1、毕业设计外文翻译医疗管理系统医疗保险管理子系统设计Medical treatment management systemThe medical treatment insurance management system学生学号:学生姓名:专业班级:指导教师:起止日期:1 数据库数据库在现代的生产中有着不可取代的地位。现在大多数公司都已经用数据库取替了以往的登记方式。但是, 使用者必须经常维护数据库使它不被破坏。 1、 策略的使用数据库可以帮助使用者保存数据和计划未来如何利用资源。为了要满足管理者和使用者的需要,许多企业收集各种各样的内部的和外部的数据库的数据。这些数据通常被存在一个特定的数据库
2、中,这个数据库通常叫做备份数据库。人们把这种技术叫作数据采集,它可以提供人们查找自己需要的数据和信息。有数百种数据库可以帮助使用者按照其意愿达到其特殊的商业目的。包括:商业资料目录提供地址,财政和买卖信息,产品,贸易和商标名称。人口统计学的数据, 像是县和城市统计学 , 在人口和收入,雇用统计学上的数据估计 , 户口普查数据 ,等等。商业统计的数据, 像是在贸易公司里的对外财政资讯, 市场某零售商店的潜在性 , 和其他的商业数据和信息。文本数据库提供来自商业出版的文章, 杂志报纸,在公司和产品上评论,等等。网络数据库包含的覆盖较大的范围,信息可以包括整个网络。如更早使用, 网络搜寻范围类似于雅
3、虎! 数据库维护可得到广泛信息。2、 安全性正因为数据库是如此有价值,所以他们的安全已经变成一个重要的议题。这有一些我们应该关心的数据库安全信息。一是存储在数据库中的个人或私人的信息是否会被人们用不正当的目的所使用。例如,一个人的信用卡资料或身体检查记录可能决定他是否可以被录取或升职。另一个是未经认可的使用者得到对一个数据库的密码。 举例来说, 有很多事例表明已经有计算机病毒进入一个数据库或网络之内。安全性就像是进入公司里必须执有公司的员工证经审核后方可允许进入公司内部一样。一些电子安全系统采用了指纹审核系统。安全性在一个企业局域网尤其重要。违反了安全规则将出现不能进入的地区。最主要的是如今公
4、司使用特殊的硬件,而且软件呼叫了防火墙控制对他们的内在网络的通路。如今大多数的公司在他们的内部网络使用了叫做防火墙的特殊的软件和硬件来控制网络的传输。2 数据库管理系统一个数据库管理系统是允许按照指定的格式去存储、修改和操作数据的应用软件。通常数据库是由一个表格形式行(记录)和列(字段)组成的。例如,一张存储动物的表格其中的一行可能为猫,字段可能是腿(4条),胡须(有),类型(哺乳动物)等。另外一行为蛇,那么记录就是0条,无,爬行动物。数据库的管理者必须定期的维护数据库,明确知道数据库的一些特性。在数据库最基本的形式中,一个数据库管理系统不考虑到定义的数据。这样限制了允许更快的索引,分类, 和
5、进行其他的数据处理。3 医院信息管理系统医院管理信息系统是一种功能强大的,使用灵活性强且使用非常简单易懂,而且是它是真正的对医院的利益和临床讲义有很大的帮助的。而且更重要的是医院信息管理系统是非常可靠的和可以依赖的支持医院管理。1、 登录登录模块是一个综合的病人管理系统,可以获得有关病人的全部信息。这个系统有自动的记录病人的病例功能使得医生可以更有效的给病人更好的照顾。病人登记资料住院病人和门诊病人登记病例管理出诊日程安排(病人/专业医生)医生日程安排 医生预诊日制 病人看病记录 病例卡管理 X光检查和手术记录 病人访问流程 赞助商资料这个模块提供有关病人的询问,病人的位置,许可和约会行程安排
6、和出院的详细资料。 此外,这个系统还可以以固定的费用为病人看管贵重物品。病历卡简要的记录着有关病人的临床的数据。这样可以方便找到病人通过病例卡。2、 费用病人的费用模块是长期处理各种类型的病人的账单。推荐使用这个模块使得收费和操作都比较简单,将门诊病人,住院病人等不同种类的账单分类处理。它自动提供对不同服务的费用,像床费,检查费,药费,专家费用,食物,饮料和电话费等。这个模块还提供信用卡支付和分期付款的财政综合管理部份。这个费用模块还可以广泛灵活的自动判断是否接受你所提供的付款计划。系统将协调房间和固定费用连同补助的费用给赞助商。费用窗口为门诊病人和住院病人进行划价和收费。它将记录着各种各样的
7、服务费用通过费用模块可以实现费用管理目的。付款模块/详细资料病人的详细资料病人账单的详细资料物品配备医生的嘱咐公司主管资料物品登记保证人确认返回处理使用者自定的账单周期检查和专家出诊费用补助费用自动密码和账单标准供给账单广泛的第三部份账单系统可以支持按照使用者的需要定义参数和选择想使用的格式来打印各种各样的报告。3、 财务管理财务账户模块是处理现金银行存款,收条付款凭证,收条账户凭证和一些普通账户等。将产生和现金薄相似的账薄和银行存折,会计账薄。这个模块产生类似于资金平衡表,资产负债表,利润表和损溢表等的报告。这个财务模块窗体显示描述有关收入,支出和一些一般账目。也描述了一些有关网络,支票,银
8、行和供应者的发票并且掌握有关账户应收账款和收入的资讯相关活动的银行活动。这种服务可以面向系统中记录的公司的管理者,保险中介,家庭账户,个人账户,慈善者的详细资料,病人的病例。4、 固定资产固定资产模块处理所有有关固定资产账薄部分的所有活动。这个模块包括被讲到确认一个项目然后为一个固定的资产分派贬值,及其他管理活动,如维护,重新评价和处理的活动。5、 薪水册薪水册职员模块主要是处理支付工资(或减少)的计算,打印工资条,工资凭证,打印格式修改,奖励声明,和对员工一个月工作表现的评价。它也可用来处理维护职工简历,出勤加班的详细资料。他也管理旷工,擅离职守的报告等。人事 & 薪资帐册部门是有责任管理职
9、员相关的活动如任命职员,维护职员数据库,及其他固定津贴和减除,休假政府补助,休假核准,贷款,终止程序,医院文件,保险细节, 租赁契约和交通工具登记的维护等。6、 门诊病人管理门诊病人模块主要是为了处理像医生出诊的日制,以及向住院医生和专家医生请教和诊断病人的记录。这个模块还可以支持医生随时进入查看更好有助于帮助病人的全面的病例。病人访问被放在别一个新的区域,以便更好的跟踪访问和回复。这一个模块也处理实验室测试和其他的测试请求和结果。外科医生访问病人可以定义为“呼叫”。一些病例可能有助于医院的一些设备研究,像是实验室,X光检查室,医药研究室,物理治疗室等等医学实验的详细内容专家名册诊断结果的详细
10、资料治疗方法的叁数介绍病人的预约每日的 / 每周的时间表摘要约会行程安排 / 再行程安排设备门诊病人医学的观测日制调查 / 治疗病例药物使用的详细资料团体 / 包裹存放登记一般药房账单服务医生的诊断统计更进一步说对一些特别的病人医生可以对其进行密切观察,以及对病人历史病例的查询,在线开处方,在线请求和调查等等。系统可将病人在医院的每项服务费用逐一的汇报给病人查看,并将账单打印给病人做为查阅凭证。7、 住院病人管理住院管理模块是为了处理一切有关住院管理的活动和功能。这个模块自动的将每天病人的情况告诉给其他模块以便更好照顾病人。它管理病人的全部资料以及向其它部门提供有关病人住院期间的全部资料,像床
11、费和床号调动,住院费用预算,治疗方案,治疗进展记录,紧急情况处理等。住院模块也处理相关的医院管理信息,如调班,床的使用期限,外科,药房管理,看护日制,收费条等等。许可费用预算病人饮食规定病人饮食请求医生调动的详细资料看护日制网络医疗观测站药物使用请求外科手术行程安排细节出院通知摘要预期出院的日期和时间这个模块追踪访问每个出院的病人对他做接续访问的间隔访问,而且要求他要回来复诊。8、 药房药房模块自动处理有关药物的所有一般的工作和一些相关的药物管理工作。药房模块将每个药物分类处理,这样可以使病人按类使用药物,对病人的照顾有更好的效果。这个模块处理的活动如下:询问报价采购单在线查询,药房结构药房储
12、存结构发送给病人的诊断药物的使用量开药医生信息详细目录的维护自动记录开药信息购买请求采购单在线请求库存不足从子库调拔在线存货调动对所有子库的存货维护终止附近条款的回返期满的条款处理实际的存货确认和调整货物收据进货移动 ( 在中间仓库存货调动)进货调整在线报告进货除此之外在线可以较方便的将病人的详细资料传给要指示的医生让他追踪访问他的病人,以便理好的处理治疗病人。9、 X光放射室X光放射室模块主要是用于X光照射,扫描,及其他难度精密的检查的。充分利用X光的检测资源。这个模块存储了各种不同的检测结果,并制作相关的检查报告。这些报告将传给门诊模块和住院模块。这个系统存储所有病人检测结果的详细资料(像
