1、学校代码:10254密 级:论文编号:上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY硕士学位论文MASTER DISSERTATION 论文题目: 船用中压发电机组机旁监控系统的研究与仿真 学科专业: 检测技术与自动化装置 作者姓名: 指导老师: 完成日期: 二一年五月 论文独创性声明 本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或其他机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明并表示了谢意。作者签名: 日期: 论文使用授权声明本人同意上海海事大学有关保留、使用
2、学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以上网公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或者其它复制手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定。作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 摘 要随着船舶电站的容量增大,低压系统已经不能满足供配电要求。大型船舶采用中压发电系统将成为未来发展的趋势,船用中压发电机监控系统也会随之成为人们研究的重点。监控系统是船舶发电机的核心控制单元,通过发电机监控系统可以实时监视发电机运行状态,控制发电机的运行、停机,以及保护发电机免遭意外的伤害,延长发电机使用寿命。在先进国家,仿真技术早已成为一种工具,被广泛应用于各类系统的全生命周期活
3、动及人员训练决策等过程中。半个世纪以来,仿真技术以迅猛的发展趋势渗透到航空、航天、航海、石油、化工、核能、社会、经济等各个领域。国际上一致认为:仿真技术是迄今为止最为有效的、经济的综合集成方法,是推动科技进步的战略技术。SMSC 2008型智能化轮机综合模拟器由上海市教育委员会与中国海运(集团)总公司投资,由上海海事大学与上海海事职业技术学院联合开发,是目前国内技术领先的轮机综合模拟器,其技术内容充分反映了当代远洋运输船舶机电系统的最新技术和发展趋势。SMSC 2008型智能化轮机综合模拟器可以对多种专业的学生进行培训,包括轮机工程、电气工程与自动化、电力电子,还可以实现对管理级轮机员的应急操
4、作和故障分析与排除培训、对操作级轮机员的基本操作培训、对在职船员业务提高的在培训。WECS2000作为船用中压发电机控制系统,性能稳定、经济性高,在大型集装箱船舶的发电机控制领域得到广发应用。WECS2000是自带有微处理器的自动化系统,它的各种分布式结构模块可以直接安装在柴油上。从而高效地执行一些监视和控制功能。WECS2000系统的主要功能包括:发电机和涡轮增压器的转速测量测、启动停止柴油机、提供安全保护功能、数据的处理、测量各种运行参数、提供能够显示各种运行参数的监视仪表、提供连接到其它系统的现场总线接口、低温恒温阀的控制、排气阀门和废气旁通阀门的控制。作为SMSC 2008型智能化轮机
6、口电路等。软件部分包括主程序的流程设计、中断函数的设计、液晶驱动函数设计、通信函数的设计。文章最后详细介绍了CAN通信,包括CAN通信报文的格式、通信帧的分类等。该船用中压发电机控制模拟器已在轮机模拟器上得到应用,取得的测试效果基本符合预期,对于该系统投入培训后遇到的问题将是课题未来努力的方向。关键字:控制系统,中压发电机,模拟器,CAN通信,AT90CAN128ABSTRACTFor the marine power station capacity becomes larger, the low voltage switchboard system can no longer meet t
7、he requirement of electricity distribution. Large marine vehicle build up medium voltage generator, which is the trend of development of large marine generators. Meanwhile the control and monitoring system of the marine medium voltage generators would be focused by researchers in this field. The sup
8、ervision system is the main control unit, by which the crew could control and monitor the marine vehicle running and protect them from damaging or accident, to prolong the life the vehicle. SMSC2008 intelligence marine simulator is funded by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and the China Ship
9、ping Group. It is developed by Shanghai Maritime University and Shanghai Marine Vocational Academy. That simulator is the most advanced integrated simulator that reflects the contemporary up-to-date technology and development trend. That simulator could be used to train several majors of students, s
10、uch as marine engineering, electric engineering and automation, as well as power electronics. It also could be utilized to train the program that emergency operation, fault analysis and fault reduction for management-level marine crew, the fundamental operation for operation-level marine crew, and c
11、areer ability improvement for employed crew. The simulation technology is a tool in advanced countries, used in the lifetime of many system and the decision courses. In the latest half century, the simulation techniques were applied in aviation, navigation, petroleum, chemical industry, nuclear ener
12、gy, society, economy fields etc. Quickly. The simulation technique is the most effective and economical integrated method to propel the technology innovation.As marine medium voltage generator control system, WECS2000 is steady and economized, extensively in application of generator control field of
