1、四川大学硕士学位论文 题 目 完善我国反不正当竞争法一般条款研究 作 者 完成日期 2013 年 5 月 培养单位 四川大学法学院 指导教师 专 业 民 商 法 学 研究方向 知 识 产 权 授予学位日期 年 月 日 完善我国反不正当竞争法一般条款研究 1993年第八届全国人大常委会通过了反不正当竞争法,至今已有整整20年了。在该法通过之初,我国的市场经济刚刚开始建设,反不正当竞争法为我国市场经济的建设提供了宝贵的指引,规范了当时可以说是混乱的市场竞争。但是20年过去了,市场经济日益完善,竞争行为日益复杂,反不正当竞争法在面对新的竞争行为时渐有力不从心之态。我国现行的反不正当竞争法中,规定了1
4、出一般条款的调整范围。文章第四部分通过介绍一些运用一般条款进行判决的案例,来说明一般条款在法律实践中的适用情况。提出一般条款构建的一些注意之处,论证一般条款所调整的不正当竞争行为应是在市场交易中以竞争为目的,违反了诚实信用以及相应商业道德的竞争行为。对我国反不正当竞争法的一些缺陷进行了分析,提出自己的意见和建议。 关键词:一般条款 不正当竞争 诚实信用 法律责任 Consummates our country anti-unfair competition law to research the general terms and conditionsCivil and Commercial
5、Law ProfessionalGraduate: Instructor: In 1993 eighth session of the NPC Standing Committee passed the “Anti-Unfair Competition Law” has been a full 20 years.In this method the beginning, the market economy of our country has just started construction, “Anti-Unfair Competition Law”provides valuable g
6、uidance for the construction of Chinas market economy, specification that can be said to be chaotic market competition. Over the past 20 years, the market economy, competition is becoming more and more complex, Anti-Unfair Competition Law in the face of competition new gradually when not from the he
7、art state. Chinese current “Anti-Unfair Competition Law”, the provisions of the 11 kinds of acts of unfair competition. Facing the competitive behavior of others, “Anti-Unfair Competition Law” is not clearly defined how to adjust. And the new situation, we “Anti-Unfair Competition Law” the need for
8、a general provision, the act of unfair competition emerging through the general clause included in the scope of legal regulation.Based on some foreign countries anti-unfair competition law general terms of legislation mode analysis, put forward to the general provisions of our suggestions. The first
9、 part of the general clause of the interpretation of the basic.Through the discussion of the origin of the general clause, and then develop some meaning in general terms, analyze some features of the general clause.Theoretical foundation of the argument by a legal point of view, the perspective of t
10、he market economy, general clause of anti-unfair competition law. Finally, the general terms and conditions of market economy and legal practice in the role.The second part of the article mainly introduces some provisions in some western countries about the general clause.The first is to introduce t
11、he relevant legal provisions on the general clause in anti-unfair competition law in the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Greece and other countries.From the legislative mode in these countries we can draw the conclusion: in order to make the “Anti-Unfair Competition Law”to cover the acts of unf
12、air competition, the emergence of new to keep pace with the times, we need to develop a general clause.The worlds major countries of market economy by general terms and lists ways to adjust the acts of unfair competition. This is Chinas “Anti-Unfair Competition Law” is a useful exploration. The thir
