第一章 家畜生殖内分泌学课件.ppt
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1、第一节 内分泌学概述Section 1 The Overview of Endocrinology 一、内分泌学的基本概念 一、Basic concepts of Endocrinology(一)内分泌(endocrine):腺体或组织细胞分泌一种或多种生物活性物质,这些物质在局部或通过血液运输,到达某一激素敏感的靶器官或靶组织,调节其分泌或代谢功能,这种现象称为内分泌。It s a phenomena that one or more biologically active substances which released from endocrine tissue or glands i
2、nto the bloodstream that attach to target tissue and regulate many functions of secretion or metabolism.内分泌学(endocrinology):研究内分泌现象及其本质的科学。Its a science of studying the phenomena and essence of endocrine。,第一章 家畜生殖内分泌学Chapter1 Reproductive endocrinology in domestic animals,细胞外信息传递的方式共6类There are six
3、modes of Intercellular communication.(1)内分泌:经血液循环传递。大多数激素以这种方式传播。(1)Endocrine:The hormones transmit through the blood circulation.Most hormones spread in this way.,(2)旁分泌:经组织液直接作用于邻近的细胞(2)Paracrine:The hormones directly act on the adjacent cells.,(3)自分泌:作用于分泌细胞自身(3)Autocrine:The hormones are release
4、d and act on the cell that secreted them,(4)近分泌或并置分泌:需要细胞与细胞的接触。膜结合细胞因子与邻近细胞(靶细胞)的受体相作用(4)Juxtacrine:Involving specific cell-to-cell contacts.The interaction of membrane-bound forms with their receptors on an adjacent cell,(5)胞内分泌:某些细胞因子分泌后很快内化,与其自身内部受体作用(5)Intracrine:Steroid hormones act through in
5、tracellular receptors,and hormones act within the cell that produces them(6)逆分泌:可溶性受体与远端靶细胞上正常分泌的膜结合细胞因子相互作用(6)Rertocrine:soluble forms of receptors that are normally a component of the cell surface membrane interact with distant target cells by binding to membrane-bound forms of cytokines,自分泌、旁分泌与内
6、分泌Autocrine、Paracrine and Endocrine,内分泌与外分泌的比较The comparation of Endocrine and Extrocrine,Endocrine glands,Excrine glands,hormone,gland cell,gland cell,bloodstream,catheter,epidermis,mammary glandsweat gland,二、内分泌系统的主要生理作用及其调节二、The main physiological action and regulation of endocrine system,(一)内分泌系
7、统的生理作用(一)The physiological action of endocrine system1.保证机体内环境的相对稳定1.Maintenance of the internal environment in the body(1)控制消化道运动及消化腺的分泌(1)Regulate the digestive movement and the secretion of digestive glands,(2)控制能量产生(2)Regulate the produce of energy(3)控制细胞外液的组成和容量(3)Regulate the composition and c
8、apacity of extracellular fluid 2.调节机体与外界环境的相对平衡2.Regulate the relative balance of organism and external environment 3.调节生殖功能3.Regulate the Reproductive functions,(二)内分泌系统的调节作用(二)The regulating action of endocrine system1.内分泌腺功能的相互调节1.The mutual regulate of Endocrine action 2.神经系统和内分泌系统的相互调节2.The mut
9、ual regulate of nervous system and endocrine system3.神经系统-内分泌系统-体液之间的相互调节3.The mutual regulate of nervous system、endocrine system and body fluid4.神经-内分泌-免疫调节网络4.Nerve-endocrine-immune regulation network,三、激素作用的特点三、The characteristics of hormone action,(一)激素作用的基本特点(一)The basic characteristics of horm
10、one action 特异性 Specificity高效性 High efficiency协同性与颉颃性 Cooperativity and Antagonistic 复杂性 complexity(1)一种激素多种作用;(1)One hormone may trigger multiple responses(2)一种功能多种激素(2)One physiological process may be controlled by many different hormones,(二)受体与激素作用(二)Hormone receptors,1.受体的基本特性 The basic character
11、istics of Receptor识别和结合 受体某一部分的立体构象具有高度选择性,能准确识别并特异性结合某些立体特异性配体,这种特定结合部位也称为受点(receptor site)。单一细胞可能存在不同类型的受体。配体指细胞外信息物质或称为第一信使,如激素。能激活受体的配体称为激动剂(agonist),能抑制受体活性的配体称为颉颃剂(antagonist)。Recognition and combine:A certain part of the three-dimensional conformation of receptors have highly selective,which
12、can help accurately identify and specificity combined ligands,those particular combine part called receptor site.Single cell may exist different types of receptors.Ligands are the extracellular information substances or called first messenger,such as hormones.Ligands which can activate the receptor
13、called agonists,can restrain receptors activity called antagonist.,传导信号 第一信使与受体相互作用产生的信号,通过第二信使将获得的信息增强、分化、整合并传递给后续的效应机制。Conduct signals:The signals produced from the interaction of first messenger and receptors,through the second messenger will be enhanced,differentiation,integrated and passed to t
