1、NANCHANG UNIVERSITY学 士 学 位 论 文THESIS OF BACHELOR(20132015年)题 目:A Research on Chinese in USA Based on the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882学 院:外国语学院 系:英语语言文学 专 业: 英 语 班 级:2013级 学 号:11001413058 学生姓名: 指导教师: 起讫日期: 2015年3月-2015年6月 基于1882年排华法案对在美华人的研究摘要1882年排华法案的颁布是美国移民史上的大事件之一,对当时的中国移民形势造成了重大冲击,并对中美关系产生了深远的影
2、响。本文通过分析美国当时的经济,政治和文化状况深入解读该法案出台的原因及意义,阐明该法案造成的影响,为现代移民带来一些启示。本文首先分析了排华法案产生的历史背景,排华法案的出台是美国工人阶级日趋高涨的排华情绪被资产阶级政党利用的结果,进而论述了排华法案针对的是包括华工在内的所有华人。然后,从美国对华移民政策、中美关系、美国当时的现状等方面,对该法案进行了反思。关键词:排华法案;中国劳工;移民A Research on Chinese in USA Based on the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882AbstractThe issue of the Chinese
3、 Exclusion Act of 1882 is one of the most significant events in the history of American immigration history, which had a great impact on the immigrant situation and further influenced the relationship between China and America. By exploring the political, economic and cultural situation of American
4、society at that age, this paper interprets the reason and meaning behind the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 and gives a good reference for modern immigration. This paper analyzes the historical background of the Chinese Exclusion Act-the increasing anti-Chinese sentiment which is exploited by Bourgeo
5、is parties is the root cause of the Act issue. It further discusses the Actis againstnot only Chinese laborers, but also other Chinese immigrants.Then, there is a reflection of the Actabout the United States immigration policy toward China, Sino-US relation, realsituation of the United States at tha
6、t timeand so on.Key words: the Chinese Exclusion Act, Chinese labors, immigrationCONTENTS摘 要IAbstractIIChapter 1 Introduction1Chapter 2 The background of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 188232.1 Chinese labors participation in the western development32.2The increasingly fierce anti-Chinese sentiment4Ch
7、apter 3 The causes of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 188273.1The push of economic factors and labor organizations73.2 Domestic manipulation of policians.9 3.3 Serious racism and cultural conflict.10Chapter 4 The target of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.114.1 Analysis of the Act.11 4.2 Examples of t
8、he Act.11Chapter 5The reflection of Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882155.1A significant shift in Americas immigration policy towards China155.2A strong negative impact on Sino-US relation.165.3Astrong reverse impact on economic development.16 5.4 The differences in value and way of life.17Chapter 6 Conc
9、lusion.19References20Acknowledgements21Chapter1 IntroductionAll the time the relationship between China and America both as super countries in the world has been catching human beings attention. There is an interesting metaphor that they are one couple of strange bedfellows. On the one hand their mu
10、tual political, economic and cultural benefits matter a lot. On the other hand there are countless frictions and conflicts between each other. Among what has been argued was prominent and history-affecting the enactment of Chinese exclusion law, which deeply hurt Chinese heart, meanwhile influenced
11、American temporal economy. The Opium Debate and Chinese Exclusion Laws in the Nineteenth-Century American West written by Diana L. Ahmad is mainly concentrated on elements causing the enactment of Chinese exclusion act, and lessons that we can learn from the shift of American attitude toward Chinese
12、. In the context of Chinese Exclusion movements refer racialization processes, land, and policy. The Chinese exclusion act of the later nineteenth and early twentieth century was the nations earliest border-controlling legislation. (Ahmad, 2007)Creating whiteness in California: Racializationprocesse
13、s, land, and policy inthe context of Californias Chinese Exclusion movements, 1850 to 1910written by Anna Noel analyzes historic California Chinatowns to show how social relations and constructions of identity influenced. She discusses the anthropological concepts of acculturation studies and ethnic
14、 boundary maintenance, and how they have been applied in archaeological practices. She analyses instances in which investigations of historic eventsassociate with Chinese Americans have unconsciously perpetuated nineteenth-century racial stereotypes. Developments in theories emphasize the utility of
15、 approaches that examine the actual creations of social identity through acts of daily practice created in a particular historical setting. Finally, the evaluation of extant data and theoretical insights point to directions for effective practices in Chinese American archaeology. What is more, it al
16、so gives some negative perceptions on several relevant popular opinions. As follows: racism, capitalists squeezing to Chinese, then by probing into the essential reason lying on Chinese self-exclusion on culture, it is in advocacy of a better adaption in the cyber society. (Naruta, 2006)By exploring
17、 the political, economic and cultural situation of American society at that ages, this paper interprets the reason and meaning behind the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 and gives a good reference for today and futures immigration. In 1850s United States, a large number of Chinese workers served as ch
18、eap labors. In 1860-1870s, unemployment exacerbated American anti-Chinese sentiments. Under this circumstance, the Act was issued. The paper explores the causes of the Act from the aspects of ethnic conflicts, Chinese contribution to America economy and policy factors. In fact, the Chinese Exclusion
19、 Act is against all Chinese in America. At last, it reaches a conclusion on the consequence of the Art - the reject of the US immigrant policy towards China and the deadlock of Sino-US relation. It also points out the Sino-US differences in values and lifestyles reflected in the Act. Chapter 2 The b
20、ackground of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882The Chinese Exclusion Act, refers to a bill signed by the U.S. official on May 6, 1882. It is a revision based on the BurlingameTreaty in 1880.Regulations which have been amended allow government to suspend the immigration of Chinese into the United Stat
21、es. Then theCongress quickly performed the decision.2.1 Chinese labors participation in the western developmentIn 1848, since gold was discovered in California, agold rush hit the United States. With the development of the mining area in the urgent need of a large number of laborand the far western
22、region sparsely populated, lack of labor, At that time, Chinas economy is on the brink of collapse, especially in the southeast coast, severe natural disasters were more fierce than ever before. On the occasion, throwing their eyes at China, American capitalists wantedto input from China large quant
23、ities of cheap Labor. Under the advocacy and lure of the “golden dream” which was like a magnet attracting the bankrupt Chinese underclass.It was dual forces of“push”and“pull”that made a large number of Chinese immigrants flood into the United States. From 1848 to 1848, it only took three years befo
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- 英语 本科毕业 论文 基于 1882 排华 法案 华人 研究
