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7、题的指导意义 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格评定成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)教研室主任(或答辩小组组长): (签名)年 月 日教学系意见:系主任: (签名)年 月 日摘 要现代金融业本身的脆弱性正在金融危机爆发中显现出来,如何在价值创造与安全稳定中实现最优的安排体现在金融监管与贷款担保两方面。船舶融资领域中的船舶抵押是保证船舶融资业务正常开展的主要担保形式,对船舶抵押权相关法律问题的研究对于我国航运业,金融业皆有裨益。本文研究范围是由特殊抵
9、了引言和结论之外,本文共分为四章。第一章 主要通过比较分析法与历史分析法以及文义分析法深刻剖析了船舶抵押权的性质、船舶抵押权的法律关系、船舶抵押权的实现问题、船舶抵押权的标的,在最后一个部分探讨了英国法下的船舶抵押权制度以及值得借鉴的方面。第二章 以船舶抵押权设立的过程为主线,探讨了船舶抵押权设立中的基本问题,并提出自己见解,其中第二节船舶原始登记中提出了我国船舶国籍登记以及船舶所有权登记中存在的问题。 第三章对我国船舶抵押权的效力进行了分析,包括船舶抵押权登记理论以及实务中的存在的问题以及船舶抵押权的法律效力等法律问题。本章具体涉及船舶抵押权登记的价值内涵与功能,船舶抵押权登记的模式选择,并
10、结合我国与英美法下的登记制度作对比分析,提出我国船舶抵押权登记中存在的问题及对应的建议。 第四章对船舶抵押权的实现问题进行分析,分别阐述了船舶优先权、船舶留置权、光船租赁权对船舶抵押权实现的影响,并提出了解决的对策与立法建议。关键词:船舶抵押,抵押登记,抵押权的效力ABSTRACT Modern financial industrys fragility had been manifest by the financial crisis. How to realize the best arrangement under the principle of value creation and
11、financial stability reflected in the financial supervision and loan guarantees. Ship mortgage in the field of ship financing is the main form of security to ensure normal development of ship financing business,the study of the legal problems of ship mortgage is profitable to the shipping industry an
12、d financial industry in China.The research scope of this study is the legal problems of ship mortgage under the Security Law formed by the special collateral vessel, including the basic theory of ship mortgage, the establish of ship mortgage, the effects of ship mortgage and the realization of ship
13、mortgage.By the applying of the legal theory of Civil Law and Common Law and cases after comprehensive consideration of the specificity of ships relation and ship mortgage under Maritime Law this thesis had given a proper and objective analyse of the legal problems of ship mortgage from the point of
14、 Chinese legislation and judicial practice,in the end this thesis proposed corresponding suggestions.The main methods used are: comparative analysis, historical analysis, logical analysis, literal analysis. The establishment of ship mortgage from the whole logical process to achieve the main line, p
15、ut forward ideas to the social and economic effects of the law for the purpose of digest analysis, from the basic theory of legal principles to legal problems and then to practice, and finally put forward legislation proposal to form a complete analysis of the problem to the framework to solve the p
16、roblem. Chapter 1 had dissect the nature of ship mortgage,the legal relation of ship mortgage, the realization of ship mortgage,the object of ship mortgage,in the final part of this chapter had given an exploration on ship mortgage under Common Law and the worth drawing aspect of the system of ship
17、mortgage under Common Law.Chapter 2 take the establishment of ship mortgage as the principle line,probe into the basic problem in the establishment of ship mortgage and propose the personal opinion about these problems.Section Two mainly refers to original ship registration,proposed the problems exi
18、sted in Chinese ship nationality registration and ownership registration.Chapter 3 analyzed the effectiveness of ship mortgage, including the legal problems on the theory of the registration and the legal effectiveness of ship mortgage and practice.This chapter specifically refers to the connotation
19、 and value of ship mortgage,the function of ship mortgage,the choice of the registration mode of ship mortgage.And further given an comparative analysis on the constitution of Chinese ship mortgage and American ship mortgage.Finally this chapter put forward the problems existed in Chinese ship mortg
20、age registration and proposed corresponding suggestion. Chapter 4 discussed the realization of ship mortgage, including maritime liens, possessory liens, bareboat charters impact on ship mortgage, and put forward the countermeasures and legislative proposals. Chen Ruojia (International Law) Directed
21、 by Prof.Jiang ZhenxiongKEYWORDS: mortgage of ship, registration of mortgage, effects of ship mortgage目 录引 言1第一章 船舶抵押权基本理论分析2第一节 船舶抵押权的本质2一、担保物权下的比较研究2二、船舶抵押权的历史渊源4三、船舶抵押权的内涵与机理4四、船舶抵押权的性质5第二节 船舶抵押权客体分析6一、船舶抵押权法律关系分析6二、船舶抵押权标的物分析7第三节 船舶抵押权本体分析8一、船舶抵押权人实现担保利益的问题分析8二、我国关于船舶抵押权的法律规定10三、英国法下的船舶抵押权分析11第二
22、章 船舶抵押权的设立15第一节 船舶抵押权的设立概述15一、船舶抵押权设立过程15二、船舶抵押合意形式要求的比较分析15第二节 船舶原始登记17一、船舶原始登记概述17二、船舶原始登记对船舶抵押权实现的影响18三、案例分析与问题19四、船舶国籍登记与船舶所有权登记的法律法规与完善23第三章 船舶抵押权的效力26第一节 船舶抵押权登记26一、船舶抵押权登记问题的提出26二、船舶抵押权登记的价值内涵及功能27三、船舶抵押权登记模式选择28四、英美法下的船舶抵押权登记制度及启示29五、船舶抵押权登记制度问题分析31第二节 船舶抵押权效力33一、船舶抵押权效力概述33二、我国船舶抵押权效力法律法规的完
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- 船舶 抵押权 相关 法律问题 研究 硕士学位 论文
