1、摘 要为满足快速发展的航运经济的需要,解决货物先于提单到达卸货港的问题,无单放货保函应运而生。保函提货一定程度上避免了船期延误,减少了货物受阻时间,节约了贸易成本。实践中大量存在凭保函提货的做法,并且得到许多国家的认可,有的国家甚至还以政府法令的形式对其加以肯定。无单放货保函给航运贸易带来便利的同时,却严重威胁了提单法律制度。出具保函就可以轻易提走货物,使得提单失去其物权凭证的作用。保函在海运实践中已经占有举足轻重的地位,在暂无统一法律规范的前提下,研究如何更好的发挥保函的效用,尽量减少因其产生的风险,是最具现实意义的。鉴于此,本文在现有研究成果的基础上,结合相关法律法规,对比各法系国家观点,
4、函发展趋势的看法,认为其有独立性扩张趋势,可能向见索即付保函方向发展。关键词:提单,保函,无单放货,鹿特丹规则ABSTRACTTo meet the needs of the fast-growing of the shipping economy, to solve the problem that the bill of lading arrived at the port of delivery after the goods, the letter of guarantee arose for delivery the goods without original bill of la
5、ding. To some extent, when we take delivery of goods using the letter of guarantee, we can avoid shipment delay, reduce the delay time of goods and save the trade cost. In practice, there are lots of the letters which recognized by many countries. Some countries even make laws confirm it. The letter
6、 of guarantee brings convenience to the shipping trade, but it seriously threats to the legal system of the bill of lading. If somebody showed the letter of guarantee, he can easily withdraw the goods and make the bill of lading lose its role of documents of title to the goods. In the ocean practice
7、, the letter of guarantee has been made a decisive role. Now there is not the unified subject of legal, to study how to better guarantee the effectiveness of the letter of guarantee and to minimize the risk, it is the most important to practice.In view of this, this paper bases on existing research
8、results, combines with relevant laws and regulations, compares the view of the legal system and analyses the effect of law of the letter of guarantee in China. Focuses on the legal status, address the main risks for different proposed mechanisms, prospect the future of the letter of guarantee. The i
9、nnovation is which it cites a large number of cases from the practical point of view to research. Explicit the main responsibilities and risks and put forward proposals to deal with risks.This article is divided into four chapters to formulated the letter of guarantee arose for releasing the goods w
10、ithout original bill of lading.From the basic concept, the first chapter shows the letter of guarantee. It is intended to explain what is the delivery the goods without original bill of lading and the letter of guarantee. It will explicit the concept, category of the letter of guarantee. From the pr
11、actical point of view I put across its background and practical significance. Finally the chapter analyzed and explained the legal characteristics of the different types of the letter of guarantee.The second chapter cut into the subject. From the existing theory, it classified the legal effect of th
12、e letter of guarantee and introduced various legal systems and the international convention and analysis it from legal theory. The methods of comparative analysis are used. Laws, regulations and the international conventions attitude is concluded. Analysis of relevant legislation and judicial practi
13、ce, summarize the effectiveness of the letter of guarantee and make my point of view. By analyzing on the issue of delivery of goods of Supreme Court 2009, lets clear theoretical status of delivery of goods without bill of lading. The third chapter based on the last chapter, expounded emphatically t
14、he application of the letter of guarantee in practice. It illustrated the differential impact to carrier and guarantor. By analysis cases, it specified the application of the letter of guarantee and dispute resolution in practice. I put forward risk countermeasures and make the development of health
15、ier of the letter of guarantee.The fourth chapter prospected the future trends of the letter of guarantee. It combined with the Rotterdam Rules, viewed the future development trend of flat documents and transfer documents. For the trends I put forward the perspective, I think the letter of guarantee
16、 will expand independence, and it maybe become demand guarantee.Sun Lulu (International Law)Directed by Professor Shen QiumingKEYWORDS: bill of lading, letter of guarantee, delivery of goods without bill of lading, the Rotterdam Rules毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及
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- 无单放货 中的 问题 研究 硕士学位 论文
