2、糊PID控制器的构成方式进行归纳总结。对汽包水位的模糊PDI控制方式进行结构及性能上的分析和比较。2)提出一种采用以误差e及其积分ei作为输入语句变量,以两个一维的模糊控制器对PID参数进行在线调整的控制方式进行了探讨。仿真结果表明,控制效果有一定的提高。 3)微分作用对高频干扰十分敏感,容易导致调节品质下降。锅炉本身具有一定的滞后,若不加微分作用,则控制作用的及时性无法发挥。虽然工业锅炉内扰严重,但适当的加一点微分作用对于锅炉水位的控制有一定好处。本文对采用不完全微分型模糊PID的控制情况进行仿真研究,结果表明,控制效果较为理想。关键词 汽包水位模糊;PID;控制三冲量Boiler Wate
3、r Level Fuzzy PID Control of ResearchAbstractBoiler is necessary power plant in the process of industry. In order to ensure the production and security, the auto-control of it is very important. The drum water level is an important variable to be controlled, it is hard to get the mathematic model of
4、 the water level with adjustive process. It is characteristic of nonlinearity, instability and time lag. The traditional control mode of three variable in the drum water level mostly use PID, the effect of it can be improved. The fuzzy control does not need precise mathematic model of the controlled
5、 object ,it only needs the experience of operator and the data of operating, it has good robustness and is fit to control the system with nonlinearity and lag. But its static characteristic is dissatisfactory, which limit the application of it. Based on the characteristic of water level control in b
6、oiler and fuzzy control, this paper does some exploratory works as follows on applying fuzzy-control to three-variable control mode in the drum water level:1)This paper summarizes the present forms of fuzzy-PID controller. It analyzes and compares the structure as well as performance of water level
7、in boiler combing the characteristic of water level control in boiler.2) A control mode is brought forward,which is based on adjusting PID parameters on line via two single-dim entional fuzzy controllers which use error and its integral as input sentence variables. The result of simulation shows the
8、 better effect.3) The part of differential is sensitive to high frequency noise, and easily make the quality of adjust declining. Boiler has the characteristic of lag, the controller is not rapid enough if there is not differential item. Although industrial boilers have many inner-noises, it is good
9、 to water level control that properly adds a little of differential item in boiler. This paper studies the simulation of fuzzy PID control with incomplete differential type, the result of simulation show that the effect is good.Key word Drum water level; Fuzzy-PID;Three-variable目录摘要IAbstractII第1章 绪论
10、51.1 锅炉汽包水位51.2 锅炉汽包水位的系统结构61.3 汽包水位调节对象的特性71.3.1 汽包水位在给水流量作用下的动态特性71.3.2 汽包水位在蒸汽流量扰动下的动态特性10第2章 锅炉水位PID控制系统设计132.1 PID控制原理132.2 PID对控制的影响142.2.1 比例P调节142.2.2 积分I调节142.2.3 微分D调节142.2.4 PID控制器的参数整定152.3 汽包水位调节系统的设计162.3.1 单冲量水位调节系统162.3.2 双冲量水位调节系统172.3.3 三冲量水位调节系统192.3.4 汽包水位的三冲量PID串级控制系统212.4 本章小结2
11、2第3章 模糊控制233.1 模糊控制的产生与发展233.2 模糊控制的基本原理233.2.1 模糊控制系统组成233.2.2 模糊控制器的基本结构243.3 模糊PID控制器283.4 本章小结29第4章 自适应模糊PID控制系统设计304.1 自适应模糊PID控制器的设计304.2 三冲量自适应模糊PID控制系统344.3 三冲量自适应模糊PID控制与传统PID控制仿真结果比较374.4 本章小结39结论40致谢41参考文献42附录A英文原文文献43附录B对应的中文翻译50“更新域”,然后“更新整个目录”。打印前,不要忘记把上面“Abstract”这一行后加一空行第1章 绪论1.1 锅炉汽
12、包水位锅炉的建模与控制问题一直是人们关注的焦点,锅炉的复杂特性使得采用常规方法难以获得良好效果,近年来锅炉的建模和控制融入了智能化的手段。自从1965年加利福尼亚大学的查德教授创建模糊集理论和1974年英国的 E.H.Mamdani 成功地将模糊控制应用于锅炉和蒸汽机控制以来,模糊控制得到广泛发展并在现实中得以成功应用。模糊控制在70年代才引入中国,研究起步较晚,但发展较快,目前在模糊控制、模糊辨识、模糊聚类、模糊模式识别等领域取得很大成就。我国是最早把模糊理论引入气象预报、地震预测和高炉冶炼控制方面的国家。在自适应模糊PID控制器方面,我国的许多学者研究提出了采用模糊逻辑的非常规的PID控制
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- 锅炉汽包水位模糊PID控制的研究 毕业论文 锅炉 汽包 水位 模糊 PID 控制 研究
