1、Unit 1B 1.used-employed 2.possibility-likelihood 3.conducted-generate 4.sell-dispose of 5.efforts-endeavors 6.prize-reward 7.danger-risk 8.crime-offense 9.customer-client 10.thought-perceived 11.information while interrogation the arrestee-post arrest interrogation information 12.difficulties-hurdle
2、sC1.The police should.(surveillance)2.The criminal can.(disposing) 3.The detectives (have generated)4.The bank robbery.(concealed)5.She got some books.(immersed)6.In order to.(undercover) 7.The large number.(interventions)8.With more (interation)9.Sensors (have been employed)10.We should work .(aime
3、d) 11.The court has no (jurisdiction)12.The (recovery) of only a small. 13.If crimes are .(likelihood)D1.据人们估计,多达60%的赃物都被那些守法公民买走。 Its been estimated that as much as 60% of stolen property is bought by those law-abiding citizens.2.需要告诉公众购买赃物和侵犯财产之间的关系。 The public should needs to be told that of the
4、relationship between buying stolen property and property crimes.3.人们已经意识到,销赃市场的存在可能推动了偷盗犯罪率的上升。 Its recognized that the existence of markets for stolen property may drive the high crime rates.4.必须鼓励居民向警察提供有关犯罪嫌疑人和他们所在地的信息。 Residents should be encouraged to provide the police with the information on
5、the suspects and their locations.5.一旦关闭了销赃市场,犯罪分子把赃物转换成现金就比较难了。 Once the markets for stolen property are closed ,it will be diffcult for criminals to convert the stolen goods into cash.6.可以要求典当行的老板参与旨在防范偷窃和销赃的犯罪防范计划。 Pawnbrokers can be required to join in the crime prevention program aimed at preven
6、ting the theft and disposal of stolen property.7.警察应该参与检查典当行老板的业务记录。 The police should be involved in the examination of the pawnbrokers bussiness records.8.市民们可能忽略了这样一个事实,即那些购买赃物的人实际上为侵犯财产犯罪提供了某种经济动力。 The citizens may ignore the fact that those who buy the stolen property may actually provide an ec
7、onomic impentus for the property crime.Unit2B1.calculate-assess 2.fraud-deception 3.has made himself ready-has gearing himself up 4.without being forced-volantarily 5.drawn-created 6.made a confession to-admitted 7.considering-regarding 8.correctly-accurately 9.lie-detecor=polygraph 10.proof-evidenc
8、e 11.behaviors-mannerismsC1.The defendant repllied .(self-crimination)2.The public order.(gearing)3.There is only .(evidence)4.Sometimes if an .(sociated)5.Having mentioned the .(assess)6.A (confession) can be defined7.His statement that .(manifests)8.Any officers need .(impending)9.By formulating p
9、olice .(submit)10.To restore the order .(involves)11.The police dogs .(respond)12.If any information .(distinct)13.Computers are very (reliable).14.By (undertaking) community crime.D1.确实会出现有关测谎仪到底有多精确方面的问题。 The question dose actually arise regarding how accurate the polygraph are.2.因为测谎仪能提供生理数据,有事没有
10、必要非得强迫被测试人用语言来回答问题。 Because the polygraph can provide physiological data,sometimes it is unnecessary to comple the subject to verbally answer the question。3.由于测谎仪的结果存在差异,测谎结果只能作为法庭上的辅助证据。 Owing to the variation in the result of lie detecting,its results are considered as auxiliary evidence。4.面对即将来临的
11、危险,人的神经系统会自动让身体做好准备,以保护它免受伤害。 In face with the impending danger,the human nervous system will automatically gear the body up to protect it from being harmed。5.在美国,测谎仪还被使用在商业上,以帮助检测企业即将雇佣的人员是否诚实。 In the US,the polygraph is commercially used to help detect whether the personnel the enterprise will emp
12、loye are honest or not.6.比起小城镇来,大城市更可能发生暴力犯罪和与毒品有关的犯罪。 Violent crimes and drug-related crimes are more likely to occur in large cities than in small towns.7.对犯罪动机的推断主要依靠实战经验、证据和现有的事实。 The deduction of the criminal motives is chiefly dependent on field experience,evidence and available facts。8.巡警对110
