新目标初中英语教案七级上册《Review of units 712》.doc
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1、新目标初中英语教案七年级上册Review of units 7-12Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1.、掌握Units 7-12中重要词汇的读音、拼写并能熟练运用;2、使用疑问词how much 询问价格及回答;(- How much are these pants?-Theyre two dollars.)3、使用疑问词when, what time 谈论日期和时间,并且能正确表述日常活动,询问他人年龄等;(- When is your birthday? - My birthday is Octobertent
2、h.) (-What time do you go to school? - I usually go to school at seven oclock. )4、使用一般疑问句表达自己的愿望及回答;(- Do you want to go to movies? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont.)5、使用疑问词why询问原因及表述理由;(- Why do you like it? - Because its interesting.)6、使用疑问词who确认人物;(- Who is your art teacher? - Mrs Brown is.)7、能阅读200词左右的
3、短文,抓住文章主旨,理解文章大意,完成相关的阅读任务;8、能使用所学词汇及句型,从姓名、年龄、爱好、日常活动等方面谈论自己与他人;9、能写短文介绍自己和他人;10、发现自己的优点和长处,树立信心;发现别人的优点和长处,相互学习,共同提高。 Period arrangement Period Contents & pages or sourcesTextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)Page177P77 1a, 1b,1c人教版省教科院组编 课程基础训练七年级上册278P78 2a, 2b, 2c37847980P79 3a,3b; P80
4、5aFeedback本单元为复习单元,在整个单元的教学过程中,紧扣Units 712中每个单元的重点、难点,由浅入深、由简单到复杂,从词汇入手,进而句型的复习,到文章的阅读与写作而展开,教学活动形式多样,教学步骤步步递进、环环相扣,形成合力,从听、说、读、写诸方面培养学生表达各种话题的能力。由于教学内容紧扣学生实际,学生积极投入各项学习活动,勇于表达自己的真情实感。同时,在谈论自己和别人的过程中,学生不断发现自己和他人的优点及长处,帮助他们增强自信心的同时,也教会他们学会取长补短,共同提高,共同进步。为了减轻学生课余学业负担,提高教学效率,教材所涉及的所有练习,包括增加的多个阅读、写作练习都安
5、排在课堂内完成。本单元教学自评95分,表明教学目标达成度较高。究其成功原因主要在于我们充分发挥了集体备课的作用,合众人之力,对教学及教法进行了统一的安排,课前我们认真研读了教材,尽可能吸取了与教材配套的教师教学用书提供的中英文教学建议,并结合学生的实际,在单元整体备课,细化单元及课时教学目的,合理安排课时教学内容,并在尽可能多的预设教学活动的前提下,关注课堂生成,并随时根据学情调整教学活动,因而教学收到了事半功倍的效果。但课后在不增加学生过重课业负担的前提下,如何指导学生进行系统、有效的复习,通过课外阅读加大词汇量、提高阅读能力,尽快培养学生英语语感等方面还有待研究。Plan for ever
6、y periodPeriod 1Teaching aims1、 掌握重要词汇的读音及意思;2、 能正确的运用词汇表达自己的意思。Keys & puzzles1、 How to memorize the words;2、 How to make sentences.Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart游戏引入认读重要词汇快速记忆单词听写检测词汇的分类巩固与拓展小组合作学习布置作业Step Lead-in (3)Play a game with the whole class.First, divide the whole students into t
7、wo groups(for example, boys and girls).Then, each group choose ten of them to make up a team to have a match with the other one.Next, the teacher give a word to each team. They will begin with this word and go on saying the next word with the last letter of the front word. They should tell us ten wo
8、rds, and they shouldnt use the same word.The team which can finish the task quickly and correctly will win the match.For example,lookkeyyearrockkinddrummonthhotellistenNovemberEach group can make up 23 teams to take part in the game.Step Presentation(12) A slide show about the key words.The students
9、 read the words in the box by themselves. If they dont know a word, they can turn to the page numbers in the brackets and check it.After that, ask them to memorize the words as quickly as possible.Have a dictation. Each group send one of them to do it in front of the class. After that, the whole cla
10、ss check the answers together.The teacher check the result of the dictation.Step Practice(15)The student divide the words as their kinds. First, they distinguish the words in the box. Then, they should add some more words they know.Check the answers with the whole class. The students choose the word
11、s to finish the exercises in 1c. They should put the sentences into Chinese and make another sentence. A slide show about the adding exercises.Step Pairwork(9)The students work in pairs. Each student chooses five words from the box and write sentences. Say the sentences to his / her partner. Dont sa
