1、分类号 Q939 学 号 2006116060 硕士学位论文培养方法对土壤可培养细菌多样性的影响及两株新菌的初步鉴定王 萍指导教师 曹慧 副教授 专业名称 微生物学 研究方向 环境微生物工程 答辩日期 2009年06月 Effect of Cultivation Methods on Soil Bacterial Diversity by PCR-RFLP Analysis and Preliminary Identification of Two Novel StrainsBy Wang PingSupervised by Associate Prof. Cao Hui A Disserta
2、tion Submitted to Nanjing Agricultural University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Master DegreeCompleted in June, 2009 Commencement in June, 2009原 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结
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4、1二、土壤微生物多样性的研究方法4三、未培养微生物的研究进展12四、微生物分类鉴定的研究方法17参考文献20第二章 培养方法对土壤可培养细菌多样性的影响291 材料与方法292 结 果333 讨 论38参考文献40第三章 Phycicoccus sp. TR6-7的初步鉴定431 材料与方法432 结果与分析503 结果讨论56参考文献58第四章 Humihabitans sp. TR6-11的初步鉴定612 结果与分析623 结果讨论66参考文献68全文总结71创新之处73附录 I 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文73附录II 文中所用的培养基和试剂配方75致 谢77培养方法对土壤可培养细菌多样性
5、的影响及两株新菌的初步鉴定摘要提高土壤微生物的可培养性,获得纯培养微生物菌株,是微生物生态学研究的基础。目前由于技术手段的限制,以及人类认识水平的不足,使得自然界中微生物总数的99%还难以用纯培养技术获得分离和培养。因此研究和开发这99%的未培养微生物已成为国内外的一个热点。本论文采用三种营养物质浓度不同的培养基对土壤细菌进行分时段计数,以细菌通用引物扩增细菌16S rDNA片段,用限制性内切酶Hha I酶切PCR产物,对酶切图谱进行分型,研究了不同培养方法对土壤细菌多样性和可培养的影响;本论文还对从土壤中分离得到的两株与其相邻菌种具有较大差别的新菌株(标记为TR6-7和TR6-11)进行了初
6、步鉴定。结果表明,LB、CSEA、WSA培养基192 h后每g干土获得的细菌数量分别为14.84107、10.27107和6.91107 CFU,但微生物多样性指数以WSA为最高,LB多样性指数最低;三种培养基培养的细菌菌群有一定的相似性,LB和CSEA培养基间的Jaccard指数为57.69%,LB和WSA培养基之间为53.13%,而CSEA和WSA培养基的相似性指数达66.67%;96192 h细菌的丰富度最高,048 h细菌丰富度最低,并且三种培养基中单一OTUs类型的43.9%均是在96 h后才出现的。16S rDNA测序结果表明,所获得的土壤细菌优势种群在分类方面主要属于-和-变形杆
7、菌以及放线菌亚门,其中某些OTUs中的16S rDNA序列与Burkholderiaceae bacterium、Rhodococcus和Mycobacterium属具有较高的同源性,推测其细胞能够分泌复苏促进因子,有效地提高土壤细菌的可培养性。TR6-7革兰氏染色反应呈阳性,细胞形态呈椭圆状,无鞭毛和菌毛;最适生长温度为30,最适pH值为6.08,最适的盐浓度为2%,无Nacl等盐离子依赖性。TR6-7菌株不能使明胶液化,不能使淀粉水解, V.P.实验为阴性,不能使甲基红变红,不产生氨气,不产生吲哚,但能产生H2S,能使过氧化氢溶液产生小气泡,能使硝酸盐还原。TR6-7能利用蔗糖、半乳糖、果
8、糖、麦牙糖、山梨醇、阿拉伯糖、蜜三糖、核糖、乳糖、甘露糖、肌醇、葡萄糖、木糖为唯一碳源生长,但不利用甘露醇和甜醇。TR6-7的主要脂肪酸为C22:1 w7c/22:3 w3c。TR6-7的16S rDNA序列与其最相邻Phycicoccus dokdonensis KCTC 19248T的同源性为97.2%。基于以上数据我们初步鉴定菌株TR6-7属于Phycicoccus属的一个新种,并命名为Phycicoccus sp. TR6-7。TR6-11革兰氏染色反应呈阳性,细胞形态呈长杆状,无鞭毛和菌毛,无运动能力,好氧;在GPM、NA培养基上长势良好,最适生长温度为30,最适的盐浓度为0.5%,
9、无Nacl等盐离子依赖性,最适pH值为6. 8。V.P.实验为阴性,不能使甲基红变红,不产生氨气,不产生吲哚,不能水解Tweens40,80,但能水解Tweens20。TR6-11能产生H2S,能使明胶液化,能使淀粉水解,能使过氧化氢溶液产生小气泡,能使硝酸盐还原。能利用蔗糖、半乳糖、果糖、麦牙糖、山梨醇、阿拉伯糖、蜜三糖、核糖、乳糖、甘露糖、肌醇、葡萄糖、木糖、甘露醇、甜醇、鼠李糖为唯一碳源生长。TR6-11的主要脂肪酸为C22:1 w7c/22:3 w3c,C24:2 w6c。TR6-11的16S rDNA序列与最其相邻的Humihabitans NRRL B-24470 T同源性为97.
