1、电大开放英语(1)形成性考核册答案学前记录卡请自我评估一下你目前的英语基础.1.你是否掌握了本课程作为起点要求的600基础词汇: A. 是. B. 否2.你现有的词汇量约为_500_ ,能熟练使用的词汇约为_300_.3.请写出你认为自己已经掌握的英语语法内容. 人称代词、冠词、一般现在时、词类、 there be的句型等的用法。下面提供一些英语学习的方法,供你参考。但请注意,语言的运用是一种技能,这种技能不是专靠技巧能够获得的,必须要对学习的内容本身投入较多的时间和精力。只有通过大量而反复的练习,才能真正做到熟能生巧。1、把英语当成获取信息、交流的工具,让英语派上用场,也让自己从学习中找到乐
4、,而将注意力集中在要表达的意思上。15、经常使用英英字典。16、经常用英语记述一些身边发生的事情。如果你有什么好的学习方法,可以写在这里和大家共享:我的方法是:借助图像记忆法学习唱经典的英文歌曲。1、 借助图像记忆法:虽然这种方法看起来很原始却非常有效,因为我们都爱看大片,我就选一些大片,不论国产还是海外的,找一些好笑的令人影像深刻的,又能展现英语精髓的电影画面,让自己在轻松搞笑中学到那些以前看来枯燥的语句。2、 运用英文歌曲学习语言,我觉得它的好处有以下三条:(1)可以激发学习英语的兴趣:英文歌曲以其优美的韵律、明快欢乐或抒情的节奏吸引并打动心弦,认一个个英语词句在美妙的歌曲。(2)拓宽知识
5、面:英文歌曲由大量的语言材料组成,可以通过教唱英文歌曲向大脑输入大量的语言信息。经典的歌曲谣来源于深远和广阔的文化背景,学唱英文歌曲的过程中可以感受到语言文化的熏陶而由此获得认识、情感,这必将于移到后来的英语学习中去,产生良好的影响,从而拓宽自己的知识面。(3)提高学习效率:利用学唱英语歌曲的方法进行语言训练,能加深对语言的理解,加速巩固所学的知识。英文歌曲的意境还能使想像力逐渐活跃起来,从而有效地促进思维能力的发展和智力水平的提高,取得显著的学习效果。学习记录表11、请写出下列名词的复数形式。Parent photo bus life half child woman toothParent
6、s photos buses lives haves children women teeth2、频度副词often,always,sometimes等在句中的位置是有规律的,请写出这些规律,并各举一个例句。1).动词to be之后:a. I am often ill on planes. b. She is always at home at night.c. They are sometimes keen on playing cards.2).实意动词之前:a. I usually work on Friday. b. Tom sometimes goes to London.3) 助动
7、词之后,实意动词之前:a. He does not always work on Tuesday. b. I do not usually go to work by bus.3.请写出现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例句。1)、表示此该正在进行或发生的事情和动作。a).I am waiting for an important call from my boss in Shanghai.b).He is talking to a customer.2)现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻并没有进行。a).Li Jun is working on a new data
8、base at the moment , but right now he is sleeping .b).Wang Li is planning a new marketing campaign at the moment , but right now he is visiting New York.4.请用学过的功能句型介绍一下你自己的姓名、年龄、所在城市、工作。My name is JiangHaiYan, I am 27years old. My job is an accountant; I live in shenzhen, I have a family, my husband
9、, my son and I, we have a dog. I like my job, I love my family. 开放英语(1)作业1第一部分 交际用语 FeWtKH /MI O1.( A)How old is the manager? -He is 35 years old. A. Right B.Wrong2.(A)What do they do?They work in a bank.A. Right B.Wrong3.( B)Would you like some crisps? -No,Im sorry. A. Right B.Wrong4.( B)How much d
10、oes the flat cost a month? -Its on the tenth floor. A. Right B.Wrong5.( A)Could you sign the register ,please? -Of course. A. Right B.Wrong第二部分词汇与结构 ?QDHEC6 2 B0h|Y.S8%1 6. ( B ) He _ for an IT company.A. work B. works C. working7. ( A ) I have coffee _breakfast time.A. at B. in C. on8. ( C ) _name
11、is Wanghua.A. He B. Hes C. His9. ( C ) She is _only accountant in my sons company.A. a B. an C. the10. ( C ) Maria often has walk with _ parents in the morning.A. she B. their C. her11. (B ) _ you got any family?A. Do B. Have C. Has12. (B )Hes responsible _the central computer system.A. in B. for C.
12、of13. (C ) The Business Banking Department is on_floor.A. second B. the two C. the second14. (C ) Wang Li is _ a new marketing campsign at the moment.A. plan B. planing C. planning15. (C) Polly enjoys _ the guitar in a band in her free time.A. play B. to play C. playing16. (B ) There _ three plants
13、in the corners of the room.A. is B.are C. have 17. (A ) I work in _ IT Department of _large bank.A. the, a B. a, the C. a, a18. (B ) What _ “nr “ mean?A. is B. does C. do19. (B ) I sometimes go to the pub _ Friday.A. in B. on C. at20. (A ) _people are my friends._people are my husbands friends.A. Th
14、ere , Those B. This , That C. Here , There 21. (B ) He _ in Beijing, but I his parents _in hang zhou. A. live , lives B. lives , live C. live , live22. (A ) My husband doesnt _ ,but I like it very much.A. like shopping B. likes shopping C. likes to shop23. (C) - _ are you from? -Im from NanjingA. Wh
15、at B. When C. Where24. (C ) He _ lunch in the canteen right now.A. has B. have C. is having25. (A ) _ children has his brother got?A. How many B. How much C. How about第三部分句型变换 *:5S*E&V %,1xOl4l 26. He is a manager. xcl$41!W OM2*qiH Is he a manager? tEN8SX ? K,d 27. She usually goes to work by bus. V
16、nYcqeCm sTxgU ! _ Does she usually go to work by bus? bess b= #z1/VZ 28. There are fifty students in the class. .6Llk M6g b8 Ez Are there fifty students in the class? *iN5/wVG 8B(=Y;w 29. They have a large house. sU+8&vBp AtUtE#K Have they a large house? / Do you have a large house? s f.z(o .EReYZO
17、30. Hes currently working on TV advertisements. AmZW=n2 $rWDZ0Z Is he currently working on TV advertisements? V!(7=ku! 第四部分阅读理解 lQiw8qD d&AOHi Rob!You want to know about my new boyfriend.His name is David Manning .He lives in London and hes British .His parents are from London ,but they live in Oxfo
18、rd, He is 34 years old. Hes an IT manager and he works for ABHK Bank.Hes lovely, of course.See you on Thursday.Love , Polly.31. ( B ) Rob is Polly;s new boyfriend.A. Right B. Wrong 32. ( A ) David is British .A. Right B. Wrong 33. ( A ) Davids parents are British.A. Right B. Wrong 34. ( B ) Davids p
19、arents live in London.A. Right B. Wrong 35. ( B )David works at a university.A. Right B. Wrong Xiaoyan: tells David about the people she works with.David :So who do you usually work with in Shanghai?Xiaoyan: I work in an office with three other people ,Jung, Lee and Liu they are the Marketing Depart
20、ment and I am their IT expert.David: Do you like it there?Xiaoyan: Yes, theyre great people .Lee is the Sales Manager. He is responsible for 25 sales people in China .Hes planning a sales campaign for companies at the moment ,but hes (略)36. ( B )How many people does Xiaoyan work with in Shanghai?.A.
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