1、本科毕业论文(设计)外 文 翻 译题 目 上市公司关联方交易相关问题的探讨 专 业 会 计 学 外文题目 Related Party Transactions in Corporate Governance外文出处 Second University of Naples Ttaly 外文作者 Michele Pizzo 原文:Related Party Transactions in Corporate GovernanceIntruductionUntil recent scandals related party transactions did not deserve indepth a
2、nalyses; academic research mainly focused on different issues and limited attention was paid by regulators and overseers too. Accounting was mainly concerned with potentially biased financial figures; not being carried out at arms length, they might diverge from market prices. Meanwhile, in governan
3、ce studies and codes topics such as board composition and independence, audit committee, directors remuneration, etc,largely prevailed. As a matter of fact, financial disclosure suited both accounting and governance studies because the information required was both a proxy of potential accounting bi
4、as and a tool for monitoring purposes .However, Enrons, Adelphias and Parmalats2 crises shed light on the inherent risks, as related party transactions emerged as a powerful instrument of financial frauds, shareholders expropriation, etc.,turning the veil from the many relevant loopholes affecting e
5、xisting requirements.Such a discovery has obliged regulators and standard setters to strengthen current rules and principles and/or introduce new bans and requirements. A clear shift towards better and more detailed disclosure and the implementation of monitoring procedures (i.e. board approval,inde
6、pendent directors involvement, external qualified opinions) can be easily observed (i.e. O.E.C.D. 2004) and considered an effective strategy (Djankov et al., 2005). Such a process is still on-going and its impact cannot yet be properly examined.Contemporarily, thanks to the substantial anecdotal evi
7、dence, provided also by former scandals, the suspicious attitude and the negative common perceptions, generally accompanying these operations, became more widely and profoundly accepted. Review of the literature and the regulatory framework does not provide a clear and definite picture, but it suppo
8、rts many shades of opinion and reveals both theoretical and operational open issues, deserving further and more detailed analysis.This paper carries out a critical survey of the literature on the issue .and attempts to examine the economic rationale behind related party transactions. In the last par
9、t the European state-of-the-art is reviewed in order to assess its thoroughness and consistency with the economic nature of related party transactions.Related party transactions as conflict of interestsThe topic has always been studied in the literature according to two different theories:a) conflic
10、t of interests;b) efficient transaction hypothesis.According to the former, related party transactions may imply moral hazard and may be carried out in the interest of directors in order to expropriate wealth from shareholders. By contrast, the latter considers these dealings as sound business excha
11、nges fulfilling economic needs of the firm. Academic research consistent with the former approach has thrown light on the drawbacks associated with related party transactions:a) weakening corporate governance. Related party transactions may undermine non-executive directors functions, turning them i
12、nto affiliated or “grey” directors, classified as non-independent outside (Denis and Sarin, 1999; Klein, 2002; Vicknair et al., 1993;Weisbach, 1988), closer to dependent directors. Furthermore, weaker corporate governance makes these transactions more likely to occur, while board independence and th
13、eir lower probability are positively associated (Kohlbeck and Mayhew, 2004;Gordon et al., 2004);b) earnings management (i.e. “a purposeful intervention in the external financial reporting process, with the intent of obtaining some private gain”; Schipper, 1989). Directors have incentives to manage e
14、arnings to increase or legitimate their perquisites or to hide such wealth expropriation. Related party transactions may turn out to be a useful tool for managing earnings (Jian and Wong, 2008; Aharony et al., 2005), operating results and achieving ROE or other targets (i.e. avoiding delisting, new
15、equity issue placement) (Jian and Wong, 2003; Ming and Wong, 2003); c) tunneling, i.e. wealth transfers out of a company for the benefit of shareholders with a controlling interest (Johnson et al., 2000). A company may pay a related party transaction above market prices or pay market prices for good
16、s or services of inferior quality3. Such a phenomenon does not necessarily imply opportunistic behaviour,but may be due to an overconfident approach or biased judgement (for instance, overestimating ones relatives, Ryngaert and Thomas, 2007).Transfer of assets and profits, although common in develop
17、ed countries, becomes more relevant and frequent in emerging economies where external markets are inadequate or corporate governance rules are lacking and, presumably, less effective (Jian and Wong, 2004; Jiang et al, 2005); d) employment of relatives in family firms. A director can be appointed or
18、promoted owing to his family influence over the company;e) misleading statement. Many studies provide evidence of their role in many financial crises (Swartz and Watkins, 2003; Mc Tague,2004) and in the achievement of specific aims (Erickson,2000). Moreover, apart from these cases, these transaction
19、s are generally regarded as less reliable than arms length ones.Because of these factors, related party transactions may be associated with abnormal stock returns (Cheung et al., 2006), firms poor performances (Chen and Chien, 2004) or lower value (Gordon et al., 2004;Jian and Wong, 2004).The previo
20、us circumstances support the idea that these transactions represent a conflict of interest (conflict of interest hypothesis) and that they are inconsistent with shareholder wealth maximization (Emshwiller,2003). To this extent, such a view encompasses agency issues and is consistent with an agency p
21、rospective (Berle and Means, 1932; Jensen and Meckling, 1976) where owners face moral hazard (lack of effort or misuse of company resources) and adverse selection by the CEO (misrepresentation of ability). Thus, risk sharing policies, monitoring, information systems are adopted and, in particular, m
22、echanisms like CEO compensation and board structure are suggested. Once framed in such a context,related party transactions may imply the misuse of firm resources (moral hazard) and the misrepresentation of private information (adverse selection)too: their potential harm in eluding alignment mechani
23、sms, like CEO compensation and board composition, is increasingly perceived.Moreover, the potential bias in financial statements, with a negative impact on their reliability and relevance, introduces further uncertainty and weakens the effectiveness of contracts aiming at reducing agency conflicts.I
24、n particular, according to agency theory (Fama, 1980; Fama and Jensen, 1983) an optimal board composition requires both executive members as well as external (non-executive) directors, thus monitoring becomes even more crucial when non-executive directors are involved (Gordon et al., 2004). Not surp
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- 关 键 词:
- 文献翻译 公司 治理 中的 关联 交易 文献 翻译
