1、中图分类号: TN393.2 论文编号: 学科分类号: 081101 密级: 公 开 安徽理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文基于Multi-Agent的煤矿安全监控系统研究作者姓名: 专业名称: 控制理论与控制工程 研究方向: 智能控制 导师姓名: 导师单位: 安徽理工大学 答辩委员会主席: 论文答辩日期: 年 月 日 安徽理工大学研究生处 年 月 日A Dissertation in control theory and control engineering Study of coal mine safety monitoring system based on Multi-AgentCand
2、idate:Wang ChunlingSupervisor:Huang YouruiSchool of electric and information engineeringAnHui University of Science and Technology No.168, Shungeng Road, Huainan ,232001,P.R.CHINA独 创 性 声 明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方以外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 安徽理工大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书
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4、日期: 年 月 日 摘要煤炭占我国一次能源消费比例的绝大部分,在国民经济建设中具有举足轻重的地位。随着煤矿安全要求越来越高,新的技术将越来越多的应用在煤矿安全监控系统,Agent的高可靠性和灵敏性,对煤矿安全监控系统有着至关重要的作用,其强集成性和智能性,有利于优化煤矿安全监控系统结构、减少冗繁的数据处理,基于多Agent技术的煤矿安全监控系统在煤矿上将表现出更强适用性和先进性。本文基于Agent技术建立煤矿安全监控系统,进行了以下研究并取得了较好的成果。(1)系统结构研究设计了基于多Agent的煤矿安全监控系统模型,该模型由人机界面Agent、主控Agent、管理Agent和监测Agent组
5、成,监测Agent包括瓦斯Agent,温湿度Agent,COAgent和风速Agent。主控Agent和管理Agent之间通过以太网进行通信,管理Agent和监控Agent之间通过无线网络技术进行通信,这四类Agent之间相互协调和合作共同完成煤矿井下安全监控任务。(2)仿真系统实现Agent拥有较多的开发平台,本文选取JADE(Java Agent Development Framework)仿真平台与Eclipse开发平台集成,Eclipse开发平台采用JAVA语言进行开发,JADE仿真平台为仿真系统提供了交互协议和合作模型,两种平台互相协作,构成多Agent的仿真系统。把多Agent技术
6、应用到煤矿安全监控领域,充分利用Agent的自治、合作和自适应性;开发了基于Multi-Agent的原型煤矿安全监控仿真系统,并证明了该监测方法的有效性。 (3)软硬件设计根据多Agent的煤矿安全监控系统模型,从硬件和软件两方面设计了管理Agent和监测Agent。硬件方面,设计研发了无线网络模块、以太网模块、瓦斯传感器模块、温湿度传感器模块、CO传感器模块和风速传感器模块。在软件方面,实现了无线网络与以太网相结合的通讯方式,保证了多Agent系统的通讯能力。通过硬件和软件的结合,系统采用模块化设计,可以有效地提高数据传输的实时性和可靠性,从而提高了煤矿安全监控系统的及时性和准确性。 综上所
7、述,本文开发的多Agent的应用于煤矿安全监控的系统具有模块化、智能性、网络化、安装方便的特点,在煤矿安全监控领域有一定的实用价值,值得在煤矿安全监控领域推广。图50 表5 参60关键词:多Agent煤矿安全监控系统,JADE,及时性,准确性分类号:TN393.2AbstractCoal accounts for the vast majority of our primary energy consumption ratio in our country,has pivotal status in the national economy construction. With the inc
8、reasingly high demand for coal mine safety, the new technology will be more and more applied in the coal mine safety monitoring system. The high reliability and sensitivity of Agent are crucial to coal mine safety monitoring system. And its strong integrity and intelligence is beneficial to optimizi
9、ng the system structure and reducing the complicated data processing. Coal mine safety monitoring system based on Multi-Agent technology in coal mine generally will show stronger applicability and advancement. Based on Agent technology, this paper established coal mine safety monitoring system and c
10、arried out the following research and have achieved good results.(1) the study of system structureStudy the characteristics of single Agent and structure, designed the model of coal mine safety monitoring system based on multiple Agents. The model consists of man-machine interface Agent, main contro
11、l Agent, management Agent and monitoring Agent. The main control Agent contacts with management Agent through the Ethernet and through the wireless network technology to communicate for management Agent and monitoring Agent. Mutual coordination and cooperation among the four types of Agents can fini
12、sh the coal mine safety monitoring task.(2) the realization of simulation systemAgent has many development platforms. This article selects JADE (Java Agent Development Framework) and the Eclipse platform to integrate. The Eclipse development platform using the JAVA language to develop, JADE simulati
