1、内蒙古财经大学本科毕业论文中西酒文化对比作 者 系 别 外国语学院专 业 商务英语年 级 08 级学 号 指导教师 导师职称 副教授最终成绩 Foreign Languages College Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics UniversityComparison of the Wine Culture between China and the WestFeng XueyaoA thesis submitted to Foreign Languages College ofInner Mongolia Finance and Economics U
2、niversityIn full-time fulfillment of the requirementFor the degree of Bachelor of ArtsMay 2012Hohhot, China摘要酒是人类生活中的主要饮料之一。在人类文化的历史长河中,它不仅是一种客观的物质存在,而且是一种文化象征,即酒神精神的象征。酒文化源远流长,品种繁多,是一个国家历史发展和文化沉淀过程中不可缺少的一环。中西方文化价值观存在着根本性的差异,酒文化也是一样。本文通过比较中西方酒的源头,酿酒原料与酒品的差异,酒文化核心的差异,酒的交际功能等方面的不同来分析和比较中西方酒文化差异,从而进一步阐
3、述中西方文化差异,特别是价值观方面的差异。关键词:中国,西方,酒文化,比较 AbstractThe wine is one of the major beverages in peoples daily life. In the long history of human culture, it is not only an objective physical existence but also a cultural symbol. That is the symbol of wine culture. Wine culture is long standing and well esta
4、blished. Wine culture is one of the irreplaceable parts of a countrys historic development and cultural sediment. Chinese and western values are basically different, and so is the wine culture. Through comparing the origin and the material and category of wine-making, drinking customs, the communica
5、tive functions and drinking culture between China and the West, this paper studies the differences between Chinese wine culture and the Western wine culture. Thus further to compare the difference between China and the western culture, especially the value.Key Words: China, the west, wine culture, c
6、omparisonAcknowledgementsI am gladly to take this opportunity to express my thanks to my tutor-Miss Wang Ying, who offers me academic advices on composing this paper. Her patient help and timely encouragement are worthy of high acknowledgement. On the process of composing the paper, she also played
7、an important role in indicating a bright road in my future writing.And I also would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Zhao Guodong, who once gave some classes about how to write a paper. At the same time, I would like to thank all the leaders and teachers of the Foreign Languages Collage.I
8、do need to thank my classmates who spend their time in reading my paper and give me their advices. Table of Contents摘要. iAbstract.ii Acknowledgements.iiiTable of Contents.ivPart I Introduction.1Part II Origins of Chinese Wine and the Western Wine.2 2.1 The Origins of Chinese Wine.2 2.2 The Origins o
9、f the Western Wine.2Part III Material and Category for Wine-making.3 3.1 The Materials and Categories of Chinese Wine.4 3.1.1 The Yellow Liquor.4 3.1.2The White Liquor.4 3.2 The Materials and Categories of Western Wine.5 3.2.1 Whisky.6 3.2.2 Brandy.6 3.2.3 Lyme Wine (Rum).6Part IV. The Core of Wine
10、Culture.64.1 The Different Preferences of Wine between China and the West 74.2. Different Wine-Drinking Customs between China and the West.74.2.1 Chinese Wine-Drinking Customs8 4.2.2 Western Wine-Drinking Customs84.3. Different Drinking Vessels between China and the West94.4. Different Communicative
11、 Functions and Drinking Culture.104.4.1 Lyricism and Enjoyment.104.4.2 Shallow Sip and Cattle Drink114.4.3 Masculinity and Feminism.11Part V. Conclusion.11Bibliography.1Comparison of the Wine Culture between China and the WestPart I. IntroductionThe wine, from its first presence, has occupied an imp
12、ortant position in peoples daily life. And with the development of the human history, the wine has become an integral part of human culture, and formed different cultural backgrounds. The charm of the wine culture is that it is always accompanied by other cultures, giving a different cultural flavor
13、 to show its different personality. Western wine culture can be said to be the wine made from grape, while Chinese wine culture is the rice wine. As the living environment, historical background, traditional custom, the value and social norms are different, the wine culture between the east and the
14、west presents a disparate ethnic characteristics. Eastern and western wine cultures do have their similarities but they are quite different. Wine culture is the projection of the human society and the history. The differences of wine culture mean the difference of its main body culture. Chinese wine
15、 drinking culture is generally typical collectivism, friends drink to ones content, and people tend to make drinking atmosphere. While the western wine culture is individualism. Although there are also collective parties, westerners pay more attention to personal taste for wine drinking. The compari
16、son of the Wine Culture between China and the West is quite significant. The paper is divided into five parts and it analyses the origins of Chinese wine culture and western wine culture, material and category for wine-making and then by comparing the Chinese wine-drinking customs and the western wi
17、ne-drinking customs to reach the core of wine culture and the at last compare the communicative functions and drinking culture between China and the west. Through comparing the origin , the material and category of wine-making and drinking customs between Chinese and the Western world, this paper st
18、udies the differences between Chinese wine culture and the Western wine culture to help people know more about the differences of Chinese culture and the Western culture. Through comparing, people in the east and west can make a good understanding of each other and will be good for their future comm
19、unication. Part II. Origins of Chinese Wine and the Western WineThe wine, to both the Chinese and the westerners, plays an important role in peoples daily life. To compare the different origins of wine between China and the West, we should first compare the different origins of wine culture. The win
20、e culture is one of the most popular and the most important human cultures. The origin of wine in China is different from that in the West. It is human beings who brewed wine in China but in the West, wine is the product made by the spirit.2.1 The Origins of Chinese WineUsually, there are four legen
21、ds of Chinese wine origins. They are all about who invested the methods of making wine. The originators are as follows: Yi Di, Du Kang, the monkey and the Chinese Lord .Yi Di and Du Kang are considered the originators of wine-making in China and are believed by most people. According to ancient anna
22、ls, Yi Di was ordered by Yu the Great to produce mellow wine from fermented glutinous rice. The concoction tasted good and Yi Di was confident he would receive a reward. Yu, while agreeing that the drink was of excellent quality and had a good taste, so Yi Di was rewarded. Another Chinese wine-maker
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- 关 键 词:
- 英语专业 本科毕业 论文 中西 酒文化 对比
