1、航海仪器实验指导书叶进、马文耀 编广东海洋大学航海学院二00七年五月目录实验一 陀螺罗经的结构认识与正确使用 1实验二 回声测深仪、船用计程仪的部件认识与正确使用11实验三 磁罗经的结构认识与性能检查16实验四无线电导航仪的操作使用和定位18实验五 卫星导航仪的正确使用25实验六 船舶自动识别系统(AIS)认识与使用 54实验一 陀螺罗经的结构认识与正确使用一、实验目的进一步明确各系列陀螺罗经的指北原理和航向指示方法。掌握陀螺罗经的正确使用方法以及检查和调整的方法。二、实验要求1. 了解各种型号陀螺罗经的组成部件及各部件的作用,了解主罗经的结构和各部分作用。2. 掌握各种型号罗经的开、关机和正
2、确使用方法;掌握各种型号罗经的日常检查和调整的方法,以及日常的保养维护。3. 学会支承液体配制。4. 熟悉陀螺罗经要做哪些性能检查和必要的调整及其方法。三、实验设备及用具1 安许茨4型陀螺罗经1部。2 斯伯利MK-37型陀螺罗经1部。3 SPERRY NAVIGATOR MK-2型陀螺罗经1部4 阿玛勃朗MK10型陀螺罗经1部。5 万用表,球垫(或三角架),螺丝刀,活扳手等。6 量杯,酒精灯,玻璃棒,比重计,温度汁等。7 少量蒸溜水、甘油、安息酸等。四、实验内容与步骤安许茨4型陀螺罗经(Anschtz-4型)(一)结构认识1总体结构及作用(1) 主罗经:指示船舶航向。(2) 变流机或逆变器:将
3、船电转换成罗经各部分所需要的电源(3) 变压器箱或自动启动箱和报警装置: 对罗经进行启动、关闭和临视其工作。(4) 分罗经接线箱及分罗经:复示主罗经航向示度。(5) 航向记录器:显示及记录船舶航向。2主罗经结构及作用主罗经结构由三大部分构成。(1)灵敏部分(陀螺球):为一密封的球体,浸浮在随动球内的支承液体中。起找北、指北的作用,是罗经的核心部件。 陀螺球内的陀螺马达、阻尼器、灯形支架、电磁上托线圈等结构及安装方法;陀螺马达的供电及润滑方法。 陀螺球外表面的五个电极名称及其作用;航向刻度线。(2)随动部分:主要由随动球、中心枢轴、蜘蛛架、导电环、方位齿轮和罗经刻度盘等组成,置于贮液缸中,由上、
4、下推力轴承支承在固定部分上。能跟随灵敏部分一起转动,使航向刻度盘上的0到180的刻度线与陀螺球主轴南北线始终保持一致,用于复示并发送陀螺球所示的航向。 随动球上、下半球及其连接方法。 随动球各导电电极名称及其作用。 蜘蛛架与导电螺钉。 中心导杆及随动球的悬吊方法,导向轴承。 汇电环及各电极间的导电途径,28号导电螺钉。 方位齿轮、航向刻度盘及与随动球间的位置关系。 主罗经如何指示出新航向。(3)固定部分:是主罗经与船舶固定相连的部分。由罗经桌、罗经箱等组成,提供灵敏部分正常工作的外部条件。罗经桌及桌上的各主要部件、贮液缸及平衡环的作用。支承液体。平衡重物及罗经桌的校平。罗经壳,主罗经基线,基线
5、的粗调及微调。温控及报警系统:乙醚管、微动开关、加热器、风扇、蜂鸣器。温度控制方法及范围。(二)安许茨4型罗经的使用1.开机前的检查与准备(1) 船电开关、变压器箱上的电源开关、主罗经左侧小门内的随动开关置于“断”位置。(2) 主罗经各部分在正常位置,主罗经上及分罗经接线箱中的保险丝应完好。(3) 各分罗经航向应与主罗经的航向一致。(4) 航向记录器上的航向应与主罗经的航向一致;记录纸左侧的时间标志应与开机时间一致;记录纸是否够用,若不够用则应补充备用的。(5) 主罗经支承液体应足够,用细木棍由注液孔插入贮液缸测量,液面至注液孔顶部的距离不应大于45cm。2.开机步骤:(通常在开航前45h起动
6、罗经)(1) 接通船电开关。(2) 接通变压器箱上的电源开关(观察主罗经陀螺马达三相电流指示小灯亮度)。(3) 20min后接通随动开关(仍注意三个小灯亮度是否变暗)。3.关机(1) 关闭随动开关。(2) 关闭变压器箱电源开关。(3) 关闭船电开关。(三)实验数据整理分析和实验报告1陀螺球高度(毫米mm)液面高度罗经桌水平度液体温度陀螺球高度调整前调整后陀螺马达三相电流(安培A)三相电流(27)相(28)相(29)相启动电流工作电流将上述各表格填好,作出结论及应有的分析。2船舶转向时,主罗经是如何指示出新航向的?根据主罗经结构作简单说明。3简答 陀螺球如何保持在随动球中央? 摇摆的船上常见到罗
7、经桌相对罗经外壳摆动,为什么不会损坏中心导杆等随动元件?在实验室里不能摇摆罗经桌,因为有可能损坏上述元件,为什么?4操作中遇到什么问题?有何体会?SPERRY 37E型陀螺罗经(一)结构认识1. 主罗经2. 控制与发送箱3. 分罗经等(二)操作使用 2-1. INTRODUCTION. This chapter provides instructions that will enable the operator to start and operate the MK-37 Mod E Gyrocompass equipment. 2-2. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. T
8、he operating controls of the MK-37 Mod E Gyrocompass equipment are shown in Figure 3-1 and are defined in Table 3-1. Although operation of the gyrocompass does not require continuous attention to the controls and indicators, the operator should have full knowledge of the meaning and purpose of the c
9、ontrols. 2-3. STARTING THE GYROCOMPASS. This procedure will enable the operator to start the MK-37 Gyrocompass when the gyro wheel is not running.(1) Check to see that the Control and Transmission Unit MODE switch is in the OFF position.(2) Position Control and Transmission Unit Transmission Termina
10、l Circuit Board lA2 switches 1A2S1 through 1A2S12 to OFF. (3) Position Control and Transmission Unit POWER switch to ON.(4) Position Control and Transmission Unit MODE switch to SLEW, observe the TILT METR. If (+) , SLEW compass dial to desired heading minus 30 degrees, if (-) , SLEW compass dial to
11、 desired heading plus 30 degrees.(5) Position Control and Transmission Unit MODE switch to START. Wait ten minutes to allow the gyro wheel to come up to speed.(6) Position Control and Transmission Unit MODE switch to AUTO LEVEL. Wait thirty seconds, or until the compass dial stops moving or has smal
