1、美国二噁英环境健康风险评估方法借鉴郭逸飞第一作者:郭逸飞,男,1983年生,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事环境政策、节能减排领域的研究工作。Email: jasper_guo. ,宋云,魏文侠,孙晓峰,李培中,孙慧(轻工业环境保护研究所,北京 100012)摘要:二噁英的环境危害引起了全球的关注,促使各国开展针对二噁英的环境风险评估工作。美国等发达国家通过将2,3,7,8-TCDD的毒性当量作为基准,其它二噁英类物质的毒性当量进行转化的方法,建立二噁英类化合物的环境健康风险评估框架,具有充分的理论基础。本研究在分析借鉴美国针对二噁英的环境健康风险评估方法基础上,最终结合中国二噁英研究的现状,提出相
2、关建议。关键词:二噁英;风险评估;毒性当量;暴露Lessons Learned from Environmental Health Risk Assessment Method for Dioxin in the United StatesGUO Yifei, SONG Yun, WEI Wenxia, SUN Xiaofeng, LI Peizhong, SUN Hui(Environmental Protection Research Institute of Light Industry, Beijing 100012)Abstract: The environmental hazard
3、s of dioxin have caught the global attention, from which every country is attempting to conduct environmental risk assessment tasks on dioxin-like compounds. Developed countries like the United States have constructed an environmental health risk assessment framework for dioxin by considering the to
4、xic equivalency quantity (TEQ) of 2,3,7,8-TCDD as the baseline and converting TEQs of other congener compounds, with abundant theoretical principles. By analyzing the environmental health risk assessment method for dioxin in the U.S., this study finally evaluated the research on dioxin-like compound
5、s in China and some related suggestions were raised. Key words: Dioxin; risk assessment; toxic equivalency quantity; exposure自上世纪60年代起,由二噁英(Dioxin)造成的污染事件时常发生。面对二噁英的威胁,包括中国在内的90 多个国家于2001年5月23日在瑞典斯德哥尔摩签署了关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约。二噁英被列入到“公约”中首批要求进行消除的12种有毒有害持久性有机污染物当中。1997年世界卫生组织(WHO)将二噁英确定为一级致癌物。上世纪70年代后,
6、发达国家将污染物进入环境前实行有效的风险管理作为环境保护工作的重点,尽量减少或消除对环境的危害。由此,针对化学物质对人体健康及生态环境危害的环境风险评估应运而生,成为当今各国从事污染场地环境管理的重要工具。美国的环境风险评估工作一直在世界上处于主导地位;其它国家都来效仿。1983年,美国国家科学院(NAS)确立了风险评估由4个部分组成,即风险识别、暴露评估、毒性评估和风险表征参考文献 NAS (National Academy of Sciences). Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process R, Was
7、hington, DC: National Academy Press. 1983.。本研究结合健康风险评估的4个步骤,系统回顾并分析了美国二噁英环境健康风险评估的方法,为我国针对二噁英类污染的环境风险评估工作给予借鉴。1 二噁英污染识别 1.1 二噁英化学结构二噁英是无色无味的脂溶性物质。它是结构和性质很相似的,包含众多同类物或异构体的有机化合物,包括多氯二苯并二噁英 (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin,简称PCDDs)、多氯二苯并呋喃(polychlorinated dibenzofuran,简称PCDFs),以及共平面多氯联苯(co-planar-poly
8、chlorinated biphenyls, 简称Co-PCBs)。二噁英类物质中,每个苯环上都可以取代1-4个氯原子,形成众多异构体。目前有419种类似二噁英的化合物被确定,但只有近30种被认为具有相当的毒性,当中包括7种PCDD同系物、10种PCDF和13种PCB同系物,其中以TCDD的毒性最大。被认为有毒的PCDD和PCDF同系物当中至少在2、3、7和8位都有氯元素替代;被认为有毒的PCB同系物中苯环的非邻位(3-、3-、4-、4-、5-、5-)都拥有4个以上氯元素并且邻位(2-、2-、6-、6-)的氯元素不多于1个 IPCS (International Programme on Ch
9、emical Safety). Polybrominated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans. Environmental Health Criteria 205 R. Geneva: World Health Organization. 1998.。其中,二噁英主体含有210种化合物,包括75种PCDDs异构体和135种PCDFs异构体 IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). 1997. Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks
10、to humans: Polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins and poly- chlorinated dibenzofurans. France: Lyon Press, 。某些类二噁英多氯联苯(PCBs)具有相似毒性(209种),也归在“二噁英”名下 Health Risks from Dioxin and Related Compounds: Evaluation of the EPA Reassessment. National Academy of Sciences. 2006.。PCDD、PCDF和PCB的化学结构如图1所示。图1. PCDDs、
11、PCDFs和Co-PCBs的化学结构1.2 二噁英类污染源识别目前二噁英的污染源有很多,已经受到了广泛关注。美国环保局(EPA)通过大量研究,总结出5类主要排放源:1)焚烧:包括废物煅烧、燃料燃烧、其他高温操作以及无组织燃烧等 Addink, R.; Van Bavel, B.; Visser, R.; Wever, H.; Slot, P.; Olie, K. Surface catalyzed formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans during municipal waste incineration J.
