1、 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 任 务 书 一、毕业设计(论文)题目 网上购物系统的设计与实现 二、毕业设计(论文)工作自2010年1月11日起至2010年4月6日止三、毕业设计(论文)基本要求: 1选题具有科学性、先进性、可行性及创新性。 2背景及意义能清楚展现。 3文献资料查阅充分。 4软件系统需求分析充分、设计方案合理、实现技术科学。 5软件功能实现合理,有一定的应用价值。 6论文书写有一定的逻辑性,全文结构安排合理。 7论文基本字数6000字以上,书写符合要求,具有可读性及科学性。 指导教师: 摘 要网上购物,就是通过互联网检索商品信息,并通过电子订购单发出购物请求,然后填上私人支票帐号
2、或信用卡的号码,厂商通过邮购的方式发货,或是通过快递公司送货上门。人们已经不再满足用途信息的浏览和发布,而是渴望着能够充分享受网络所带来的更加多的便利。网上购物正适应了当今社会快节奏地生活,使顾客足不出户便可以方便快捷轻松地选购自己喜欢的商品。本文首先介绍了网上购物系统的现状及开发背景,然后论述了系统的设计目标,系统需求和总体设计方案,较详细的论述了系统的详细设计和实现。最后,本文对网上购物系统进行了系统检测并提出了还需要改进的问题。 系统是用JSP在网络上架构一个动态的电子商务网站,它是在WINDOWSXP下,以SQL Server 2000为数据库开发平台,Tomcat网络信息服务作为应用
3、服务器,采用JSP(Java Server Pages)技术开发的网上购物系统。本系统主要为用户提供了会员注册,购物车管理,商品搜索,用户资料修改等功能,为管理员提供了商品管理,用户信息管理,新闻信息管理,广告链接管理等功能。在设计方面,本系统采用B/S三层结构,同时使用JSP技术进行动态页面的设计,从系统的安全性和代码的可重用性方面考虑,运用JavaBean对程序的关键代码进行封装。后台数据库选用SQLSERNER数据库。关 键 词:网上购物; JSP;数据库;商品管理;论文类型:设计报告Title: The Design of The Shop OnLine SystemSpecialit
4、y:Major of Computer Science & TechnologyApplicant:LiangjiaSupervisor:Prof. ZhaoyanfengABSTRACTOnline shopping, product information is retrieved via the Internet, and electronic purchase orders issued by shopping request, and then fill in the personal check or credit card account number, vendor shipm
5、ents by mail order or home delivery by courierThere is no longer meet use and dissemination of information browsing, but a desire to bring the full enjoyment network more convenient. Internet shopping is being adapted to the fast pace of todays society to live, so that customers can enjoy the conven
6、ience of fast and easy way to purchase their own like commodities.The thesis has firstly introduced the practical situation and the developing background of the system. And then has described the designing goal、system need and the whole designing plan, has described the detailed design and reality o
7、f the system in detail. Finally, conclusion has been drawn about the system and problem has also been raised. The system is trying to use JSP in a dynamic network of e-commerce websites structure, which is in Windows XP, SQL Server 2000 for database development in platform, Tomcat application server
8、 as a network information services, use JSP (Java Server Pages) technology development online shopping system. The system has mainly provided users with the following functions: membership registration,shopping car management,goods search、information modify etc. It has also provided managers with go
9、ods management,customer information management,news management , management and so on. It has been designed with B/S mode of three-tier structure, JSP technology in dynamic page design. Considering from the security and reusing code of the system, key codes has been secured by JavaBean technology. A
10、ccess database has been used as the background database.KEY WORDS: Online shopping; JSP;database; systemTYPE OF THESIS: Design Report目 录1 绪论11.1前言11.1.1网上购物系统的背景11.2网上购物系统的概述.21.2.1网上购物系统的现状 21.2.1系统实现的目标 31.2.1系统的开发意义 42程序开发的技术基础52.1 HTML语言52.1.1 HTML语言概述52.1.2 JAVASCRIPT语言概述 52.2 JSP技术62.2.1 JSP概述
