英文毕业论文梭罗在《瓦尔登湖》中对自然的深刻思考OnThoreau’ .doc
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1、On Thoreaus View of Nature in Walden Abstract Henry David Thoreau is a famous American transcendentalistphilosopher and naturalist in the 19th century. His superb book Waldenindicates many of ideas about nature. This study focuses on the analysisof Thoreaus views of nature in Walden attempting to se
2、ek out itsimplications for modern people who are suffering the pollutedenvironment. The study explores Thoreaus views of nature influenced byhis personal life transcendentalism and Emerson his mentor. The paperconcentrates on interpreting Thoreaus views of nature from twoperspectives: all nature is
3、alive and nature is a means of self-realizationwhich includes the relationship between nature and man and someimplications for human life. In the end the conclusion can be drawn thatman should protect nature and co-exist with nature harmoniously.Key words: nature Walden Thoreau man and nature relati
4、onshipf 摘要 亨利大卫梭罗是19世纪美国著名的超经验主义作家,哲学家及自然主义作家。在他的表作瓦尔登湖中,梭罗记录了他对自然的深刻思考。本文重在分析梭罗在其著作瓦尔登湖,体现的自然观,旨在寻找其生活环境对现代人的启示。本文试图分析蕴藏在瓦尔登湖的自然观受其自身生活环境,超经验主义和其导师爱默生的影响。本人主要从两方面阐述梭罗的自然观:自然是有生命的;自然是自我实现的途径,包含人与自然的关系和其对人类生活启示。最后得出结论:人应保护自然,与自然和谐相处。关键字:自然;瓦尔登湖;梭罗;人与自然的关系f Contents1. Introduction . 错误!未定义书签。2. Thorea
5、us Attitudes towards Nature in Walden . 3 2.1 Nature as a Living Entity. 3 2.2 Nature as a Means of Self-realization . 4 2.2.1 Relationship between Man and Nature . 4 Man Belonging to Nature . 5 Man Returning to Nature . 6 Man Respecting Nature . 7 2.2.2 Simplicity and Divers
6、ity of Life . 9 Outward Simplicity . 9 Inward Richness . 113. The Sources of Thoreaus View of Nature . 12 3.1 Thoreaus Personal Experience . 12 3.1.1 His Life in Concord . 12f 3.1.2 His Life at Walden Pond . 13 3.2 The Influence of Transcendentalism. 16 3.3 The Influence of Emerson .
7、 174. Conclusion . 18Bibliography . 20f1. Introduction Nature is an eternal and essential theme in American literature. Itgains its peak in Romantic period when the industry begins to spring uplike mushroom and the environment is contaminated gradually. HenryDavid Thoreau is one of the most importan
8、t prose writers of the 19thcentury in United States. As a representative of transcendentalism in thatperiod he expresses his views of nature mainly in Walden which providesone of the most passionate affecting and philosophical evocations of thevalue of living simply and closing to nature. In 1845 Th
9、oreau began his two-year residence at Walden Pondputting the theory of transcendentalism and Emersons thoughts intopractice. During that period of time “Thoreaus sensitive harmony withall of nature was extraordinary” 吴伟仁 1990: 176. In his opinion manis part of nature and man can co-exist with nature
10、 harmoniously. Todayhe is regarded as one of major interpreters of nature as well as Americanenvironmental saint in American literary history. In the history of American literature Thoreau encounters manydifferent views of criticism. On his stage he is not considered as aprofessional naturalist and
11、his masterpiece Walden is not universallyaccepted and appreciated. But with the severity of environmental crisisand the rise of environmental movements Thoreaus philosophy onfnature and simple life embarks on drawing the publics attention. Thusthe increasing scholars both at home and abroad begin to
12、 study Thoreauand his work Walden on mainly five aspects of ecology philosophytranslation nature and biography of which ecology and nature arestudied on a large scale. For instance Joel Myerson President of ThoreauSociety compiled The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreauin 2000 presenting the
13、European scholars latest research achievementsof Thoreau. At present many researches are about ecology and implications forthe modern society,emphasizing the relationship among plants and livingcreatures as well as their environment. Based on the previous researchesthis paper will continue to analyz
14、e Thoreaus views on nature in Waldenand state that he cannot merely be regarded as an ecological writer butone of the most representative nature writers who focus on nature itself. By exerting means of historical criticism discussing and analyzinghis life background and Walden it is clear to find hi
15、s views of natureembodied and interpreted in Walden. His ideas about nature not onlypredict the arrival of environment crisis but also indicate the directionwhich people should take in the future. All in all Thoreau has left a greatlegacy to the world pointing out some valuable implications for man.
16、Therefore it is necessary for man to positively take part in the army ofenvironmental protection and courageously defend our mother likefThoreau because it is an effective way to protect and save our mother theEarth.2. Thoreaus Attitudes towards Nature in Walden With the thriving of industry in Amer
17、ica in 1850s the environmenthas been devastated severely by peoples excessive pursuits of materials.Facing such a situation many scholars advocate that returning to naturepresents peoples hating the coming of industry and wish to live in nature.Absorbing the essence of romanticism transcendentalism
18、and theinfluence of the society Thoreau a typical representative in that stageforms his unique views of nature. In this paper mainly two aspects of histhoughts of nature will be interpreted: all nature is alive nature is ameans to realize human themselves which focus on the relationshipbetween man a
19、nd nature and the implication for human life.2.1 Nature as a Living Entity Romanticism gave primary concern to passion emotion and naturalbeauty. 黄仁 2009: 123 As a representative of Romanticism Thoreaubelieves that all things in nature are alive and he deems man can feel thepower of nature merely by
20、 closing to nature and living in nature. Whatsmore nature is organism that never dies for the cycle of nature is infinite. Since nature has been regarded as the living organism each thing orevery object is meaningful to Thoreau. He sees nature and natural objectfalive just like human beings. He says
21、: “Nature must be viewed humanlyat all that is her scenes must be associated with human affections andsuch are associated with ones native place for instance”. Brodericket1981: 163 It indeed demonstrates his idea of things as living organism.In Thoreaus eyes Walden Pond is no longer a usual one in C
22、oncord. It isthe symbol of all the nature. During his life at Walden Pond he treatseverything alive. All the weeds in Pond are clean and bright. And evenmore he describes Pond with beautiful language: “A lake is thelandscapes most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earths eyelooking into which
23、the beholder measures the depth of his own nature”.Thoreau 2004: 143 It is obvious to discern his romantic view of nature. 2.2 Nature as a Means of Self-realization Thoreau views nature as a means of self-realization. To some extentThoreaus whole life is in a process of the perfection of self-realiz
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- 瓦尔登湖 英文毕业论文梭罗在瓦尔登湖中对自然的深刻思考OnThoreau 英文 毕业论文 瓦尔 自然 深刻 思考 OnThoreau
