1、VerbMeaningExampleask someone outinvite on a dateBrian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie.ask aroundask many people the same questionI asked around but nobody has seen my wallet.add up to somethingequalYour purchases add up to $205.32.back something upreverseYoull have to back up your car so that
2、I can get out.back someone upSupportMy wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.blow upExplodeThe racing car blew up after it crashed into the fence.blow something upadd airWe have to blow 50 balloons up for the party.break downstop functioning (vehicle, machine)Our car broke down at the si
3、de of the highway in the snowstorm.break downget upsetThe woman broke down when the police told her that her son had died.break something downdivide into smaller partsOur teacher broke the final project down into three separate parts.break inforce entry to a buildingSomebody broke in last night and
4、stole our stereo.break into somethingenter forciblyThe firemen had to break into the room to rescue the children.break something inwear something a few times so that it doesnt look/feel newI need to break these shoes in before we run next week.break ininterruptThe TV station broke in to report the n
5、ews of the presidents death.break upend a relationshipMy boyfriend and I broke up before I moved to America.break upstart laughing (informal)The kids just broke up as soon as the clown started talking.break out ofEscapeThe prisoners broke out of jail when the guards werent looking.break out in somet
6、hingdevelop a skin conditionI broke out in a rash after our camping trip.bring someone downmake unhappyThis sad music is bringing me down.bring someone upraise a childMy grandparents brought me up after my parents died.bring something upstart talking about a subjectMy mother walks out of the room wh
7、en my father brings up sports.bring something upvomitHe drank so much that he brought his dinner up in the aroundphone many different places/peopleWe called around but we werent able to find the car part we someone backreturn a phone callI called the company back but the offi
8、ces were closed for the something offcancelJason called the wedding off because he wasnt in love with his on someoneask for an answer or opinionThe professor called on me for question on someonevisit someoneWe called on you last night but you werent someone u
9、pphoneGive me your phone number and I will call you up when we are in town.calm downrelax after being angryYou are still mad. You need to calm down before you drive the car.not care for someone/somethingnot like (formal)I dont care for his behaviour.catch upget to the same point as someone elseYoull
10、 have to run faster than that if you want to catch up with Marty.check inarrive and register at a hotel or airportWe will get the hotel keys when we check in.check outleave a hotelYou have to check out of the hotel before 11:00 AM.check someone/something outlook at carefully, investigateThe company
11、checks out all new employees.check out someone/somethinglook at (informal)Check out the crazy hair on that guy!cheer upbecome happierShe cheered up when she heard the good news.cheer someone upmake happierI brought you some flowers to cheer you up.chip inhelpIf everyone chips in we can get the kitch
12、en painted by noon.clean something uptidy, cleanPlease clean up your bedroom before you go e across somethingfind unexpectedlyI came across these old photos when I was tidying the e apartseparateThe top and bottom come apart if you pull hard e down with somethingbecome sickMy nephew came down with c
13、hicken pox this e forwardvolunteer for a task or to give evidenceThe woman came forward with her husbands finger e from somewhereoriginate inThe art of origami comes from Asia.count on someone/somethingrely onI am counting on you to make dinner while I am out.cross something outdraw a line throughPl
14、ease cross out your old address and write your new one.cut back on somethingconsume lessMy doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods.cut something downmake something fall to the groundWe had to cut the old tree in our yard down after the storm.cut ininterruptYour father cut in while I wa
15、s dancing with your uncle.cut inpull in too closely in front of another vehicleThe bus driver got angry when that car cut in.cut instart operating (of an engine or electrical device)The air conditioner cuts in when the temperature gets to 22C.cut something offremove with something sharpThe doctors c
16、ut off his leg because it was severely injured.cut something offstop providingThe phone company cut off our phone because we didnt pay the bill.cut someone offtake out of a willMy grandparents cut my father off when he remarried.cut something outremove part of something (usually with scissors and pa
17、per)I cut this ad out of the someone/something overbeat up, ransack (Br.E., informal)Hes lucky to be alive. His shop was done over by a street something overdo again (N.Amer.)My teacher wants me to do my essay over because she doesnt like my away with somethingdiscardIt
18、s time to do away with all of these old tax something upfasten, closeDo your coat up before you go outside. Its snowing!dress upwear nice clothingIts a fancy restaurant so we have to dress up.drop backmove back in a position/groupAndrea dropped back to third place when she fell off her bi
19、ke.drop in/by/overcome without an appointmentI might drop in/by/over for tea sometime this week.drop someone/something offtake someone/something somewhere and leave them/it thereI have to drop my sister off at work before I come over.drop outquit a class, school etcI dropped out of Science because i
20、t was too outeat at a restaurantI dont feel like cooking tonight. Lets eat out.end upeventually reach/do/decideWe ended up renting a movie instead of going to the theatre.fall apartbreak into piecesMy new dress fell apart in the washing machine.fall downfall to the groundThe picture th
21、at you hung up last night fell down this morning.fall outseparate from an interiorThe money must have fallen out of my pocket.fall out(of hair, teeth) become loose and unattachedHis hair started to fall out when he was only 35.figure something outunderstand, find the answerI need to figure out how t
22、o fit the piano and the bookshelf in this room.fill something into write information in blanks (Br.E.)Please fill in the form with your name, address, and phone number.fill something outto write information in blanks (N.Amer.)The form must be filled out in capital letters.fill something upfill to th
23、e topI always fill the water jug up when it is empty.find outdiscoverWe dont know where he lives. How can we find out?find something outdiscoverWe tried to keep the time of the party a secret, but Samantha found it out.get something across/overcommunicate, make understandableI tried to get my point

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