13、 large container vehicles. WECS2000 is automation system based on in-built controller. The function of WECS2000 include the detecting revolution, starting engine, stopping engine, guaranty safety, operating data and gauging all kinds of parameters. WECS2000 system also includes the indicator to disp
14、lay generator working parameters and status, the field bus interface to connect to other system, function to control the low and constant temperature valves as well as the function to control the exhaust and by-pass valves.As part of SMSC2008 intelligence marine integrated simulator, the subject res
15、earches the marine medium voltage generator local supervision simulation system and realizes the WECS200 system simulation. At the first of the paper, it recounts the history and the development trend of marine generator. Then it relates the marine medium voltage generator supervision system,includi
16、ng the WECS2000 specification, composition, function and so on. Based on analysing the WECS2000, the simulation model was made. The simulation model could simulate the operation environment, the operation method, the security function and the data operation. In accordance with the real supervision s
17、ystem, this simulating system comprises the Main Controller Unit, relay indicator panel and local supervision panel.The paper describes the system frame, hardware design and software design of local supervision panel and the relay indicator panel. The hardware include the LCD driving circuit, indica
18、tor display, button circuit and communication interface in local supervision panel. The software part narrates the main function flow, interrupt service, LCD drive program and communication. The paper details the CAN communication, how the CAN message protocol, construction and frame at last. The ma
19、rine medium voltage generator simulation supervision system had applied to marine simulator. The test result conformed the the original design. The Problem occurred in future training would be the direction for the subject to improve. KEYWORDS: control system,medium voltage generator, simulator,CAN
20、communication,AT90CAN128目 录第一章 绪论11.1船舶发电机简介11.1.1船用发电机的发展历史11.1.2船用中压发电机应用前景11.2船舶中压发电机监控系统的仿真21.2.1仿真技术的简介21.2.2船舶中压发电机机旁监控系统的仿真简介3第二章 船用中压发电机监控系统与仿真系统52.1 WECS2000船用中压发电机监控系统52.1.1 WECS2000转速测量装置和安全保护系统52.1.2 WECS2000控制系统的结构62.1.3 分布式控制器和传感器单元72.1.4 继电器单元和机旁监控面板(LSB)92.2 WARTSILA-6L32船用柴油发电机的简介10
21、2.3 船用中压发电机监控系统仿真112.4 船用中压发电机机旁监控面板仿真功能简介122.4.1 LCD单元132.5 继电器状态指示面板仿真功能简介21第三章 船用中压发电机机旁监控面板硬件电路设计223.1 主控芯片的选择223.2 机旁监控系统硬件电路总体规划243.2.1 外部RAM扩展电路253.2.2 液晶显示电路设计263.2.3 功能按键和数码管电路设计283.2.4 操作按键电路303.2.5 CAN通信电路设计313.2.6 调试接口JTAG313.2.7 复位电路和晶振323.3 印刷版电路(PCB)的设计333.3.1 PCB布局333.3.2 PCB布线343.3.
22、3 信号的完整性363.4 继电器状态指示面板硬件设计36第四章 船用中压发电机机旁监控面板软件设计394.1 船用中压发电机监控面板软件总体设计404.2 中断程序的设计424.3 按键数据采集和LED的驱动434.4 LCD驱动程序简介434.5 继电器状态指示面板软件设计46第五章 通信网络的构建475.1 CAN通信总线简介475.2 CAN总线的特点495.3 CAN总线的数值表示与通信距离505.4 现场级控制器的CAN总线硬件设计515.5 远程监控工作站的CAN总线硬件设计525.6 CAN总线的软件设计53第六章 结论与展望616.1 机旁监控面板的仿真效果展示616.2 课
23、题展望62致谢63攻读学位期间发表论文情况64参考文献:65附录168附录270第一章 绪论本文的主要研究对象是船用中压发电机监视和控制系统,并最终实现该系统的仿真设计。课题来源于上海海事大学与上海海事职业技术学院联合开发的轮机模拟器项目。此课题于2008年12月开始,2010年4月成功通过验收。1.1船舶发电机简介1.1.1船用发电机的发展历史最早在船舶上使用的发电机是直流发电机,功率也在20千瓦以下。例如,美国海军最早使用的船用发电机是,在1883年特伦顿巡洋舰上安装的13.2千瓦、110伏特的直流并激发电机。随着科技与工业革命的不断发展,船用发电机逐渐向交流发电机方向发展,提高了电的利用
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- 关 键 词:
- 检测 技术 自动化 装置 硕士论文 船用中压 发电 机组 监控 系统 研究 仿真