13、是病人号,X光检测报告,扫描检测报告)和为每个扫描系统扫描的图像产生一个独特的数字。只有当一个紧急病例出现时才会将手上现有的病例推后检查。10、牙科牙科模块主要是向牙科医生提供患者的病例,一般用这个模块对患者进行追踪治疗,或是将治疗过程记录在这个模块中。11、 使用者管理使用者管理模块主要是通过控制对申请进入系统的数据信息上进行安全审核处理。只有管理某部门的使用者才可以进这部门的资料查询,其他部门的人员无权查询这个部门的资料。它也处理一些与系统相关的信息,像是使用者监视器系统,创建管理员,查看使用者使用记录,维护医院的重要文件,使用者定义的错误信息处理,一般的统计摘要日制。附录:毕业设计外文翻
14、译原文1DatabaseDatabases offer great opportunities for productivity. In fact, in corporate libraries, electronic databases are now considered more valuable than books and journals. However, maintaining databases means users must make constant efforts to keep them from being tampered with or misused.1、S
15、trategic usesDatabases help users to keep up to date and to plan for the future. To support the needs of managers and other business professionals, many organizations collect data from a variety of internal and external databases. This data is then stored in a special type of database called a data
16、warehouse. A technique called data mining is often used to search these databases to look for related information and patterns.There are hundreds of databases available to help users with both general and specific business purposes, including:Business directories providing addresses, financial and m
17、arketing information, products, and trade and brand names.Demographic data, such as county and city statistics, current estimates on population and income, employment statistics, census data , and so on.Business statistical information, such as financial information on publicly traded companies, mar
18、ket potential of certain retail stores, and other business data and information.Text databases providing articles from business publications, press releases, reviews on companies and products, and so on.Web databases covering a wide range of topics including all of the above. As mentioned earlier, w
19、eb search sites like Yahoo! Maintain extensive databases of available web sites.2、SecurityPrecisely because databases are so valuable, their security has become a vital issue. As we discussed in chapter 10, there are several database security concerns. One concern is that personal and private inform
20、ation about people stored in databases may be used for the wrong purposes. For instance, a persons credit history or medical records might be used to make hiring or promotion decisions. Another concern is unauthorized users gaining access to a database. For example, there have been numerous instance
21、s in which a computer virus has been launched into a database or network.Security may require putting guards in company computer rooms and checking the identification of everyone admitted. Some security systems electronically check fingerprints. Security is particularly important to organizations us
22、ing WANs. Violations can occur without actually entering secured areas. As mentioned in previous chapters, most major corporations today use special hardware and software called firewalls to control access to their internal networks.2Database Management SystemA DataBase Management System (DBMS) is a
23、 software application which allows the storage, retrieval, and manipulation of information in a prescribed format. One common form of organization is the table, which is formatted by row (record) and column (field). For example, a table storing data on animals might have a row for a cat, with fields
24、 for legs (4), whiskers (yes), type (mammal), and so on. Another row, for a snake, would contain 0, no, and reptile. The creator of the table must therefore anticipate any characteristics which will need to be recorded. In its purest form, a DBMS does not allow for unformatted data. This restriction
