1、论文对我国中小型家族企业管理问题及对策的研究以陕西FL集团为例申请人: 学科(专业):工商管理指导教师: 2010年9月网络教育学院毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 任 务 书专业班级 层次 姓名 学号 一、毕业设计(论文)题目 二、毕业设计(论文)工作自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止三、毕业设计(论文)基本要求: 指导教师: 网络教育学院毕业设计(论文)考核评议书指导教师评语:建议成绩: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日答辩小组意见:负责人签名 年 月 日答辩小组成员 毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会意见: 负责人签名: 年 月 日论文题目:对我国中小型家族企业管理问题及对策的研究以陕西FL集团为例学科(专业
2、):工商管理申请人:马瑜鸿指导教师:李刚【摘要】 摘要 家族企业是一种存在于人类社会中既古老又极具生命力的企业组织形式。世界范围内80以上的企业归属于家族企业。我国的民营企业绝大多数以家族企业形式存在,经过了二十多年的发展己渐成规模,目前在创造社会财富、增加政府税收、吸纳就业、促进社会稳定等方面日益发挥着重要的作用。尤其是我国现在的中小型家族企业,他们正在如雨后春笋般发展,因此研究他们的管理问题,对于促进家族企业健康发展,不断提升我国企业的竞争力,有着重大的意义。 本文主要应用了公司治理理论,并应用规范的理论阐述、实证调查以及典型案例分析相结合,力求全面、准确地把握家族企业治理问题。文章的研究
4、业探索出一条成功之路,使之更好地为社会主义现代化建设服务。关 键 词:中小型家族企业;公司治理;代际传承;家族文化Title: Research to medium and small-scale problem of management of family firm and countermeasure of our country -Take Shaanxi FL group as an example Speciality:Industrial and commercial administrationApplicant:Ma YuHongSupervisor:Li GangABSTR
5、ACTThe family firm is one kind the old enterprise organizational form that has vitality very much in the human society exists. More than 80% of the enterprises belong to the family firm in the whole world. The overwhelming majority of enterprise run by the local people of our country exists in the f
6、orm of family firm, become scale ownly gradually after more than 20 years of development, play an important role day by day in creating the wealth of society, increasing the government revenue, absorbing obtaining employment, promoting the social stability etc. at present. Especially the present med
7、ium and small-scale family firm of our country, they are developing like the mushrooms after rain, so study their problem of management, for protecting the healthy development of family firm, promoting the competitiveness of the enterprises of our country constantly, have great meanings.This text em
8、ploy company control theory mainly, employ normal theory explain, real example investigate and typical case analysis combine together, strive to make and hold the question of managing of family firm overallly, accurately. The research object of the article is a medium and small-scale family firm of
9、China, the full text is divided into three parts, including the current situation to the medium and small-scale family firm of our country is analyzed, the case study that the medium and small-scale family firm exists, and influence the key problem that the family firm develops for a long time, such
10、 as taking the place of the passing on of border, some innovative thinkings in the relation within enterprise members, familys culture,etc.During the process of explaining the theory, this text takes administration question of the typical medium and small-scale family firm FL group company as an exa
11、mple, the development process of this company is the epitome of a lot of development of enterprise run by the local people of China, have very typical representativeness. This text offer at the survey and relevant foundation of theory that involve in domestic foreign language, control the current si
12、tuation and the problem exists to FL group company at present, carry on cause to analyze, find out it control competence lag behind on reason of development their.This text aim at, pass, to FL administration research of group, dissect family firm generality problem and different kinds of family firm
13、 existed to control control special problem that exist, attempt to explore an avenue to success for the enterprises of our country clan, make it serve for socialist modernization drive betterKEY WORDS: Medium and small-scale family firm , The company manages,Take the place of the passing on of borde
14、r, Familys culture目 录1 绪论71.1 选题意义71.1.1 理论意义71.1.2 现实意义71.2 选题研究背景71.3 选题研究方法82 我国中小型家族式企业现状介绍92.1 家族企业在我国的发展地位92.2主要的管理模式92.3陕西FL集团的情况介绍102.3.1 集团简介102.3.2 集团治理现状113 中小型家族式企业管理中所存在的问题123.1 治理结构家族色彩浓厚123.2 家族企业的人才困境133.3 代际传承机制不完善133.4 对FL集团存在问题的具体分析144 中小型家族企业发展的创新思路174.1 如何避免“富不过三代”174.2 如何协调企业中家
15、族成员与非家族成员之间的矛盾关系184.3 如何使企业在保持家族文化下做大做强195 结论与展望21致 谢22参考文献23声明CONTENTS1 Preface71.1 Topics significance7 1.1.1 Theory meaning 7 1.1.2 Realistic meaning7 1.2 Background topics71.3 Research Methods82 Status of small and medium sized family business in China Introduction92.1 Family business developmen
16、t status in China92.2 Key management92.3 Situation introduction of Shaanxi FL group10 2.3.1 Groups profile 10 2.3.2 The group manages the current situation 113 Small family business management problems123.1 Strong sense of family governance structure 123.2 The plight of family business talent133.3 I
17、mperfect intergenerational transmission mechanism is established133.4 Concrete analysis to FL groups existing problem144 The development of innovative small and medium sized family business ideas 174.1How to avoid the rich, but three generations174.2How to coordinate the business of family members a
18、nd non-contradictory relationship between family members184.3How to enable enterprises to maintain a family culture be bigger and stronger 195 Conclusions and Suggestions 21Acknowledgements 22References 23Declaration1 绪 论绪论部分主要论述论文的选题意义及应用背景、国内外研究现状分析及论文的主要研究内容等。1.1 选题意义1.1.1 理论意义家族式作为一种企业组织形式,目前,遭到
20、,总结了成功家族企业管理创新的经验,对家族企业的发展趋势作出一些探讨。1.1.2 现实意义我国民营企业的运行和管理,普遍采用家族式管理模式。家族式管理是建立在家庭血缘亲情关系基础之上,以一种非正式规则来管理企业的模式,这种管理模式较好地适应了企业创业阶段地发展,在企业成功渡过这一阶段中发挥了积极作用。但当企业达到一定规模之后,日趋激烈的市场竞争,尤其是我国经济全面融入全球经济的潮流中时,简单的家族式管理已不能将企业全面推向更深层次的发展,企业要想持续健康发展,必须根据企业所处的环境对家族式管理进行必要的改革,引进现代公司制完善家族式管理,形成现代家族企业,本文就通过对家族企业的探讨,总结了家族
21、企业在管理变革中的成功经验,对家族企业完成“二次创业”、实现持续发展有着重要的现实意义。1.2 选题研究背景在我国关系网络是以亲属关系为基础而形成和繁荣起来的,亲属关系是“根据生育和婚姻事实所发生的社会关系,从生育与婚姻所结成的网络,可以一直推出去包括无穷的人,过去的、现在的和未来的人物”,“这个网络象个蜘蛛网,有一个中心,就是自己”。“我们社会中最重要的亲属关系就是这种丢石头形成同心圆波纹的性质”。这波纹“一圈圈推出去,愈推愈远,也愈推愈薄”。典型的交往关系圈结构为:家庭亲属非正式团体方言团体海外华人。在每一圈层上,网络成员都遵循特定的相互关系模式,后者又造成了经济交往密切程度的差别。我国家
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