1、中国房地产营销创新 安妮海娜,期刊的住房和建筑环境,2006年4月.前些年,房地产营销似乎还是一个相对罕见的术语,是未知的。而今却成了普通公众熟悉的流行概念。走在大街上,突然一幅五彩缤纷的售房宣传单塞进你怀里;一场场房地产展销会、博览会、研讨会一个接一个;打开报纸,能够感觉到,一幢幢街区的豪华;打开电视,一个个住宅区的让利销售广告轮番上阵房地产营销已成为众多房地产企业花费巨资竞争的对象。难怪有些人曾经说过;房地产成功5 0%在于地块选择, 3 0%在于设计、规划;20%在于营销。建筑设计的成功必须通过营销来完成和体现,可见,房地产营销的重要性。然而,看看最近千变万化的房地产营销大战,相当一部分
6、畅,短缺土地得到高效开发,这样国家宏观调控才不会造成什么不利影响。房子未建,精确定位先行。必须在市场调研充分和了解客户的基础上进行科学的市场细分,以确定有良好发展潜力的细分群体为目标客户;同时加强对竞争者状况的研究,以防定位趋同。2.差异化的质量定位通过对目标顾客的需求状况和期望质量的调查分析,确定企业产品的质量定位。企业的质量定位不仅仅要注重产品的功能性质量,更要注重产品的适用性质量。 在消费个性越来越突出的今天,企业要想在产品方面赢得优势,必须从产品的创新和产品的个性化这两个方面着手。企业可以在保持一定规模经济的同时,为顾客提供满足其不同需求的个性化产品,使每位顾客都能获得满意的感受。3.
9、得超值感受,通过考核不断改进服务质量。追求无止境,创新无止境,房地产营销模式创新是一项长期而艰巨的任务,它无时不有,无处不在,既无固定模式可搬,也不是一日之功,更不可能一劳永逸。各房地产开发企业,只有动脑筋,从竞争中学会因地制宜,在追求营销策略的最优化、营销手段的个性化和多样化,才能在日趋激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。Chinas Innovation of Real Estate MarketingA few years ago, real estate marketing is a relatively rare seems to term, is not known. Now the g
10、eneral public has become familiar to the popular concept. Walking in the street, suddenly to a picture of colorful houses leaflets will be stuffed into your arms; a field of real estate trade fairs, expositions, seminars, one after another; open the newspaper, he could feel and to blocks of luxury;
11、turn on the TV , the ones who enjoy one residential area to sell advertising turns into battle . . real estate marketing, real estate companies have been interpreted as a number of competing Yaochong highlight of enormous amounts of money. No wonder some people have said the industry; real estate su
12、ccess is to plot selection 5 0% 3 0% is the design, planning; 20% is marketing. The success of building design must be done through marketing and embodied, visible, real estate marketing is extremely important.However, look at the recent battle over the ever-changing real estate marketing, promotion
13、s, a considerable number of developers is nothing more than discount none other, all-weather property management, quality three packs of like three constantly read articles. Developers still in the traditional marketing concept of residential sales completed first phase, but often overlooked in the
14、development process of the investigation of the real needs of consumers. Uniformity of its real estate development, and its selling point of convergence of the so-called hype with little personality, to stimulate and satisfy the growing diversity of buyers of consumer wants and needs. This may be di
15、fficult for many developers, sales, real estate is an important reason for the backlog. The star of those distinctive properties are unusually Qiaoxiao. Practice has proven that customers in the purchase of consumer psychology matures, the case of supply exceeding demand housing stock, real estate d
16、evelopment companies only take marketing innovation, identify the unique selling point to a difference in the market competition .Innovation is the lifeblood of the real estate marketing. But in the real estate market, follow the market everywhere, like an invincible position in the real estate mark
17、et, the need for marketing innovation. Only the path of innovation, form their own marketing features to survival and development.With the development of the traditional real estate marketing theory more suited to market requirements, but can not do many of the current real estate companies to explo
18、re various creative direction, marketing, innovative practices that resulted in the disorder and confusion, real estate business a greater cost and risk of innovation. Real estate marketing innovation of the current real estate market to grasp the new situation facing.since the end of 2004, the face
19、 of overall economic overheating signal, the state has increased macro-control efforts. The source from the state departments of real estate - the credit and land began to take a series of regulatory measures, although there are some delays, but the role has achieved initial success. With the variou
20、s regulatory measures started to play a role in macro-control on the effect of the real estate market will be further demonstrated. Real estate enterprises, credit, real estate land is conducive to long-term tightening despite the sustained and healthy development, but the short term will bring grea
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