1、BIODEGRADABILITY AND CHANGE OF PHYSICALCHARACTERISTICS OF PARTICLES DURING ANAEROBICDIGESTION OF DOMESTIC SEWAGEAbstract: At the high-rate anaerobic treatment of domestic sewage, both biological and physical processes play an important role. Therefore, the anaerobic biodegradability of raw, paper-fi
2、ltered and membrane-filtered sewage and black water has been investigated in batch experiments. Additionally, the effect of anaerobic digestion on physical characteristics, like particle size, surface tension and zeta-potential, of the present particles is studied. The biodegradability of domestic s
3、ewage and black water at 308C is almost similar (7174%). Moreover, a high methanogenesis of the colloidal fraction in domestic sewage (86_3%) is achieved, showing that the low removal of colloidal particles in continuous high-rate anaerobic reactors is due to low physical removal rather than biodegr
4、adability. The lowest biodegradability is demonstrated for the dissolved fraction (62%). The results show that after anaerobic digestion the average radius of particles with diameter54.4 and50.45 mm increased for domestic sewage, while it decreased for black water. Part of the surface-active compone
5、nts in domestic sewage is not biodegraded during anaerobic batch digestion, as indicated by the development of the surface tension. The negative zeta-potential of all particles hardly changes during digestion, showing that colloidal interactions were not affected by anaerobic digestion.Key words: an
6、aerobic treatment, domestic sewage, black water, biodegradability, particle size, surfactants, zeta-potentialINTRODUCTIONSeveral authors have shown that particles represent the major part, up to 85%, of the total COD (CODt) in domestic sewage (Levine et al., 1985; Zeeman et al., 1997). The separatio
7、n of particulate and dissolved compounds in domestic sewage is usuallymade by filtration through a membrane filter with a pore diameter of approximately 0.45 mm (Nielsen and Harremoes, 1995). The particles are often separated in a suspended and a colloidal part, with a particle size of respectively
8、larger than 4.4 mm and between 0.45 and 54.4 mm, although the size range for colloidal particles is not in agreement with the definition as used in colloid chemistry.At treatment under anaerobic conditions, colloidal COD (CODcol) from domestic sewage is removed to a lower degree than under aerobic o
9、r micro aerophillic conditions and represents 6080% of the e.uent CODt of an anaerobic reactor (Yoda et al., 1985; Wang, 1994; Wang et al., 1995). The removal of CODcol in batch recirculation experiments at long etention times, indicates however that colloidal articles are biodegradable (Last and Le
10、ttinga, 992; Wang, 1994). So far this has never been proven.At the high-rate anaerobic treatment of domestic sewage, both biological and physical processes play an important role. Particles can only be converted via hydrolysis, after being physically removed by adsorption, settling or entrapment in
11、the sludge bed. Particle characterization based on the biological and physical aspects are therefore of the same importance.The presence of surfactants in domestic sewage, which are known to adsorb at both solid/liquid and liquid/air interfaces, may affect the anaerobic biodegradability of particles
12、. Surfactants have the ability to emulsify poorly soluble hydrophobic compounds in water, thus potentially improving the accessibility of these substrates to microorganisms (Rouse et al. ,1994). On the other hand, the emulsifying effect might prevent the physical removal of the particles. Moreover i
13、nhibition of anaerobic biodegradation of organic compounds in the presence of surfactants have also been reported (Wagener and Schink, 1987; Rouse et al., 1994). Boller (1993) mentioned that the surfactant concentration in Zu rich City wastewater was 1722mg l1 and the non-ionic and anionic surfactan
14、ts represent the main part (9194%). Linear alkylbenzene sulphonates constitute the major anionic surfactant fraction in households (Holt et al.,1998) with average concentrations of 4 and 3mg in domestic sewage in The Netherlands (Water and Feijtel, 1995) and in UK (Holt et al., 1998), respectively.
15、At low concentrations, surfactants are present as monomers. Micelles are formed above the critical micelle concentration (CMC). The CMC of dodecyl benzene sulphonate amounts to 264 mgl1 (Mukerjee and Mysels, 1971). Therefore, surfactants in domestic sewage seem to be present as monomers. The size of
16、 particles in domestic sewage affects both biological and physical processes (Levine et al., 1985). Gravitational and drag forces predominate over colloidal forces (van der Waals attraction and electrostatic repulsion) for larger particles, while colloidal forces are more important for particles les
17、s than a few mm (Gregory, 1993). The zeta-potential, which represents the potential on or just outside the Stern layer, is an important physical parameter for colloidal particle separation because electrostatic interactions of colloidal particles are mainly related to the zeta-potential. This resear
18、ch aims for the determination of the anaerobic biodegradability of the suspended, colloidal and dissolved fraction of domestic sewage and black water. Moreover, the change in physical characteristics, like particle size, zeta-potential and surface tension as a result of biodegradation is determined.
19、MATERIALS AND METHODSAnaerobic digestion of domestic sewage and black waterAnaerobic batch digestion has been carried out in duplicate series of serum bottles of 120 ml each at each temperature. To each bottle 100 ml of wastewater is added. The biogas composition in the headspace of each bottle is m
20、onitored in time. For each bottle, COD fractions, volatile fatty acids (VFA), and surface tension were determined.Two series of experiments have been performed. In the first run, raw and paper-filtered sewage was digested at 4, 20 and 30C and bottles were monitored after 8, 15, 23 and 43 days. The a
21、im of the second run was to confirm the results of the first run and to find the maximum conversion of wastewater to methane (biodegradability). The second run was performed with raw, paper- and membrane-filtered (not in duplicate) sewage and black water at 20 and 30C and monitoring was carried out
22、after 15, 28 and 135 days. In the second run also the average particle radius and zeta-potential were measured.AnalysisCOD was analysed using the micro-method as described by Jirka and Carter (1975). Raw samples were used for CODt, 4.4 mm folded paper-filtered (Schleicher & Schuell5951/2, Germany) s
23、amples for CODp and 0.45 mm membrane-filtered (Schleicher & Schuell ME 25, Germany) samples for dissolved COD (CODdis). The suspended COD (CODss) and CODcol were calculated by the differences between CODt and CODp, CODp and CODdis, respectively. In the experiments it was dicult to have representativ
24、e samples for CODt due to the formation of large ocs during anaerobic digestion. Therefore, only CODp and CODdis are presented. VFA were determined from membrane-filtered samples by gas chromatography. The chromatograph (Hewlett Packard 5890A, Palo Alto, USA) was equipped with a 2m_2mm (inner diamet
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- 污水处理 设计 毕业论文 英文翻译
