1、青衣江流域生态环境需水量研究(节录)信息与工程技术学院 农业水利工程专业 李昌文(指导老师:倪福全 职称:副教授)摘要:随着人口与经济的迅速发展,人类过度的开发水资源生态空间,生态系统的平衡受到了严重地改变和破坏,水环境污染和水资源短缺问题日益严重,水资源开发利用与生态环境的矛盾愈显突出。河流系统是自然界最重要的生态系统之一。河流系统的功能通常包括生态功能、环境功能和资源功能等。然而,由于人类非理性活动,过度地开发河流水和占用水资源的生态空间,河流系统的结构和功能遭到破坏,对人和生态环境造成了极大的影响。因此,保护和改善河流生态环境,优先解决河流生态环境用水问题则成为我国社会经济可持续发展的前
3、流域这一有机整体的人口、自然和经济三者协调发展为目标,对流域系统的可度量性、区段差异性、结构和功能、稳定和进化以及流域系统生态环境需水量的理论基础进行了探讨。(3)根据雅安市青衣江流域水环境的时空差异,考虑区域完整性、研究因子代表性、资料的可获取性等多项因素,采用Visual Basic 6.0面向对象的编程思想、可持续发展思想和系统思想,借助VB6.0、ArcGIS等先进的系统平台,建立数学模型,对青衣江流域梯级水电开发的生态环境需水量论证决策支持系统进行设计和开发,通过对用户、人机交互界面、数据库子系统和模型库子系统的设计,开展四川雅安市青衣江流域生态需水量计算、评估、预警与调控的理论与空
5、管理提供了科学依据。关键词:生态环境需水;青衣江流域;决策支持系统;梯级水电开发;河道内;河道外Research on Eco- environment Water Requirement for Qingyi Drainage BasinAgriculture hydraulic engineering C.W.LiTutor:F.Q.NiAbstractWith the rapid development of population and economy,water resource has been excessively exploited and the balance of ec
6、osystem has been seriously changed and destroyed.The problem of water resource pollution and shortage is becoming more and more serious.The contradiction between exploitation water resource and environment is becoming more and more acute.The river system is one of the most important ecological syste
7、m.The function of river system usually includes ecological function,environmental function and resources function etc.However,because of the mankinds unreasonable activity that they exploit the river water and occupy the ecosystem space of water resource excessively,the structure and functions of th
8、e river system are destroyed and create tremendous influence to the people and the eco-environment.Therefore,we should protect and improve the river eco-environment and resolve the eco-environmental water requirement of river system,which become the prerequisite for the sustainable development of so
9、cial economy of our country.At the same time,The long neglect of the problems on the ecological and environmental water requirement in the Hydropower Development results in a series of eco-environmental problems,for example,the degeneration of the environment,the decrease of the biodiversity,the dry
10、ing up of the river channel etc.How to ensure water requirement of the aquatic ecosystem is a crucial factor for the ecosystem conservation.Therefor,this paper spreads out the research on the water requirements of the eco-environment of the Qingyi River. Main contents are as following.(1)On the basi
11、s of analyzing the research headway of the eco-environmental water demand of river in recent years,the conception and its systemic composition of the eco-environmental water demand of river were discussed in the paper. Introduce and analysis the conception,connotation,sort,research content,update re
12、search developments and latest calculation method about eco-environmental water requirement.(2)This paper based on the work of previous studies, according to maximize to maintain and coordinate the system function which the river system commitment to , As for coordinated development of population, n
13、ature and economic in the drainage basin as an organic whole should be targeted, discussed metrizability, Section difference, structure and function, stability and ecological evolution, the theories of eco-environmental water requirement of river system of the watershed system.(3)According to water
14、environment differences in time and space of Qingyi Drainage Basin in Yaan city, Considering the regional integrity, factor representation,Information accessibility and many other factors,this paper adopted object-oriented programming ideas of Visual basic 6.0, Concept of sustainable development and
15、 System thought, builded the mathmatical model, Designed and Developed eco-environmental water requirement Decision Support System for Qingyi drainage basin On the basis of the Advanced platform of VB6.0、ArcGIS.By designing of the user interactive interface, the database subsystem and model base sub
16、system,this paper carried out the Research of calculateing, evaluation, Early warning and control for Qingyi drainage basin. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to promote water resources development planning and management to get a fundamental change in typical ecologically fragil
17、e areas of upper Yangtze River, to Speed up the modernization and Information Process of water resources management,besides,it is good for ecological restoration and reconstruction.(4)According to the actual situation of Qingyijiang River, this paper carried out the calculation and evaluation of the
18、 eco-environmental water requirement in instream and offstream in a variety of methods.According to eco-environment problems and eco-environment water requirement in Qingyi drainage basis,this paper put forward a lot of suggestions and strategy for sustainable water resource development in order to
19、improve the eco-environment.The study on the eco-environmental water requirement of river system in Qingyi plain not only enriches the research contents of the eco-environmental water demand and Develops eco-environmental water requirement Decision Support System for Qingyi drainage basin,but also s
20、upplies new thinking to quantificational study on the river eco-environment and raises scientific foundation to regional water resources developmental plan and sustainable management.Key Words:eco-environment water requirement;Qingyi drainage basis;Decision Support System;cascade hydropower developm
21、ent;innerriver,outerriver;GIS5 基于GIS的青衣江流域生态环境需水量管理决策支持系统研究5.10 青衣江流域生态环境需水量管理决策支持系统5.10.1 系统设计1、开发及运行环境。系统开发平台:Visual Basic 6.0,MapObjects 2.3、ArcView GIS 3.2。数据库管理系统软件:SQL Server 2000。运行平台:WINDOWS XP/ WINDOWS 2003/VISTA/ WIN 7。分辨率:最佳效果 1024768。2、系统结构青衣江流域生态环境需水量管理决策支持系统包括工程管理、图层管理、图形操作、查询功能、数据管理、实
23、水盐平衡生态需水量计算防治水质污染的生态环境需水量湿地保护与恢复生态环境需水量Tennant计算模型最小月保证法模型IFIM法计算模型输沙需水计算模型模型1模型2R2CROSS法张长春水面蒸发损失需水量计算模型达西公式计算模型卞戈亚计算模型模型1:中国10年最枯月平均流量法模型2 水质目标法模型3:最小河道稀释净化水量最小水位法计算模型河道内生态环境需水总量计算及其评价图5.31_1 河道内生态环境需水量计算及其评价 (1)河道内生态环境需水量计算及其评价模块。包括水生生物栖息地生态环境需水量计算及其评价、输沙需水量计算及其评价、水面蒸发损失需水量计算及其评价、生态基流量计算及其评价、维持水盐
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- 青衣江流域生态环境需水量研究 毕业论文 青衣 江流 生态环境 需水量 研究
