1、天津工程师范学院本科生毕业论文串联式混合动力码头车的结构形式及控制方案的选择Research on Structure and control policy of series hybrid terminal tractor vehicle毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文(设计)不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 毕业论文(设计)授权使用说明本论文(设计)作者完全了解红河
2、学院有关保留、使用毕业论文(设计)的规定,学校有权保留论文(设计)并向相关部门送交论文(设计)的电子版和纸质版。有权将论文(设计)用于非赢利目的的少量复制并允许论文(设计)进入学校图书馆被查阅。学校可以公布论文(设计)的全部或部分内容。保密的论文(设计)在解密后适用本规定。 作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日期: 日期: 摘 要混合动力汽车近年来发展迅速,并已经实现了产业化。混合动力汽车将至少在30年内都是汽车工业最切实可行的解决能源和污染问题的途径。码头牵引车运行速度低,起停频繁,且长时间怠速,导致其燃油经济性差,排放高。研制成混合动力码头牵引车后,其节油减排效果较其它车辆更为明显。本文利用汽车
4、不可替代的作用,通过实物样机试验对分析仿真结果进行验证与修正,对系统反复优化,从而有力地推进研发进程。关键词:混合动力码头牵引车,驱动电机参数,车辆动力性分析ABSTRACTHybrid electric vehicle developed rapidly in recent years and has achieved industrialization. Hybrid Electric Vehicle will be at least 30 years in the automotive industry are the most practical solution to energy
5、and pollution problems. Low-speed terminal tractor, since the frequent stops and idling time, resulting in poor fuel economy, emissions high. The development of hybrid terminal tractor, its fuel-efficient vehicle emission reduction effect is more obvious than the other. In this paper, the use of mot
6、or vehicle-related theory by computer simulation analysis to determine the hybrid electric terminal tractor driver parameters.The analysis and the simulation leading role is before carrying on expensive and the time-consuming prototype experiment to physical systems performance carries on the simula
7、tion analysis, the engineering design personnel may use it to appraise its design comprehensively, and discovers in the design through it some questions, but these questions through the survey and the experiment are which is not easy to discover. The analysis and the emulation technique not only may
8、 save the massive development cost, moreover raised complicated systems system-level optimization level. Regarding the mix power research and development, when the earlier period carries on the plan choice and the parameter match, through the analysis simulation can quickly carry on the plan choice
9、and the parameter match, thus determined that the synergy and the main parameter, and found early the problem avoids. If carries on this step through the trial manufacturing prototypes method in kind, then both time-consuming and takes the trouble, the price is expensive, and the effect is not good.
10、 Analyzes the simulation and the experiment in the research and development process is similarly important, has the unreplaceable function, to analyzes the simulation result through the prototypical experiment in kind to carry on the confirmation and the revision, optimizes repeatedly to the system,
11、 thus advances the research and development advancement powerfully.Key Words: Hybrid terminal tractor,Drive motor parameters,Vehicle dynamic analysis目 录1 概述12 混合动力汽车的结构分析42.1混合动力汽车的主要组成42.2混合动力汽车的分类42.3典型混合动力卡车结构52.3.1 Volvo重型卡车62.3.2 三菱Canter Eco轻型卡车62.3.3 日产小型卡车ATLAS2073 串联式混合动力码头车动力装置参数的选定93.1初步确
12、定驱动电机参数和车辆动力性分析93.1.1整车参数93.1.2轮胎参数93.1.3变速比103.1.4根据最高车速确定驱动电机额定功率103.1.5初步确定驱动电机峰值功率及其它参数113.1.6最大爬坡度计算163.1.7驱动力 行驶阻力平衡图和功率平衡图173.2 电机扩大恒功率区系数和过载系数对加速时间的影响193.2.1电机的扩大恒功率系数对加速时间的影响193.2.2电机过载系数对整车加速时间的影响213.3重新选定的驱动电机参数及车辆动力性分析223.3.1重新选定的驱动电机B的参数及其特性曲线223.3.2选用驱动电机B的车辆动力性分析233.4初步选择发动机功率264 串联式混
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- 串联式 混合 动力 码头 结构 形式 本科毕业 论文