25、 allows quick indexing, sorting, and other data processing. Contrast this with .3 Hospital Management SystemMedinous Hospital Management System is powerful, flexible and easy to use and has designed and developed to deliver real conceivable benefits to hospitals and clinics. And more importantly it
26、is backed by reliable and dependable Medinous support.1、RegistrationThe Registration module is an integrated patient management system, which captures complete and relevant patient information. The system automates the patient administration functions to have better and efficient patient care proces
27、s. Patient Registration Details Inpatient and Outpatient Registration Medical Alerts Details Appointment Scheduling (Patient / Doctor wise) Doctors Schedule Summary Doctors Daily Schedule List Patient Visit History Medical Record Movements Appointments for Radiology tests and Operation Theatre Patie
28、nt Visit Slip Sponsorship Details It provides for enquiries about the patient, the patients location, admission, and appointment scheduling and discharge details. Furthermore, this system even takes care of package deals for a patient for a fixed cost. Medical Record keeps an abstract of clinical da
29、ta about patients. It allows easy retrieval of medical records on patients.2、BillingThe Patient Billing module handles all types of billing for long-term care. This module facilitates cashier and billing operations for different categories of patients like Outpatient, Inpatient and Referral. It prov
30、ides automatic posting of charges related to different services like bed charges, lab tests conducted, medicines issued, consultants fee, food, beverage and telephone charges etc. This module provides for credit partly billing and can be seamlessly integrated with the Financial Accounting Module. Th
31、e billing module is extensively flexible by which each of your billing plans can be configured to automatically accept or deny. The system is tuned to capture room and bed charges along with ancillary charges based on the sponsorship category. The Billing Screens is used for In-patient and Outpatien
32、t Billing and Invoicing. Further more the charges for various services rendered can be recorded through service module and this can be used for billing purposes. Payment Modes / Details Sponsorship Conditions Details Patient Billing Details Package Installment Approval from Sponsor Company Sponsorsh
33、ip Details Package Registration Sponsor Verification Retroactive Processing User-defined Billing Cycles Automatic Room and Board Charges Recurring Ancillary Charge Capability Auto-generated Codes and Billing Criteria Provision for Pre-billing Extensive Third-party BillingThe system supports multiple
34、 reports utilizing various print options with user-defined parameters3、Financial AccountingThe Financial Accounting Module deals with Cash/Bank, Receipt/Payments, Journal Voucher and General Ledger etc. Books like Cashbook, Bankbook and Ledger book can be generated. This module generates reports lik
35、e Trail Balance, Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statement. The Financial Accounting Screens describe about the Account Payable, Account Receivable and General Ledger. Also describe the activities related to IP, OP, Bank related activities and provision to clearing the Supplier Invoice and keep tr
36、ack of the Account Receivable and Revenue related activities. The services that are covered by the sponsor companies, Insurance Agencies, Family Accounts, Individual Accounts, sponsorship details of the patient, Health Card Insurance are recorded in the system4、Fixed AssetsThe Fixed Assetss Module d