12、l oscillations.(7) Position Control and Transmission Unit MODE switch to MANUAL LEVEL. Use a bumping motion of the SLEW switch to level the gyro as indicated by the TILT METER.(8) Position Control and Transmission Unit MODE switch to RUN.(9) Position Control and Transmission Unit Transmission Termin
13、al Circuit Board lA2 repeater switches to ON. Synchronize each compass repeater associated with the repeater switch turned on to agree with the Master Compass.(10) Position N-S LATITUDE switch to proper hemisphere and set the LATITUDE control to the ships latitude.(11) As soon as the ship is underwa
14、y, set and maintain the SPEED KNOTS control to the ships speeds. 2-4. STOPPING THE MASTER COMPASS. To stop the Master Compass, perform the following steps in sequence:(1) Position Control and Transmission Unit MODE switch to OFF.(2) Position Control and Transmission Unit Transmission Terminal Circui
15、t Board lA2 repeater switches to OFF.(3) Position Control and Transmission Unit POWER switch to OFF. 2-5. ROUTINE OPERATION. Although the operation of the Master Compass is automatic , the following checks should be performed during each watch.(1) Check the Control and Transmission Unit LATITUDE con
16、trol ; reset control to proper latitude as required.(2) Check the Control and Transmission Unit N-S LATITUDE switch ; reset switch to proper hemisphere.(3) Check the Control and Transmission Unit SPEED KNOTS control ; reset control to proper speed of ship as required.(4) Make periodic normal azimuth
17、 checks to verify the compass heading information.(三)实验报告1画出斯伯利MK37型陀螺罗经控制与发送箱的面板图,翻译上述操作过程。2叙述方式转换开关分别位于“SLEW”、“START”、“AUTOLEVEEL”、“RUN”和“MANUAL LEVEL”位置时的作用,以及“纬度”补偿旋钮和“速度”补偿旋钮的作用。ARMA-BROWN MK-10型陀螺罗经(一)整套设备组成1. 主罗经2. 开关接线箱3. 变流机4. 分罗经等(二)操作使用2-1 Starting Procedure(1) TO start up the system chec
18、k that the main supply is ON(2) Set the GENERATOR switch on the switch-and-junction box to ONThe power failure alarm will sound an audible warning and the indicator lamp will 1ight(3) Operate the toggle switch on the power failure alarm unitThe audible warning will be silenced and the lamp will go o
19、ut if the supplies are normal(4) Switch on the POWER switch on the compass control panelThe indicator lamp adjacent to the switch should lightIf not,check (1) above(Observe the top of the sensitive element through the top cover of the compass when switching the compass power switch to ON: the top of
20、 the tank will give a momentary “dip” away from the bubble if the power is on.)(5) Wait at 1east five minutes for automatic starting cycle of compass servo motors to become operative(6) Set the REPEATER switch on the switch-and-junction box to ONNote: It will,of course,be realised that instructions
21、referring to the power failure alarm are only applicable when this optional unit is fitted(7) Set the SPEED control to the appropriate speedReset the control as necessary(8) Set the LATITUDE control to the local latitudeReset this control as necessary(9) By means of the AZIMUTH and TILT SLEW control
22、 controls slew the compass card to the true heading and level the gimbalsIndicated by the bubbleThe compass will settle to 2 degrees within 30 minutes of switching ON and within +0.5 degree after 180 minutes of running over the latitude range 80N to 80S If the true heading is unknown the compass wil
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