1、分类号 TN911.22 密级 UDC 学号 3103036060 无线通信MIMO系统中纠错编码的理论研究及其FPGA的实现学位申请人: 指导教师: 学科专业: 通信与信息系统 学位类别: 工 学 2006年5月Theoretic Analyses on Error-correction Encoding Technology and Its Realization Based on FPGA for MIMO Wireless Communication SystemDissertation Submitted toXian Jiaotong UniversityIn partial fu
2、lfillment of the requirementFor the degree ofMaster of Engineering ScienceByXu Li(Communication and Information System)Dissertation Supervisor: Associate Professor Luo XinminMay,2006论文题目:无线通信MIMO系统中纠错编码的理论研究及其FPGA的实现专 业:通信与信息系统硕 士 生:徐 莉指导教师:罗新民 副教授摘 要多输入多输出(Multiple Input Multiple Output,MIMO)系统在收发双
5、件平台的信道编码模块设计提供了一定的参考价值。对待定的码字,如何寻找译码错误概率小、译码速度快、译码设备简单的算法,是纠错编码技术中一个非常重要而又实际的问题,这也是本论文的主要任务之一,卷积码的FPGA的实现就是基于此而进行设计的,该设计通过了软件仿真和验证,具有一定的实际应用价值。【关 键 词】多输入多输出系统、BCH码、RS码、卷积码、SCCC、FPGA【论文类型】 应用基础Title: Theoretic Analyses on Error-correction Encoding Technology and Its Realization Based on FPGA for MIMO
6、 Wireless Communication SystemMajor: Communication and Information SystemName: Xu Li Supervisor: Associate Prof. Luo Xinmin AbstractMultiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system uses multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver. It adopts many new technologies such as space-time coding
7、(STC) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). It promotes system capacity and the efficiency of spectrum utilization while resulting in no bandwidth overhead. Therefore MIMO system is considered to be an important way to realize high-speed transmission and improve the quality of trans
8、mission in the third generation mobile communication systems and in the future applications as well. Based on the foundation of Multiple Input Multiple Output software simulation platform in wireless communication system, this paper mostly made some research on encoding and decoding method in basic
9、communication module. As a software platform, practical tests will be made separately in different encoding methods, different modulation ways, and different channel conditions. Therefore, many kinds of error-correction codes can be tested in encoding and decoding channel. This paper carried on the
10、simulation experiments with several different complexity channel codes, and researched their performances and characteristics.The content of this thesis can be summarized as follows: First, the error-correction encoding technology was introduced in detail, and several typical codes were analyzed the
11、oretically in detail and simulated in the matlab environment, such as cyclic code, convolutional code, and SCCC. Through analysis and Comparison, their characteristics and anti-noise performances were summarized. Second, based on the research of convolutional code and its Viterbi decoding method, a
12、strong emphasis was laid on SCCC, advantages for it by contrast with Turbo code were illustrated, and the design criteria of SCCC were given. It made a theory design support for channel encoding of MIMO system. Third, in the QuartusII development environment, the encoder and decoder of the convoluti
13、onal code were designed by using the VHDL language and some improvement, based on the traditional design, path memory management unit was improved. Thus, the speed of decoding was advanced, and the memory resource was saved.By the analyses and research on several typical channel codes, this paper su
14、mmarized their anti-noise performances and characteristics, especially the SCCC, which was more valuable for the implementation of the software platform of the MIMO system. It is a very important and practical problem that, for a given code, how to find a coding algorithm with less coding error, hig
15、her coding speed, and more simply coding device. Therefore, the implementation of the convolutional code in FPGA was designed, which was validated by simulation and has the value of application.Keywords: MIMO system, BCH code, RS code, Convolutional code, SCCC, FPGAType of Thesis: Applied Foundation
16、目 录第一章 绪论11.1 课题背景及研究意义11.2 信道编码理论的发展11.3 论文的主要研究内容3第二章 循环码42.1 BCH码的定义及其有关性质42.2 BCH码的编码52.2.1 系统形式的编码52.2.2 BCH(15,7,5)码的编码算法实现62.3 BCH码的译码算法实现72.3.1 有限域的基本运算82.3.2 伴随多项式的计算82.3.3 错误多项式的求取92.3.4 错误位置的求取112.3.5 BCH(15,7,5)码的译码流程图122.4 BCH码的性能仿真122.5 RS码的定义以及有关性质142.6 RS码的编码与译码152.7 RS码的性能仿真162.8 小结
17、17第三章 卷积码183.1 卷积编码183.2 维特比译码213.2.1 Viterbi译码算法的基本原理213.2.2 Viterbi译码算法233.3 卷积码的软件仿真及其性能分析253.3.1 Viterbi译码算法的步骤253.3.2 卷积码性能分析253.4 小结28第四章 级联卷积码294.1 级联卷积码的发展历史294.2 SCCC编码器的组成304.3 SCCC的译码314.3.1 SCCC译码器的组成314.3.2 SISO算法324.3.3 SISO算法的改进354.4 SCCC的性能仿真384.4.1 成员编码对SCCC的性能影响384.4.2 迭代次数对SCCC的性能
18、影响434.4.3 交织深度对SCCC的性能影响444.4.4 译码方式对SCCC的性能影响454.5 小结46第五章 卷积码的FPGA实现475.1 FPGA概述475.1.1 FPGA的基本结构与开发流程475.1.2 Quartus II开发软件485.1.3 卷积码设计方案485.2 (2,1,3)卷积码编码器的实现495.3 (2,1,3)卷积码Viterbi译码器的实现505.3.1 串/并变换505.3.2 分支量度(BM)的计算与ACS515.3.3 路径量度存储管理545.3.4 最小值选择与回朔545.3.5 输出译码比特545.4小结54第六章 总结546.1 工作总结5
19、46.2 研究展望54致 谢54参考文献54攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文54第一章 绪论1.1 课题背景及研究意义 多输入多输出(MIMO)技术是指在发射端和接收端分别使用多个发射天线和接收天线,信号通过发射端和接收端的多个天线传送和接收,从而改善每个用户的服务质量(误比特率或数据速率)。MIMO通过空时处理技术,充分利用空间资源,提高频谱利用率,增加信道容量,它的出现打破了传统的单入单出的通信系统局面,它是无线通信领域智能天线技术的重大突破。该技术能在不增加系统带宽的情况下成倍的提高通信系统的容量和频谱利用率,因此被认为是第三代和未来移动通信与个人通信系统实现高数据速率,提高传输质量的重要途径
20、。当前国内外对MIMO系统的研究主要集中在如下几项关键技术3:空时二维多用户检测技术、空时编码技术和空时自适应调制、联合调制技术等;MIMO与其他技术的结合,如正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,OFDM)技术;同时对于MIMO信道模型的讨论和研究也是MIMO系统研究的一个重要方面。目前MIMO已被广泛应用于固定的无线接入网,另外IEEE也成立了802.11n工作组5,正在制定第二代无线局域网标准IEEE802.11n,802.11n最核心的技术就是MIMO+OFDM,同时无线局域网标准802.16也通过MIMO技术来改进非视距的
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- 关 键 词:
- 硕士学位 论文 无线通信 MIMO 系统 纠错 编码 理论研究 及其 FPGA 实现
