1、,Chapter 3 Managing Environmental Change&Innovation,The Changing Environment of Organizations and Managers,A certain amount of stability of the environment is essentialAdapting to change helps managers meet organizational goalsDealing successfully with change can increase efficiency and effectivenes
2、s,Environmental factors play a major role in determining an organizations success or failureGeneral Environment:composed of the nonspecific elements of the organizations surroundings that might affect the activities of the organization.The effects of these dimensions on the organization are broad an
3、d gradual.Task environment:Consist of specific elements of the organizations surroundings that are very likely to influence the organization(specific to organization,effects are likely to be direct),New EconomyNational borders no longer define an organizations operating boundariesTechnology opens up
4、 organizations and makes information more accessibleJob opportunities are for knowledge workersPopulation is characterized by cultural diversityBusiness accepts it social responsibilitiesEconomy is driven by small entrepreneurial firmsCustomer needs drive business,Three Waves Changed the WorldFirstl
5、y,Agriculture.Until the late nineteenth century,all economies were agrarian.Secondly,Industrialization.From the late 1800s until 1960s,most developed countries moved from agrarian societies to industrial societies.Third,Information.Information technology is transforming society from its manufacturin
6、g focus to one of service,The Organization and Its Environment,Environment is of critical importance to the success and failure of any organization.Managers need to have a keen understanding of their environmenthow it affects them and how they can affect it,External environment:the forces and instit
7、utions outside the organization the potentially can affect the organizations performance.It composes General environment and Task environmentGeneral Environment:Everything outside an organizations boundaries.The overall context of general environment are Economic,Legal,Political,Socio-culture,intern
8、ational,and technical forces.Broad economic,socio-cultural,political-legal,demographic,technological,and global conditions that may affect the organization.,Technologicaldimension,OwnersEmployeesPhysical EnvironmentBoard of DirectorsCulture,Economicdemension,Internationaldemension,Political-legaldem
9、ension,Socioculturaldemension,Suppliers,Strategicpartner,Regulators,Competitors,Customers,Figure 3-1 Organizations General Environment Dimensions,Dimensions of GE Affecting On Organization,Economic Dimension:the overall health and vitality of the economic system in which the organization operates;Te
10、chnological Dimension:methods that available for converting resources into products or services;Sociocultural Dimension:includes the customs,mores,values,and demographic characteristics of the society in which the organization functions,Politicallegal Dimension:the extent of government regulation of
11、 business and the general relationship between business and governmentInternational Dimension:the extent to which the organization is affected by business in other countriese.g.“The general environment of McDonald”on pp.34,Task Environment(specific environment):composed of specific groups and organi
12、zations that affect the firm,external forces that have a direct and immediate impact on the organization.Dimensions of Task EnvironmentCompetitors:seeking the same resources as the organizationCustomers:acquire an organizations products or resourcesSuppliers:provide resources for the org.Regulators:
13、control,legislate,or influence the organizations policies or practice,and regulatory agencies or interest groups,strategic partners who are a joint venture or partnership with the organization.,McDoonalds,McDonads,Regulators-Food and Drug administration-Securities and exchange commission-Environment
14、alProtection agency,Strategic Partners-Wal-MartDisneyForeign partners,Suppliers-Coca-cola-Wholesale food processors-Packaging manufacturers,Customers-Individual consumers-Institutional customers,Competitors-Burger KingDecosSubwayDairy Queen,The task environment of McDonald,Internal Environment,Task
15、Environment,Internal Environment,The internal environment are conditions and Stakeholders forces present and at work within an organization.Organizational stakeholders:that are any constituencies in the organizations external environment that are affected by the organizations decisions and actions,a
16、nd they are people an organizations that are directly affected by the behaviors of an organization that have a stake in its performance.,Stakeholders Conditions and ForcesOwners,who are persons with legal property right to business;Board of directors,elected by the stockholders and are charged with
17、overseeing the general management of the firm to ensure that it is run in a way that best serves the stockholders interestEmployees,who work for the firm and have a vested interest in its continued operation and existencePhysical work environment:the actual physical environment of the organization a
18、nd the work that people do.,Why Should We Managing Stakeholder Relationship?,Managing it can lead to improved organizational performance;Its the“right”thing to do given the interdependence of the organization and its external stakeholdersIt can identify the organizations external stakeholders,To det
19、ermine the particular interest and concerns of the external stakeholdersDecide how critical each external stakeholder is to the organizationDetermine how to manage each individual external stakeholder relationship,How Environments affects organizations,Environment change occurs in two ways:The degre
20、e to which change in environment is occurring The degree of homogeneity or complexity of the environment,Organization,Customers,Unions,Social and PoliticalAction Groups,Shareholders,Competitors,Communities,Trade and IndustryAssociation,Suppliers,Governments,Media,Employees,Figure 3-2 The Stakeholder
21、s of an Organization,Environment Uncertainty:A driving force that influences organizational decisions.In other words,the extent to which managers have knowledge of and are able to predict change their organizations external environment is affected by complexity of the environment(the number of compo
22、nents in an organizations external environment),and the degree of change in environment components(How dynamic or stable the external environment is),Environmental Uncertainty Matrix,Cell(simple,stable)Stable and predictable environment:few components in environment,components are somewhat similar a
23、nd remain basically the same,minimal need for sophisticated knowledge of components.Cell(Simple,Dynamic)Dynamic and unpredictable environment:few components in environment,components are somewhat similar but are in continual process of change,minimal need for sophisticated knowledge of components.,C
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