露出一些问题,尤其是收益与风险问题。自 2007 年初我国结构性理财产品出现“零收益、负收益”问题以来,结构性理财产品受到了众多学者和投资者的关注,甚至有人开始对其产生质疑。因此,本论文通过对我国近期所发行的结构性理财产品的数据进行收集整理
24、,对其收益与风险进行系统的分析,试图找到问题的根源并提出相应的对策与建议,这对当前我国结构性理财产品的发展至关重要。随着我国金融体制改革的不断深入,结构性理财产品市场不断扩大,产品创新层出不穷。然而,我国缺乏对这些创新产品的运作原理、风险与收益的度量已经产品结构进行深入研究的文章,仅仅对单一产品进行分析难免有一定的局限性和片面性,使老百姓无法准确了解结构性产品的真实收益和风险。所以,对结构性理财产品进行深入的实证研究和分析是极其必要的,也是今后研究的主要方向。因此,本文对股票挂钩型理财产品的现有研究成果进行整理,借鉴国外市场的发展经验,结合我国情况和我国股票挂钩型理财产品的发展现状,通过对 V
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 我国 银行 股票 挂钩 理财产品 收益 风险 探究 硕士学位 论文