13、d part is the analysis of the acts of unfair competition, and analyzes our country exists generally in terms of theory. According to the analysis of Chinese legal theory for the “Anti-Unfair Competition Law” the existence of the general clause theory argument, the author prefers to Chinas “Anti-Unfa
14、ir Competition Law” the existence of a “limited general terms”. Then through analysis of unfair competition behavior subject, object, clear definition to the acts of unfair competition, the adjustment range and then push the general terms derived. The fourth part of the article introduces some gener
15、al judgment by terms of the case, to illustrate the general terms used in the practice of law. Some points of attention in general terms constructed, unfair competition behavior in general terms that adjustment should be in the market to competition for the purpose, in violation of the honesty and c
16、redit and the corresponding business ethics competition behavior. Some of the defects of Chinese “Anti-Unfair Competition Law” has carried on the analysis, put forward their views and suggestions.Keywords: General Provisions Unfair competition Honesty and credit Legal responsibility目 录综 述1一、本文研究的目的与
17、意义1二、与本研究有关的文献综述2三、本文研究的思路与方法4第一章 反不正当竞争法一般条款概述5一、反不正当竞争法的一般条款含义和特征5(一)一般条款的出现5(二)反不正当竞争法一般条款的含义5(三)反不正当竞争法一般条款的特征6二、反不正当竞争法一般条款的理论基础6(一)法律不完备的需要6(二)反不正当竞争法立法目的的需要7(三)维护法律权威性的要求7三、反不正当竞争法一般条款的作用8(一)为市场竞争参与者提供价值判断8(二)使反不正当竞争法适应市场经济的变化8(三)平衡各方冲突,维护公共利益8第二章 国外对反不正当竞争法一般条款的立法10一、美国的相关立法10二、德国的相关立法11三、瑞士
18、的相关立法13四、希腊的相关立法14第三章 我国反不正当竞争法一般条款分析17一、我国是否存在一般条款之争17(一)法定主义说17(二)一般条款说18(三)有限的“一般条款”说19二、不正当竞争行为的构成分析20(一)不正当竞争行为的内涵20(二)不正当竞争行为的构成要件21第四章 我国反不正当竞争法一般条款的实践运用27一、网络超链接引发的不正当竞争诉讼28(一)案情概述28(二)案情争议点28(三)法院判决要旨29(四)评论30二、抢注他人域名构成不正当竞争31(一)案情概述31(二)案情争议点31(三)法院判决要旨32(四)评论33三、擅自使用他人企业名称导致的不正当竞争34(一)案情概
19、述34(二)案情争议点34(三)法院判决要旨36(四)评论36第五章 我国反不正当竞争法一般条款的重构分析38一、 一般条款的构建38(一)行为违反诚实信用原则38(二)行为违反公平竞争原则39(三)行为须发生在市场交易中39(四)行为以竞争为目的40二、我国反不正当竞争法的不足41(一)综合调整的立法模式需要进行修正41(二)没有明确一般条款41(三)相应的制裁措施还不到位42(四)反不正当竞争法立法体系有一定的冲突42三、完善我国反不正当竞争法一般条款的建议42(一)确立一个规范的一般条款42(二)一般条款实施机构的设定44(三)完善相应的法律责任45参考文献49在读期间研究成果52声 明
20、53致 谢54 综 述一、本文研究的目的与意义近几年来,新的竞争行为不断出现,在市场竞争中一些不正当竞争行为层出不穷。一些新的竞争行为是否是不正当竞争,也引发了人们的争议,一些案件的判决为世人所关注。比如在2000年北京金融城网络有限公司向法院起诉成都财智软件有限公司不正当竞争一案中, 最高人民法院中国应用法学研究所:人民法院案例选(总第41辑),人民法院出版社,2003年版,第341页。涉及到了私自链接他人制作的数据图是否构成不正当竞争行为这一问题。法院审判认为,金融城公司制作的走势数据图不属于著作权法意义上的作品,故不受著作权法保护。本案双方当事人之间存在着经济利益上的竞争关系,因为它们经
21、营的都是同一类别的网站。成都财智公司未经原告允许,擅自将原告制作的走势数据图链接到自己公司的网站上,属于不正当竞争行为。虽然在反不正当竞争法列举的11种不正当竞争行为当中没有关于擅自进行网页链接的规定,但是法院根据反不正当竞争法第2条第1款的相关规定进行了判决 反不正当竞争法第2条第1款:“经营者在市场交易中,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则,遵守公认的商业道德。”。这一判决也引发了一些争议。许多人认为反不正当竞争法第2条第2款规定“违反本法规定”指的应该是违反反不正当竞争法第2章所规定的那11种不正当竞争行为 反不正当竞争法第2条第2款规定:“本法所称的不正当竞争,是指经营者违反本法
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