14、he subsequent effect mechanism.产生相应的生理效应 依每种激素的不同,产生的生理效应也不相同 Produce the corresponding physiological effect:Different hormones will produce different physiological effects.特异性 一种特定的受体,只与其特定配体结合而产生特定效应。specificity:A specific receptor,only combining with a particular ligand can produce certain effect
15、.,饱和性 配体与受体达到最大结合后,不再随配体浓度增高而加大。saturability:When the combination of ligands and receptors reach maximum,it will not increasing with the density of ligands.组织特异性 以不同密度存在于靶细胞的不同区域。Organization specificity:With different density exists in different areas of the target cells.高亲和性 配体的表观解离常数Kd值应在10-910-1
16、2 mol之间。High affinity:The Kd of ligands ranges from 10-9 to 10-12 Molar 结合可逆性 配体与受体的复合物可以解离,也可被其他配体置换。Combining reversibility:The interaction is reversible and how easily the hormone is displaced from the receptor is a quantitation of its affinity.,2.激素及其受体2.Hormones and their receptors,四、激素的分类及转运方式
17、四、The classification and transfer mode of hormones,(一)激素的分类(一)The classification of hormones 根据化学性质不同可分为3类:含氮激素(蛋白质、多肽、胺类激素);类固醇激素(甾体激素);脂肪酸激素。According to the chemical properties,hormones can be divided into three groups:Nitrogen hormone(protein、polypeptide、Amines);Steroid hormones;Fatty acid hormo
18、ne.根据产生部位不同可分为8类:松果腺激素;丘脑下部激素;垂体前叶激素;胎盘激素;性腺激素;神经垂体(垂体后叶)激素;局部激素;外激素According to generate position,hormones can be divided into eight groups:Pineal hormone;Hypothalamic Hormones;Anterior pituitary hormone;Placental hormones;Gonadal hormones;Neurohypophysis(posterior pituitary)hormones;Topical hormon
19、es;Pheromone,Cholesterol胆固醇Pregnenolone孕烯醇酮,(二)激素的转运方式(二)The transfer mode of hormones1.含氮激素:产生后常贮存于该腺体内,当机体需要时,分泌到邻近的毛细血管中。1.Nitrogen hormones:The hormones stored in the glands which produced them.When the body is needed,the hormones will secrete into neighboring capillaries.2.类固醇激素:产生后立即释放,并不贮存。2.
20、Steroid hormones:The hormones released immediately after produce,and didnt stored in the glands.3.脂肪酸类激素:只有前列腺素。当机体需要时,边分泌边应用,并不贮存。3.Fatty acid hormone:Only including Prostaglandin.When the body is needed,the hormones will be used along of its produce,and didnt stored in the glands.,生殖激素概念The concep
21、t of Reproductive Hormone 直接影响动物生殖机能的激素称为生殖激素。Hormones which directly affects the function of animal reproductive called reproductive hormone.调节(regulation):母畜:发情、排卵、生殖细胞在生殖道内的运行、胚胎附植、怀孕、分娩、泌乳、母性、以及生殖器官发育;In female animals:it can regulate estrus,ovulation,the running of germ cells in genital meatus,
22、embryo implantation,pregnancy,parturition,lactation,maternal,and the development of reproductive organs;公畜:精子的生成、副性腺分泌、性欲、生殖器官发育。In male animals:it can regulate sperm production,vice gonad secretion,libido and the development of reproductive organs.,第二节 生殖激素 Section 2 Reproductive Hormone,一、松果体激素一、P
23、ineal hormone,松果腺内存在三类激素:In the pineal,exist three types of hormone 第一类为吲哚类,主要有MLT、5-HT和5-甲氧色胺等;The first type of hormone is indole,including MLT,5-HT and 5-Methoxytryptamine.第二类为肽类,如8-精加催产素(AVT)、8-赖加催产素(LVT)、GnRH及TRH等;The second type of hormone is peptide,including AVT,LVT,GnRH and TRH.第三类为PGsThe t
24、hird type of hormone is PGs.,褪黑素(melatonin)MLT,1958年由利勒尔(Lerner)首次从牛松果腺中分离出来,其结构为:5-甲氧基-N-乙酰色胺,属吲哚类。Melatonin first isolated from cattle pineal in 1958,its chemically structure is:N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine,belonging to indole.生理作用:physiological action:(1)可使皮肤褪色;(1)Melatonin can make skin fade(2)抗
25、性腺、抗甲状腺、抗肿瘤;(2)Melatonin have functions of anti gonad,anti thyroid and antitumor.(3)镇静、镇痛、应激、睡眠、调节生物节律、增强免疫力。(3)Melatonin have functions of calm,analgesic,stress,sleep,adjust biothythm and enhance immunity.,分泌调节:黑暗刺激合成,光照抑制释放。因此,随光照条件昼夜波动,黑暗高、白天低。Secretion regulation:darkness can stimulating the syn
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