1、第六届“认证杯”数学中国数学建模网络挑战赛承 诺 书我们仔细阅读了第六届“认证杯”数学中国数学建模网络挑战赛的竞赛规则。我们完全明白,在竞赛开始后参赛队员不能以任何方式(包括电话、电子邮件、网上咨询等)与队外的任何人(包括指导教师)研究、讨论与赛题有关的问题。我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。我们郑重承诺,严格遵守竞赛规则,以保证竞赛的公正、公平性。如有违反竞赛规则的行为,我们将受到严肃处理。我们允许数学中国网站()公布论文,以供网友之间学习交流,数学中国网站以
2、非商业目的的论文交流不需要提前取得我们的同意。我们的参赛队号为:1560参赛队员 (签名) :队员1:王兴队员2:司捷队员3:楼靓 参赛队教练员 (签名): 朱家明 参赛队伍组别:本科组第六届“认证杯”数学中国数学建模网络挑战赛编 号 专 用 页参赛队伍的参赛队号:(请各个参赛队提前填写好):#1560竞赛统一编号(由竞赛组委会送至评委团前编号):竞赛评阅编号(由竞赛评委团评阅前进行编号):2013年第六届“认证杯”数学中国数学建模网络挑战赛题 目 公路运输业对于国内生产总值的影响分析模型关 键 词 公路运输业;感应度系数;影响力系数;多元回归分析法;Matlab; Eviews;灵敏度分析摘
3、 要本文针对公路运输业对GDP影响的问题,综合利用了数形结合、多元统计、离散分析、回归分析、灵敏度分析方法分别构建了GDP比例预测、感应度系数、影响力系数、多元非回归等模型,使用Excel、Matlab、Eviews软件,得出了公路运输业于直接贡献、波及效果、对于相关行业的直接消费和创造就业机会四个方面对GDP的贡献结果。并从划分更精确的调查模块、分析每项抽取模块的影响显著性两个方面,对原有的调查项目进行精确调整,提高了模型精度。最后,将模型结果和实际相结合,对模型的深层次推广提出了自己的意见。问题一要求求出所给省各城市客货运输对GDP的直接贡献、对于相关行业的直接消费和创造就业机会三方面的数
7、晰,切入点独到,分析全面,特色鲜明。参赛密码 (由组委会填写)参赛队号: #1560 所选题目: C 题 英文摘要(选填)AbstractThis article aims at the growth of GDP because of Road Transportation uses multiply a lot of method such as combination of number and shape, multivariate statistics, scatter analysis, regression analysis, sensitivity analysis and s
8、ets proportional prediction model. The sensitivity coefficient model, influence coefficient model and multiple regression model etc. We can get highway transportations contribution to GDP in direct contribution, spread effect, direct consumption related industries and creation of employment opportun
9、ities. And we adjust the original investigation project from the investigation of classified investigation and analysis of a significant influence in order to improve the model accuracy. Finally, we put forward our own opinions about deep extension of models according to model results and the actual
10、.Question one requires the value of three aspects, which are passenger and freight transport direct contribution to GDP, direct consumption related industries and numerical job creation in this province. According to the percentage of passenger and freight transport about three aspects, we can asses
11、s every citys contribution to GDP. By using Excel and Matlab, we can observe every citys contribution to GDP. The proportion of passenger and freight transport direct contribution is 20.3570%, The proportion of direct consumption related industries is 79.6400%.Question two requires study spread effe
12、ct of Highway construction and transportation and warehousing industry according to the original title of the schedule 2. We can get array, set sensitivity coefficient model and influence coefficient model that decide spread effect. By using Matlab, the sensitivity coefficient of transportation and
13、warehousing industry is 5.3906, the influence coefficient of transportation and warehousing industry is 1.0000.In question three, through the original title of the schedule 2, analyze percentage of road transport of passenger and freight transport. Get numerical highway transportation effect on GDP
14、in 2012 through effect of passenger and freight transport of GDP that consists in question one. Then get GDP of the province in 2007 by the original title of the schedule 2. According to Chinas annual GDP growth rate, we reckon GDP of the province in 2012. Get the province highway transportation of
15、GDP of the province accounted for the proportion of GDP contribution in 2012. The proportion is about 2.42%.For question four, regard each investigation of direct contribution as variables table. Regard direct contribution of GDP as the dependent variable. Regard each investigation in related indust
16、ries table consumption directly as variables table. Regard direct consumer related industries as the dependent variable. We can set multiple regression models and use Eviews. Then we get effect of every significant. And we know only the former two factors have significant effect on the model accordi
17、ng to the graph. The coefficient of determination of direct contribution is 0.9965.the coefficient of determination of related industries is 0.9992. It improved the accuracy of the model in a certain extent.For question five, this article points out that the original investigation project can be cla
18、ssified and deleted reasonably. For example, The pilot in original create employment opportunities becomes wage a driver, delete survey items that doesnt affect calculation of GDP. It improved the accuracy of the model in a certain extent, too.The model error is analyzed in this article. The annual
19、GDP growth rate of the province that consist in question three are sensitivity analysis by using Matlab. Finally, we think about the uncertain factors about that taking 2007 to 2012 years of the countrys GDP growth rate is applied to in the province. So we improve spread effect model about road tran
20、sport industrys contribution to GDP. From local to national, from the transport industry on other industries and modeling methods, we make extension of the model. The article is clear, And The starting point is original. The article has comprehensive analysis and distinctive features.Keyword: highwa
21、y transport industry, sensitivity coefficient, Influence coefficient, multivariate regression analysis method, Matlab, sensitivity analysis.1 问题的重述一、背景知识1公路运输业公路运输是在公路上运送旅客和货物的运输方式。是交通运输系统的组成部分之一。主要承担短途客货运输。现代所用运输工具主要是汽车。因此,公路运输一般即指汽车运输。在地势崎岖、人烟稀少、铁路和水运不发达的边远和经济落后地区,公路为主要运输方式,起着运输干线作用。公路运输业即指在公路运输的基
22、础上延伸出的一系列相关的产业链。2国内生产总值国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,简称GDP)是指在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值,常被公认为衡量国家经济状况的最佳指标。它不但可反映一个国家的经济表现,还可以反映一国的国力与财富。3公路运输业对于GDP的影响方面:直接贡献:公路运输业带动GDP的直接组成因素,如:修路的材料费,汽车的过路费以及汽车运输所得收入;波及效果:产业波及是指国民经济产业体系中,当某一产业部门发生变化,这一变化会沿着同的产业关联方式,引起与其直接相关的产业部门的变化,并且这些相关产业部门的变化
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 公路 运输业 对于 国内生产总值 影响 分析 模型 特等奖 论文