12、y the words they choose. Say BLANK. Ask their partners to guess the words and spell the words. Sample:A: My favorite subject is BLANK.B: Is it history?A: Yes, it is. Spell it, please.B: H-I-S-T-O-R-Y.Homework(1)Students copy the sentences they made in the exercise-book.Feedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成度较高,学生学习
13、积极主动,热情投入,课堂氛围非常热烈。教学步骤循序渐进,铺垫有序,能力训练较为扎实,为后面的环节-单元重、难点复习,打下了坚实的基础,结合学生的实际,由浅入深展开多种形式的教学活动,学以致用,收效很好,激发了学生进一步学习的积极性。Period 2 Ex.2a-2b Teaching aims1 听力训练,能听懂材料中的内容,并且能根据要求完成给图片排序和回答问题;2 复习并巩固目标语言:1) How much are these pants?2) When is your birthday?3) Do you want to go to a movie?3 复习运用how much, whe
14、n, what, why等引导的一般现在时态的特殊疑问句和以Do引导的一般疑问句;4 复习基数词与序数词的基本用法和不同点;5 复习谈论电影以及表达情绪的形容词的基本用法;6 复习名词的单复数的一般形式。Teaching aidsCAI, Tape recording Teaching proceduresChart视频引入复习unit 7-9的内容小组合作学习巩固与拓展针对性练习题听录音完成任务2a和2b布置作业Step 1 Leading-in (2)T:Good afternoon, boys and girls! To a student. Whats this in English?
15、S: Its a jacket.T: How much is it?S: Its 56 dollars. T: Why do you like the jacket? S: Because its very beautiful .Point at the students clothes, and practice asking and answering by using the drill. Then go on the conversations.Step 2 Presentation and practice (28)1 Review of Unit 7 1) First, lets
16、revise the contents in Unit 7. Please look at the screen, what can you see on it?The students tell the names of the objects. Then get the students ask and answer using the conversation sample.S1: How much are the pants? S2: Theyre 8 dollars.S3: 2) Sum up the rules of the questions beginning with “Ho
17、w much”.购物时, 要问某种物品多少钱,用how much来问, 意思是“多少钱”, 当how much 用来询问价钱时,动词be的形式要根据它后面的名词来变化,如果其后面的名词是单数,就用is, 如果是复数就用are。Translate some sentences:How much is this pen?这支钢笔多少钱? Its three dollars. 三美元。How much are these pants? 这条裤子多少钱?Theyre 20 dollars. 二十美元。 3) T: We use the numerals to tell the price, can y
18、ou count from 0 to 100? Ss:(counting)Great, this time, please write down the numbers on your exercise books as soon as possible. Lets see who will be the No.1. Check the answers in class. 4) Then sum up the rules of the numbers. 10 ten, 11eleven, 12 twelve 0到12记住单词 1319的基数词都以teen结尾。 thirteen, fourte
19、en, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 2090中整几十的基数词都以-ty结尾。 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 几十几的基数词在十位和个位之间加连字符。 几百后面没有s,如是几百几十几,百与几或几十几中间用and连,十位和个位之间加连字符。如:three hundred, four hundred and one , nine hundred and ninetynine2 Review of Unit 8 1) Then, lets re
20、vise the contents in Unit 8. Please look at the screen, what can you see on it? Yes, its a date. Its my birthday.T: When is my birthday?Ss: Your birthday is April 15th.Show another picture, ask the students to answer with the date on it. Work in pairs and practice the similar conversations with the
21、cartoon characters.S1: When is Doraemons birthday?S2: His birthday is Sep. 3rd in 1979. etc.2) Lets review the names of the months. At first, well do the exercise: Say the names of the months. A and B, please come to the blackboard and write them down. Check the answers in class.3) Review the ordina
22、l numbers. And tell the differences between the cardinal numbers and the ordinal numbers. Do some exercises.There are _months in a year. May is the _ month in a year.There are _days in the week. Tuesday is the _ day in the week.I have _ sisters and I was born on March _(2).4) Sum up the rules of the
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- Review of units 712 新目标初中英语教案七级上册Review of units 712 新目标 初中英语 教案 上册 Review 712