11、62.3数据库原理 72.3.1 SQL语言简单介绍 72.3.2 ADO技术介绍 83网上购物系统需求分析113.1系统的可行性分析113.1.1网站的设计目标113.1.2网站的可行性分析123.2.3网站的深入调查123.2.4网站设计的特点123.2.5网站开发的设计思想123.2.6系统的总体规则 123.2系统的功能分析 123.2.1功能分析.123.2.2数据库功能说明.133.3系统的需求分析133.3.1需求分析.133.1.2数据库需求分析.134网上购物系统的设计 154.1系统概要设计 154.1.1系统设计概述 154.1.2系统原理 154.1.3用户模块的程序流
12、图 164.2 系统总体结构设计174.2.1前台模块详细功能描述174.2.2后台模块详细功能描述 174.3系统详细设计 184.3.1代码设计.184.3.2数据库结构设计.184.3.3数据库详细结构设计.184.4用户界面设计.214.4.1输入设计.214.4.2输出设计.214.4.3人机对话设计.225网上购物系统的实现235.1各功能模块的实现235.1.1数据库连接的实现235.1.2用户注册模块的实现235.1.3用户登录模块的实现245.1.4购物车模块的实现275.1.5后台管理模块的实现286 系统测试316.1系统运行环境的搭建 316.1.1 JAVA虚拟机的安
13、装316.1.2 Tomcat环境搭建316.2系统程序的安装和加载316.2.1文件的拷贝316.2.2数据库的连接316.3系统测试316.3.1 系统测试分析316.3.2单元测试分析 336.3.3测试分析及说明 346.4系统维护 346.4.1系统维护 347 结论与展望377.1 结论377.2 系统中存在的问题及展望38致 谢41参考文献43附 录45攻读学位期间取得的研究成果47CONTENTS1 Introduction1 1.1 Preface1 1.1.1 Background of Online Shopping System11.2 Overview of Onli
14、ne Shopping System2 1.2.1 Online Shopping System Status2 1.2.2 System achieve to Goals3 1.2.3 System Development of Meaning42 Technology base program development5 2.1 HTML language5 2.1.1 HTML Language Overview5 2.1.2 JAVASCRIPT Language Overview5 2.2 JSP Technology6 2.1.2 JSP Overview62.3 Database
15、Principles7 2.3.1 SQL languages brief Introduction7 2.3.2 ADO technology Introduced83 Online Shopping System Requirements Analysis11 3.1 System Feasibility Analysis11 3.1.1 Web site design goals113.1.2 Site Feasibility Analysis123.1.3 Site-depth investigation12 3.1.4 Web site design features123.1.5
16、Web site design development12 3.1.6 The overall rules system12 3.2 System Functional Analysis123.2.1 Functional Analysis123.2.2 Database Function123.3 System Requirements Analysis13 3.3.1 Needs Analysis13 3.3.2 Database Needs Analysis134 Online Shopping SystemDesign15 4.1 Summary Design Of System11
17、4.1.1 System Design overview154.1.2 System Principle154.1.3 User module program flow graph16 4.2 System Architecture Design174.2.1 Detailed description of the module features front174.2.2 Detailed functional description of the background module174.3 Detailed design of the system18 4.3.1 Code design1
18、8 4.3.2 DatabaseStructure Design184.3.3 Database Detailed Structure Design184.4 User Interface Design21 4.4.1 Input Design21 4.4.2 Output Design214.4.3 Man - Machine Dialogue Design225 Online Shopping System Implement23 5.1 Implementation of each functional module23 5.1.1 Implementation of database
19、connection235.1.2 Implementation User registration module235.1.3 Implementation user login module24 5.1.4 Implementation Shopping Cart Module275.1.5 Implementation Management Module in the background286 System Test31 6.1 System operating environment built31 6.1.1 JAVA virtual machine installed316.1.
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- 网上购物系统的设计与实现 计算机科学与技术毕业论文 网上 购物 系统 设计 实现 计算机科学 技术 毕业论文