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13、 N.; Shiozaki, K. Coplanar PCBs and PCDD/PCDFs in municipal waste incineration J. Chemosphere, 1993, 27(1-3):233-240. ;2)金属冶炼及加工过程 Buekens, A.; Stieglitz, L.; Huang, H.; Dinova, C.; Cornelis, E. Preliminary investigation of formation mechanism of chlorinated dioxins and furans in industrial and meta
14、llurgical processes J. Organohalogen Compounds, 1997, 31:516-520., Oehme, M.; Mano, S.; Bjerke, B. Formation of polychlorinated dibenzofurans and dibenzo-p-dioxins by production processes for magnesium and refined nickel J. Chemosphere, 1989, 18(7-8):1379-1389.;3)氯漂木浆、氯代酚类、多氯联苯、酚氧类除草剂、氯代脂肪族等化学物质生产的副
15、产品 Curlin, L.C.; Bommaraju, T.V. (1991) Alkali & chlorine products. In: Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 4th ed. pp. 938-1025., Gillespie, W.J. (1995) Progress in reducing the TCDD/TCDF content of effluents, pulps and wastewater treatment sludges from the manufacturing of bleached ch
16、emical pulp. Research Triangle Part, NC: National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc., Greenpeace (1993) Dioxin factories: a study of the creation and discharge of dioxins and other organochlorines from the production of PVC. Amsterdam. The Netherlands: Greenpeace Inte
17、rnational.;4)一定条件下微生物在氯代酚类物质的活动以及氯代酚类物质的光解作用 Buser, H.R. Formation of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) from the pyrolysis of chlorobenzenes J. Chemosphere, 1979, 8:415-424., Vollmuth, S.; Zajc, A.; Niessner, R. Formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and po
18、lychlorinated dibenzofurans during the photolysis of pentachlorophenol-containing water J. Environ. Sci. Technol, 1994, 28(6):1145-1149., Miller, G.C.; Hebert, V.R.; Miille, M.J.; Mitzel, R.; Zepp, R.G. Photolysis of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on soils: production of 2,3,7,8-TCDD J. Chemosphere, 198
19、9, 18:1265-1274.;5)土壤、沉积物、生物群、水体及一些人造材料等位置的循环释放 Ferrario, J.; Byrne, C.; Cleverly, D. 2,3,7,8-Dibenzo-p-dioxins in mined clay products from the United States: evidence for possible natural formation J. Environ. Sci. and Technol, 2000, 34:4524-4532., Oberg, L.G., Wagman, N.; Koch, M.; Rappe, C. Polyc
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21、体,就影响暴露效应的因素进行的定性评估。二噁英的熔点在100-300C的温度区间 Rordorf, B.F. Prediction of vapor pressures, boiling points and enthalpies of fusion for twenty-nine halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and fifty-five dibenzofurans by a vapor pressure correlation method J. Chemosphere, 1989, 18(1-6): 783-788. , Bolgar, M.; Cunnin
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23、、空气扬尘及颗粒物,均可能是其移动的载体。不同二噁英类物质的水溶性在10-6-10-3区间不等 Mackay, D.; Shiu, W.Y.; Ma, K.C. (1992) Illustrated handbook of physical-chemical properties and environmental fate for organic chemicals: polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated dioxins, and dibenzofurans M. Chelsea, MI: Lewis Publishers. ,
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