13、报警电话迅速做出反应,及时赶到了犯罪现场。 The patrolmen immediately responded to the 110 call for police emergent service and rushed to the crime sence in time。Unit 3C1.In her novel .(ambivalence)2.The appearance of .(mitigated)3.The photo program (have garnered)4.The international situation .(impact)5.The concert was
14、a good one, .(publicity)6.The newspaper editorials .(outcry)7.It is reported a girl (was assaulted).8.Black unemployment rate runs (triple).9.He is considered a (repository)10.What I found (sobered).11.The success of .(has exceeded)12.If every citizen.(unavoidable) D1. 中国都市市民对于汽车的矛盾心理阻碍了他们购车。 The Ch
15、inese urban citizens ambivalence towards cars has prevented some of them from buying cars。2.他们对交通事故作了初步的调查,并未查明其原因。 They made some cursory investigation of the traffic crash without finding out its cause。3.警察必须采取一些积极置前的措施以减缓市民面临的危险。 The police should take some proactive actions to mitigate the risks
16、 the citizens face。4.为了能更准确地描述这件事,我们用了图表来说明这个问题。 To put the matters in perspective,we used a chart to illustrate the problem。5.交通事故的频繁发生已经引起了当地政府对交通执法的重视。 The frequency of traffic injuries has garnered the attention of the local government to the traffic enforcement。6.交通致死率是犯罪致死率的三倍。 The death rate
17、of traffic accident triples that of crime。7.机动车事故和自然灾害是有区别的,以为前者是可以避免的。 Motor vehicle crashes stand apart from natural disasters because the former can be avoidable。8.在改进道路的安全方面,宣传教育起到了重要的作用。 Education has played a impotent role in improving highway safety。Unit 4B1.part-component 2.the rate of crack
18、ing down criminal cases-crime clearance rate 3.accusation-prosecution 4.had been found guilty-convicted 5.able to be seen-visible 6.careful examination- scruitiny 7.ends-butts 8.possible-imaginable 9.gather-collect 10.replaced-substituteC1.Most of the sophisticqted .(forensic)2.How many times .(juri
19、sdiction)3.The (traces) of petrol .4.To develop the print,.(visible)5.Blood is usually .(identified)6.Photos and castings .(retained)7.The (perpetrator) of the massacre .8.She said didnt need .(defense)9.Tonights program will (focus on).10.The technology of ATM.(to the point)11.Individual police off
20、icers .(critical)12.Street prostitution (creates). D1.犯罪现场证据的收集对于发现嫌疑人、指控罪犯很重要。 The collection of evidence on the crime scene is very impotant to the identification of the suspect and the conviction of the criminal。2.犯罪现场保护好以后,可以对现场作初步调查。 After the crime scene has been secured,a coarse examination o
21、f the scene may be undertaken。3.因为物证在犯罪现场所处的位置,它们可能向刑侦人员提供一定的信息。 The physical evidence may provide a certain amount of information for the criminal investigator because of its position on the crime scene。4.根据门上的撬痕,我们初步得出结论:这里发生了入室盗窃案。 According to the pry-marks on the door,we have a conclusion that
22、a burglary has taken place here。5.在暴力犯罪现场,血迹是一种常见的生理物证。 Blood stains are common kind of biological evidence on the scene of violent crime。6.虽然血液标本是一种很好的证据,但是它对警官的健康构成了严重的危险。 While blood samples are an excellent form of evidence,they also constitute a serious health hazard for officers。7.先进的DNA技术能帮助找
23、到以前可能找不到的证据。 The advanced DNA technology can help locate the evidence that may have gone uncollected previous。8.那些可能带有证据价值的物品需要找到、鉴定、收集和保存在理想的地方。 The items that have evidentiary value need to be located,identified,collected and stored in an ideal place。Unit 5B1.claims to retrieve-reclaims 2.giving p
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