10、1%。基于以上数据我们初步鉴定菌株TR6-11属于Humihabitans属的一个新种,并命名为Humihabitans sp. TR6-11。关键词: 微生物多样性;可培养性;培养基;培养时间;鉴定EFFECT OF CULTIVATION METHODS ON BACTERIAL DIVERSITY BY PCR-RFLP ANALYSIS AND PRELIMINARYIDENTIFICATION ON TWO STRAINSABSTRACTImproving the culturability of soil microorganisms and isolating pure stra
11、ins are the bases of the study of microbial ecology. At present, because of the limitation of technical means and the inadequate of humans knowledge level, 99% of the microorganisms in nature have not be cultured and isolated by traditional pure culture technique, so studies and developments are foc
12、used on the 99% of uncultured microorganisms at home and abroad. In this research, three culturing media were used for time-interval counting of soil bacteria. Bacterial universal primers were used to amplify 16S rDNA fragments; PCR products digested by restriction endonucleases Hha I and their fing
13、erprints analyzed for influence of culturing methods on soil microbial diversity and culturability. Two novel bacteria strains showed big difference were tentatively identified, the two novel bacteria strains designed TR6-7 and TR6-11 were isolated from soil.Results indicate that the number of bacte
14、ria grown in media LB, CSEA and WSA was 14.84107, 10.27107 and 6.91107 CFU per gram dry soil, respectively, after 192 h of incubation. The diversity index of soil bacteria was the highest in WSA, while the lowest in LB. Certain similarity was discovered in bacteria community between the three media,
15、 i.e. the Jaccard index was 57.69% between LB and CSEA, 53.13% between LB and WSA and 66.67% between CSEA and WSA. The richness of soil bacteria was the highest between 96 h and 192 h, while the lowest between 0 and 48 h, 43.9% of the single OTUs in three culturing media appeared after 96 h. Phyloge
16、netic analysis suggests that the dominant bacterial groups in the soil belong to -Proteobacteria,-Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. The sequence of 16S rDNA of some OTUs was found to have high homology with Burkholderiaceae bacterium, Rhodococcus and Mycobacterium, so it is presumed that the cells
17、of these bacteria can secrete Resuscitation-Promoting Factors, which may effectively improve culturability of soil microorganisms. TR6-7 cells were Gram-positive, non-motile and Elliptic. Experiments showed that the optimum growth temperature is 30, the optimum growth pH is 6.08, the optimum salt co
18、ncentration is 2% and it showed better growth without Nacl. Starch, gelatin were not hydrolyzed. Indole, Methyl red and Voges-Proskauertests were negative. H2S were produced, but not Ammonia Gas. Nitrate is reduced. Catalase cativity was present. Sucrose, D-galactose, D-Fructose, maltose, sorbitol,
19、L-arabinose, raffinose, ribose, lactose, mannose, inositol, D-glucose, D-xylose are assimilated, but D-mannitol and dulcitol are not. The major fatty acids is C22:1 w7c/22:3 w3c. 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis revealed that this strain is closely related to Phycicoccus dokdonensis KCTC 19248T, with
20、 a similarity of 97.2 %. Based on these data, TR6-7 was assigned to a new species of Phycicoccus genus, for which a new name Phycicoccus sp. TR6-7. TR6-11 cells were Gram-positive, aerobic, non-motile and long-rods. Colonies could formed greatly in GPM or NA agar. Experiments showed that the optimum
21、 growth temperature is 30, the optimum growth pH is 6.8, the optimum salt concentration is 0.5% and it showed better growth without Nacl. Indole, Methyl red and Voges-Proskauertests were negative. Starch, gelatin, Tweens20 were hydrolyzed, but not Tweens40, 80. H2S were produced, but not Ammonia Gas
22、. Catalase cativity was present. Nitrate is reduced. Sucrose, D-galactose, D-Fructose, maltose, sorbitol, L-arabinose, raffinose, ribose, lactose, mannose, inositol, D-glucose, D-xylose, D-mannitol and dulcitol are utilized. The major fatty acids are C22:1 w7c/22:3 w3c and C24:2 w6c. 16S rDNA gene s
23、equence analysis revealed that this strain is closely related to Humihabitans NRRL B-24470 T, with a similarity of 97.1 %. Based on these data, TR6-11 was tentatively identified as a new species of Humihabitans genus, for which a new name Humihabitans sp. TR6-11.KEYWORDS: Microbial diversity; Cultur
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