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2、大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。保密,在 年解密后适用本授权书。本学位论文属于 不保密。(请在以上方框内打“”)学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日摘 要 自从天文学家Lorenz于1963年在数值实验中,发现了第一个混沌模型以来,混沌系统就在物理学、社会学、生物学、化学、信息等学科领域得到了巨大的发展。并使人们对于复杂的非线性现实世界进行革命性的再思考。其中混沌与超混沌系统的同步和控制是混沌理论与应用研究的两个重要组成部分。 本论文给出了几类超混沌系统,并基于滑模控制、自适应控制以及反步
3、设计等控制方法,解决了对于系统中带有噪声扰动,时变时滞,异维异结构和参数未知的超混沌系统的同步和控制的问题。其中论文重点解决的关键问题主要包括以下几个方面:(1) 关于分数阶超混沌系统同步的问题 由于分数阶超混沌系统实现保密通信较一般整数阶超混沌系统具有更好的保密性和更大的存储容量和信息处理能力等优点。因此它将是今后混沌理论和应用中最重要的研究方向之一。并且本文还结合了在传输过程中可能存在的时变时滞以及参数未知问题。本论文对于参数未知的变时滞分数阶超混沌系统,采用滑模自适应控制,可以使系统较快的达到同步,与此同时,使系统具有较强的鲁棒性。(2) 关于异维异结构超混沌系统同步的问题 在自然界中存
4、在着许多不同结构的混沌系统之间同步的现象,特别是在生物系统和社会科学系统中。混沌系统的阶数不同,则意味着系统的状态变量随时间的演化有着严格的不同。其中本文就是在这种背景下提出的,深入的研究了参数未知的异维异结构超混沌系统的同步和控制。在此我们采用自适应反步设计法,可以有效地解决系统参数未知的问题并使系统达到Lyapunov意义下的稳定同步。(3) 具有外部干扰超混沌系统的同步的问题 在实际通讯信息传输过程中,由于信号极易受到外界噪声扰动而使得信息传输信道失真和产生毛刺。为了更好的解决和排除外部噪声扰动,我们采用了滑模自适应控制器使其对于外界噪声扰动可以进行较好的抑制,与此同时使系统具有较强的鲁
5、棒性,并且在较短时间内达到同步。本文构建的超混沌系统,分数阶超混沌系统和异维异结构超混沌系统都具有良好的动力学特性,同时对于研究和应用于人体生物医学、信号加密通讯学、气候天文学、以及股市经济学提供了铺垫。关键词 参数未知的超混沌系统;分数超阶混沌系统;异维异结构超混沌系统;滑模自适应控制;反步设计法;不确定性变时滞系统;同步控制AbstractSince 1963, the astronomer Lorenz who found the first the chaotic model in numerical experiments. Chaos obtained the huge devel
6、opment in physics, sociology, biology, chemistry, information and other fields, as the same time, it makes people rethink of the real world which full of complex nonlinear revolutionary. Synchronizing of chaotic and hyper-chaotic systems became two important part of the controlling theory and applic
7、ation research.In this paper are presented several kind of chaotic and hyper-chaotic systems, which based on the sliding mode control, adaptive control, as well as back-stepping control theory, in order to solving the problem of uncertain chaotic systems, time-varying delay system, different dimensi
8、on and different structure system and noise disturbing system. Papers focus on how to solve problems mainly included as following:(1) The issue of synchronizing the fractional order hyper-chaotic systems Because the fractional order hyper-chaotic system has better confidentiality, greater storage ca
9、pacity and stronger information processing ability, whats more, it also has the advantages of the robustness to achieve communication security than the generally chaotic system. So it will be nonlinear controlling theory and application of the most important researching direction in the future. In t
10、his paper, the unknown parameters time-varying delay fractional order hyper-chaotic systems synchronized by using an adaptive sliding mode control, which can make the system faster to achieve synchronization, and make the system has strong robustness.(2) The issue of synchronizing the different dime
11、nsion and different structure hyper-chaotic system In nature, there exists many different hyper-chaotic systems synchronization between each other, especially in the biological system and the social sciences. The order of different chaotic systems, means that the system state variables has strict di
12、fferent evolve over time. This article of the unknown parameters of different dimension with the mismatched hyper-chaotic system, by using an adaptive robust control, which can solve the problem of the unknown parameters which makes the system to achieve the sense of Lyapunov stability, and synchron
13、ization.(3) The issue of synchronizing the hyper-chaotic system with noise disturbance problem In the practical application of the secret technology, there are two main problems need to be considered: noise and channel distortion. In the process of actual transmission, hyper-chaotic signal is inevit
14、able by all kinds of noise interference. It adopts adaptive robust control to eliminate the outside existing interference for the hyper-chaos system, so as to achieving synchronization.We present the hyper-chaotic system, fractional hyper-chaotic system and different dimension and different structur
15、es hyper-chaotic systems which have good dynamics, while research of Human biomedical, applied biomedical signal, encrypted communications science, astronomy, climate, and the economics stock market provided a foreshadowing.Key words Hyper-chaotic system with unknown parameters; Fractional order cha
16、otic systems; Sliding mode adaptive control; Robust control; Back-stepping control method; Uncertain time-varying delay system; Different dimension different structure system; Synchronous control;目 录摘 要.IAbstract.II第1章 绪 论.1 1.1 混沌和超混沌系统.1 1.1.1 混沌系统简介.1 1.1.2 超混沌系统简介.2 1.2 课题研究目的和意义.3 1.2.1 超混沌系统研究
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