1、中图分类号: 单位代号:11903密 级: 学 号:05810004 博士学位论文SHANGHAI UNIVERSITYDOCTORAL DISSERTATION题目质子交换膜中甲醇迁移及其机理的分子动力学模拟研究作 者 纪晓波学科专业 材料学导 师 陆文聪教授 严六明研究员完成日期 二零零八年十二月A Dissertation Submitted to Shanghai University for the Doctors Degree in EngineeringMolecular dynamics simulatione of methanol transport and mechani
2、sm in proton exchange membranePh. D. Candidate:Ji XiaoboSupervisor:Prof. Lu Wencong Prof. Yan LiumingMajor:Material ScienceSchool of Material Science and EngineeringShanghai UniversityDecember, 2008摘 要以甲醇为燃料的直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)由于具有功率密度高、能量转换效率高、低温启动和无污染等优异特性,已被广泛认为是新一代电动汽车的最佳候选电源,并且在其它便携式小型电源、家庭用热电联供系统、分
8、描述了电场如何牵引水合氢离子运动,水合氢离子又如何把动量传递给中性分子的过程,有助于我们从分子水平上认识中性分子在质子交换膜中的电渗迁移现象。MD模拟从原子水平来研究物质的性质,同时它不受实验条件的限制,可以解决一些通过实验手段难以解决的问题。本文的研究为开发既具有高温质子电导率,又具有良好阻醇性的新型质子交换膜材料提供有价值的基础资料。关键词:全氟磺酸质子交换膜,甲醇穿透,分子动力学方法,量子化学从头算方法,二面角位能函数AbstractDirect methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) are found potential applications in fields
9、ranging from small portable consumer electronics to vehicles for their high energy conversion efficiency, high energy density, simplicity of operation, and etc. However, there are still some technical barriers need to be overcome for the large scale commercialization of DMFCs. One major technical ob
10、stacle is thought to be methanol crossover, which is defined as the phenomenon of the transport of methanol from anode to cathode via the proton exchange membrane. Methanol crossover will lead to reduced energy conversion efficiency because of the direct chemical oxidation of methanol in the cathodi
11、c half cell, and hence degrade fuel cell performance dramatically (e.g. the oxidation of methanol in the cathodic hall cell may cause explosion, etc.). Therefore, the investigations of membrane microstructure and the transport of molecules in the membrane are one of the main directions in the area o
12、f fuel cell. However, for the reason of limitation of experimental conditions and lack of experimental methods, it is very necessary and important to investigate the transport of molecules in membrane by means of molecular dynamics simulation.This dissertation focuses on the investigation of molecul
13、e diffusion and electroosmosis, as well as the methanol distribution and the membrane microstructure in hydrated poly(perfluorosulfonic acid) by aqueous methanol solution from the view of atomistic level. The research topics are as follows:A specialized all-atom force field for molecular dynamics (M
14、D) simulation of poly(perfluorosulfonic acid) (PFSA) membrane is developed. The kernel of MD simulation is the force field consisting of classical potential energy expressions and the associated adjustable parameters, which is used to describe the intramolecular and intermolecular interaction betwee
15、n each component in the systems. Currently, most of the force fields for PFSA study are based on the generalized force fields, including the OPLS-AA, AMBER, CHARMM, DREIDING, and so on. These generalized force fields perform quite well for specific set of molecules such as hydrocarbons, proteins and
16、 nucleic acids, since they are deduced from the experimental data of molecular sets with similar structures. However, if these force fields are applied to simulate PFSA, only structural properties are acceptable to some extent, and transport properties are not acceptable. In this work, based on the
17、classical potential energy expressions reported in literatures and a set of model molecules that are specifically designed according to the structure of PFSA, we developed a specialized all-atom force field for PFSA by employing ab initio calculations.A new torsion potential function for bond rotati
18、ons without rotational symmetry is proposed. This function is composed of a few Gaussian-type terms each corresponding to an eclipsed conformation of the 1, 2 substituents of the C-C bonds. Different from the truncated Fourier series or the truncated cosine polynomial, it is easy to determine how ma
19、ny terms are needed to represent any type of torsion potential barrier at a glance. It could also intuitively deduce the physical meaning of the expansion parameters of the new torsion potential function, which corresponds to the barrier height, the dihedral defining the eclipsed conformations, and
20、the characteristics of the substituents, respectively. The new torsion potential function is also applied to the 1, 2-substituted haloethanes with atisfactory results, where three Gaussian-type terms corresponding to the fully eclipsed and the partially eclipsed conformations are needed. Using this
21、new function, it is feasible to describe the torsion potential profile of other molecules, accurately and quick.The membrane microstructure and the methanol distribution in hydrated poly(perfluorosulfonic acid) electrolyte membrane are studied using MD simulations under various electric fields appli
22、ed, as well as the hydrogen bonding characteristics. The results indicate that the PFSA hydrated by mixed solvent forms a reversed micelle structure of water-in-oil, similar to the microstructure of PFSA hydrated by pure water. A continuous hydrogen bond network is formed by sulfonate anion groups,
23、water molecules, hydronium cations, and methanol molecules, where methanol and water molecules act both as hydrogen donors and hydrogen acceptors, while the sulfonate anion groups (or hydronium cations) only serve as hydrogen acceptors (or hydrogen donors). It is also found that the methanol molecul
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 材料 博士论文 质子 交换 甲醇 迁移 及其 机理 分子 动力学 模拟 研究 41279
