1、发展现代农业:现实挑战与路径选择摘 要新中国成立以来,党和政府就一直在努力探索如何建设现代农业,如何实现农业现代化。从整体上看,促进传统农业向现代农业的转变,既应遵循全球农业发展的一般规律又应考虑我国经济社会发展的实际情况。本文以中国现代农业制度作为研究对象,以现代农业制度的发展演变为研究的切入点,以现代农业制度的绩效和面临的困境分析为研究的关键点,借助制度变迁的相关理论,重点研究未来现代农业制度的路径选择。现代农业与传统农业有根本的不同,现代农业是以用现代物质条件装备,用现代科学技术改造,用现代产业体系提升,用现代经营形式推进,用现代发展理念引领的农业产业形态。现代农业的基本特征是:科技进步
4、建设现代农业的市场体系支撑;全面提高农村劳动者素质,构筑建设现代农业的人力资源支撑。关键词:现代农业;发展机遇;现实困境;科技创新 AbstractSince the founding of new China, the Party and the government has been trying to explore how to build modern agriculture and achieve agricultural modernization. In view of the overall situation, there is need to follow the gen
5、eral rule of global agricultural development as well as take into account the practical conditions of our economic and social development to promote the conversion from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. In this paper, Chinas modern agriculture system is the research object, with the evo
6、lution of modern agriculture system as the starting point and its performance as well as the difficulties encountered as the key point. Meanwhile, this paper applies the relevant theories of institutional changes to studying the future path selection of modern agriculture system.Modern agriculture a
7、nd traditional agriculture are fundamentally different. Modern agriculture is an industry pattern which is equipped by modern materials, transformed by modern technology, promoted by modern managerial forms and guided by modern development idea. Its essential features are: the leading role of scient
8、ific and technological progress, marketization of resources distribution, optimization of the industrial structure, and specialization of regional production. The development of modern agriculture faces the good opportunities: it is the world trend to transform agriculture and develop technology-int
9、ensive industries; the facility agriculture based on advanced technology is emerging and has fundamentally changed the traditional mode of production; agriculture is headed to modernization guided by the concept of sustainable development and the government is becoming increasingly important. Howeve
10、r, the factual dilemma is: agriculture is weak in nature; agricultural population is large while Chinas per-capital share of natural sources is inadequate; scientific and technological progress is out of step with production, the economic policy is making a major effort to industry, and the househol
11、d registration system restricts the flowage of population, etc. The modern agricultural development abroad is ever more flourishing. The model of land-scale operation in the United States is mainly manifested in the application of technology, land system, the role of government as well as marketing
12、cooperatives, etc. The model of intensive type in Japan does extremely well in biotechnology, the role of government, industry and agricultural cooperative organizations. The professionalization of French agricultural development model is noted in land policy, specialization of production, governmen
13、t investment and cooperatives. We can benefit a lot from the agricultural development model of different countries. In addition, our selection of agricultural development model should learn from the advantages of developed countries, advocate modern agricultural scientific and technological progress
14、 as the inherent power, encourage land-scale operation as the inevitable trend of modern agriculture and promote sustainable development as the strategic goal of modern agriculture. How to develop modern agriculture? There is need to make an analysis of the path selection of modern agriculture, that
15、 is, to enhance independent innovation and the application level of scientific and technological achievements and strengthen scientific and technological support; to further intensify agricultural protection and increase its input and perfect the policy support; to further adjust the industry struct
16、ure and innovative business approaches and lay a solid foundation for building a modern agricultural industrial system; to develop modern circulation methods and new circulation format and improve the support of industry system and to improve the overall quality of the workforce and build the suppor
17、t of human resources.Key words: modern agriculture, opportunities for development, factual dilemma, scientific and technological innovation目 录导 言6一、现代农业的定性分析71.现代农业的内涵界定72.传统农业与现代农业73.现代农业的基本特征8(1)科技进步主导性8(2)资源配置市场化9(3)产业结构优质化9(4)区域生产专业化104.现代农业的基本要求10(1)要素的齐备性10(2)生态的平衡性10(3)技术的现代性11(4)运行的开放性11二、发展
20、主创新和成果应用水平,强化建设现代农业的科技支撑252强化对农业保护和投入力度,完善建设现代农业的政策支撑263调整结构和创新经营方式,夯实建设现代农业的产业体系支撑274发展现代流通方式和新型流通业态,健全现代农业的市场体系支撑285全面提高农村劳动力素质,构筑建设现代农业的人力资源支撑29发展现代农业:现实挑战与路径选择导 言农业是人类的衣食之源,对于任何国家来说,农业的重要地位和作用都是相同的。一句话概括,农业是国民经济的基础,对于中国来说,农业的地位和作用非同寻常,建国以来的实践证明,什么时候重视农业,农民问题解决得好一些,我们的经济建设事业就会向前发展,反之,就停滞甚至倒退。国民经济
23、代农业发展路径等一系列问题成为社会各界关注的焦点。农业丰则基础强,农民富则国家盛,农村稳则社会安,加强“三农”工作,积极发展现代农业,扎实推进社会主义新农村建设,是全面落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求,是加快社会主义现代化建设的重大任务。一、现代农业的定性分析1、现代农业的内涵界定现代农业是相对于传统农业而言的, 它是工业化发到一定阶段的必然产物。1具体说来,现代农业是指以保障农产品供给、农民持续增收、促进可持续发展为目标,以用现代物质条件装备,用现代科学技术改造,用现代产业体系提升,用现代经营形式推进,用现代发展理念引领的农业产业形态。现代农业以培养新型农民发展农业为支撑,以提
24、高农业水利化、机械化和信息化水平,提高土地产出率、资源利用率和农业劳动生产率,提高农业效益和竞争力为途径,以在家庭承包经营基础上,在市场机制与政府调控的综合作用下,农工贸紧密衔接,产加销融为一体。现代农业是一个过程,是改造传统农业、不断发展农村生产力的过程,是转变农业增长方式、促进农业又好又快发展的过程。现代农业的核心是科学化,特征是商品化,方向是集约化,目标是产业化2。发展现代农业, 就是以资本、物和技术等先进要素为基础, 对传统农业进行改造, 以工业的生产手段装备农业, 以先进的科学技术提升农业, 以社会化的服务体系支持农业, 以科学的经营理念管理农业, 最大程度的实现农业增长方式的转变。
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- 发展 现代农业 现实 挑战 路径 选择 论文