13、on platform for simulation system provides a communication protocol and the cooperation model. Two kinds of programming language collaborate with each other and then constitute a multi Agents system. The multi Agent technology is applied in the field of coal mine safety monitoring. This makes full u
14、se of the Agents autonomy, cooperation and adaptability. Developed a prototype of coal mine safety monitoring system based on Multi - Agent, and the effectiveness of the proposed monitoring method is proved.(3) the designs of software and hardware According to the designed monitoring system model ,
15、from the aspects of hardware and software designed management Agent and monitoring Agent. In the aspect of hardware,designed and developed the wireless network module,Ethernet module,sensor module and other modules. In the aspect of hardware, realized the communication method between wireless networ
16、k and Ethernet, ensure the ability of communication of multi Agent system. Through the combination of hardware and software,the system adopts modular design, can effectively improve the real-time performance and reliability of data transmission, so as to improve the timeliness and accuracy of the co
17、al mine safety monitoring system.To sum up,the multi Agent applied to coal mine safety monitoring system is modular, intelligent, networked, and can conveniently installed. Has certain practical value in the field of coal mine safety monitoring and is worth popularizing in coal mine safety monitorin
18、g field.Figure50 Table5 Reference60Keywords: multi Agent of coal mine safety monitoring system, JADE, timeliness, accuracy目录摘要IAbstractIII1 绪 论11.1研究背景及意义11.2煤矿安全监控系统发展现状21.3研究目标与研究内容31.4论文组织安排42基于多Agent的煤矿安全监控系统结构72.1 Agent的定义与特征72.2多Agent系统82.2.1多Agent系统的组织结构82.2.2多Agent系统的通信机制102.3基于多Agent的煤矿安全监控
19、系统结构122.3.1基于多Agent的煤矿安全监控系统模型设计122.3.2系统的工作流程152.4 Agent间通信与协作162.4.1协作交互算法172.4.2通信语言182.5本章小结223 基于多Agent的煤矿安全监控仿真系统实现233.1JADE 概述233.2仿真系统的关键技术253.2.1 代理类的继承和实现253.2.2 行为类的继承和实现253.2.3 Eclipse平台与JADE平台的集成283.2.4集成平台与数据库交互293.3关键代码303.4Agent间的通信实现323.5仿真结果和分析333.5.1系统运行界面333.5.2仿真结果分析363.6本章小结364
20、 系统的硬件实现374.1管理Agent的硬件设计374.2监测Agent硬件设计444.3 本章小结495 系统软件实现515.1管理Agent的软件设计515.1.1管理Agent的无线网络软件设计525.1.2管理Agent的以太网软件设计545.2监测Agent的软件实现615.3 本章小结636 总结与展望656.1全文总结656.2 进一步展望65参考文献67致谢71作者简介及读研期间主要科研成果73ContentsAbstrat(in Chinese)IAbstractIII1 Introduction11.1 The research background and signif
21、icance11.2 The development status of coal mine safety monitoring system21.3 Research targets and contents31.4 The struction of this paper42 Coal mine safety monitoring and control structure based on multi Agent72.1 The definition and characteristics of Agent72.2 Multi- Agent system82.2.1 The organiz
22、ational structure of multi- Agent system82.2.2 The communication mechanism of multi Agent system102.3 Coal mine safety monitoring system structure based on multi Agent122.3.1 Design of coal mine safety monitoring system model based on MAS122.3.2 The working flow of the system152.4 Communication and
23、cooperation among Agent162.4.1 Collaborative interaction algorithm172.4.2 Communication language182.5 Chapter summary223 Implementation of the coalmine safety monitoring simulation system based on MAS233.1 JADE summary233.2 The key techniques of simulation system253.2.1 the implementation of the pro
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- 关 键 词:
- 硕士论文 基于 MultiAgent 煤矿安全 监控 系统 研究