37、eals with all the activities that are related to the Fixed Assets Part of Financial Accounting. This describe included the activities that are related to identifying an item as a Fixed Assets and then allocating depreciation, managing its movement, Maintenance, Revaluation and Disposal etc.,5、Payrol
38、lThe Payroll & Personnel module deals with Pay (and deduction) calculation, printing of salary slip, salary certificates, and PF statements, Gratuity Statement and provides a monthly analysis. It deals with the maintenance of employee bio-data, Attendance / Overtime details. It also reports on absen
39、teeism, leave encasements etc. The Personnel & Payroll department is responsible Employee Related Activities like appointing the staff, maintaining the employee database, Fixing allowances and deductions, Leave entitlements, Leave sanctions, Loan, Termination Process, Maintenance of Hospital documen
40、ts, Insurance details, Tenancy Contracts and Vehicle Registration etc.6、Outpatient ManagementThe Outpatient module serves as an entry point to schedule an appointment with the Hospital Resident Doctor or Consultant Doctor for Medical Consultations and diagnosis. This module supports doctors to take
41、better and timely consultation decisions by providing instant access to comprehensive patient information. Patient visits are divided into New, Follow-up and Review. This module also handles requests and results of laboratory tests and other examinations. External Doctors visit to in patients can be
42、 defined as Call on. Some patients may avail only the hospital facilities like Lab, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Physiotherapy and so on.Medical Alerts Details Consultation Duty Roster Diagnosis Details Triage Parameters Patients Appointments Daily / Weekly Schedule Summary Appointment Schedulin
43、g / Rescheduling Facility Outpatient Medical Observation Details Investigation / Treatment History Clinical Service Details Group / Package Registration Facility Common Billing Clinical Services Doctors Diagnosis Statistics Further more, Confidentiality of Doctors Observation, Previous History of Pa
44、tients Visit, Online Prescription, Online Request for Investigations and so on, are the special features in Doctors Observation screen. This system calculates the cost for the services rendered to the patient and reflects in the billing module appropriately resulting in smooth billing process7、Inpat
45、ient ManagementThe inpatient module is designed to take care of all the activities and functions pertaining to Inpatient Management. This module automates the day-to-day administrative actives and provides instant access to other modules, which leads to a better patient care. It provides comprehensi
46、ve data pertaining to Admission of Patients & Ward Management: Availability of beds, Estimation, Agreement preparation, Collection of advance, Planned admission, Emergency admission and so on. The Inpatient module also deals with Ward Management: Shifting from one ward to the other, Bed availability
47、, Surgery, Administration of drugs, nursing notes, charge slip and so on.Admission Cost Estimation Admission Approval Admission Request Doctor Transfer Details Nursing Notes IP Medical Observation Pending Drug Request Surgery Scheduling Details Discharge Notification Summary Expected Date and Time of Discharge The module tracks every visit made by the patient and caters to follow-up visits of patients, along with multiple appointments.8、PharmacyPharmacy module deals with the automation of general workflow and administration management process of a pharmacy. The pharmacy module is equ