1、Unit One,A Brush with the,Law,A young man finds that strolling along the streets without an obvious purpose can lead to,trouble with the law.One misunderstanding leads to another until eventually he ends up in,court.,Main Tasks,II.Global,Reading,III.Detailed,Reading,IV,.After,Reading,I.Before,Readin
2、g,.Before Reading,?,Pre-reading,Activities,?,Warm-up,Questions,?,Background,Information,The law is a system of rules,that a society or government,develops in order to deal with,crime,business agreements,and social relationships.,What is the law?,2019/10/9,What is the,function of the law?,2019/10/9,?
3、,M,aintain peace and order;,?,Protect the rights of citizens;,?,Secure justice and punish,wrong-doers.,Pre-reading Activity,?,Reading and talking,watching and talking,Brainstorming,Look at the Cartoons and Make up a Story with your Classmates.,1,2,puppy precious dog lovely dog,wild dog mongrel stray
4、 dog,change,Chameleon,By Anton Chekhov,A puppy bites the,goldsmith,s,finger,and the police officer,Otchumyerov,(奥丘梅洛夫),solves this case.He changes his,attitude several times with,whether the puppy belongs to,the General.,At the end,the cook,of the General recognizes the,puppy belongs to the Generals
5、,brother and takes it away.And,then Otchumyerov,reproaches,the goldsmith.,Discuss the following questions with your classmates.,1.Does the police officer maintain,justice in solving the case?Give,your reasons for either yes or no.,Otchumyerov,as,a,lawman,is,very,changeable,and,inconstant in dealing
6、the case.When he hears it is the,Generals,dog,he,changes,his,attitude,and,reproaches,the goldsmith.While when someone says it is not likely to,be the Generals dog,he changes his attitude again and,claims,to,punish,the,dog.,He,changes,his,attitude,over,and over again,hardly keeping justice.,2.What do
7、es Chekhov want to tell us?,?,It is an ironic short story.,Chekhov,wants,to show the darkness of the Russian society,in last century.He criticizes czars lackeys(,奴仆,)and normal people who are living as,chameleon,.,?,?,Silver,8:29-12:18,20:18-27:32,42:00-48:26,For the lawyer or lawman,its their duty
8、to protect the rights of,the citizen and,bring justice,to the society.But they should not,abuse their power and,frame someone they dont like,.Watch a,video and then discuss the following topics with your partners.,1.Is Miss Costello a solicitor or,barrister?Whats the difference,between them?,2.Why t
9、here is no fingerprint or,DNA on the handle?,?,3.What do you think of the DS,Scarrow?,arbitrary,unfair,obstinate,extreme,?,Lawyer,Solicitor,Barrister,Lawyer:,the,general,term,for,anyone,whose,work,is,to,advise,his,clients,about,the,law,and,represent them in court,(统称)律师,Solicitor:,a lawyer who mainl
10、y engaging in non-litigaiton,business,(,非诉讼业务,),such as giving advice,and,preparing,cases,for,a,barrister,to,argue,in,a,higher court.,(,初级,),事务律师,Barrister,:,a lawyer who has the,right of speaking and,arguing in the higher,courts of law.,(可在高等法院出庭的)诉务律师,/,大律师,Match the following words with the pictu
11、res.,?,barrister,defedent,prosecutor,victim,judge,Since you have previewed the text,and are familiar,with many words in this text.Now,figure out what,words the following explanations refer to.,Brainstorming,?,based on ones own opinion,not on,reason.,arbitrary,?,following,later,subsequent,?,lasting o
12、nly for a limited time,temporary,?,e.g.Most adolescent problems are,temporary.,ones regular work or occupation;job,employment,?,e.g.He is seeking employment,after graduation.,careless;informal,casual,?,e.g He is casual about everything.,direct the course of;manage,conduct,?,e.g.The manager conducted
13、 his business,efficiently.,(of a judge)stop a court case;,remove sb.from a position.,dismiss,?,The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence.,taking into account;if allowed or provided,with,given,?,e.g.Given their experience,theyve done a good job.,having broken a law;,showing or feeling that one,h
14、as done wrong.,guilty,?,e.g.The man was found guilty of passing on,secret papers to a foreign country.,In-Class Reading,2019/10/9,Pre-Reading,ation,Intensive Reading,Global Reading,2019/10/9,1.Are you more suspicious of strangers than,others?,For example,if you find a guy wearing long dirty hair wan
15、dering along the,street with no obvious purpose,what will you think of him?,2.Have you ever been stopped by the police?If so,how did you feel?,Feel,very,nervous,anxious/,appear,very,cool,and,unconcerned,about,the,scene.,3.Do you think that everyone is equal in the eyes,of the law?Explain.,Have money
16、 and power,with high reputation,Before Reading,Background,Information,1)In Britain:,It,refers,to,the,class,of,people,between,the,nobility,and,the,working,class.,It,includes,professional,men,(such,as,doctors,lawyers,and,architects),bankers,owners of business and small gentry,(贵族),.,2)In the United St
17、ates:,It,refers,to,the,class,of,people,between,the,very,wealthy class and the class of unskilled laborers and,unemployed,people.,It,includes,businessmen,professional people,office workers,and many skilled,workers.,Middle Class,The Sixties“Youth Counterculture”,1.The concept of“counterculture”:,the a
18、ttitudes and life styles of many young people who,rejected,conventional,social,values,and,demanded,more personal freedom,2.Countries:,U.S.,Britain,France,other western countries,3.Time:,from the 1960s to the late 1970s,indulged,themselves,in,sex,drugs,alcohol,and,rock,music,and,took,great,pride,in,w
19、earing,long,hair,and,unusual clothes,4.Behavior:,Hippy/Hippie,1.Time:,the late 1960s,2.Countries:,U.S.,Canada,U.K.,some other,countries,3.Behavior:,nonviolent anarchy,无政府状态,concern for the environment,rejection of Western materialism,being,dressed,in,unusual,clothes;,living,in,group,together;taking
20、drugs and indulging in sex.,II.Global Reading,3.Part Division of the Text,2.True or False,1.Table Completion,A Brush with the Law,brief fight or,encounter,与法律的一次小摩擦,Before Reading,1,Summarize the content,2,4,3,Before Reading,Arouse readers interest,Produce an effect of humor,Show the authors attitud
21、e,What is the function of the title?,What type is the text?,A narration,B description,C exposition,D argumentation,What pattern is the text organized in?,A problem-solution,B cause-effect,C general-specific,D time sequence,记叙文,a story,描述文,a picture,说明文,a lecture,议论文,a debate,问题,-,解决,因果,总,-,分,时间顺序,1.
22、Table Completion,Read this story again and find out the following elements of the story.,Time,Place,Main,Characters,Event,in February 12 years ago/,in the 1960s,Richmond,a suburb of London,the narrator and the two policemen,the narrators arbitrary arrest and release,Global Reading,2.True or False,1.
23、,The,story,took,place,one,February,in,the,1960s in Britain.,2.,The narrator(,叙述者,)was a 19-year-old college,student at the time.,3.He was looking for a job so that he could make some,money to pay for his tuition.,(),(),(),T,F,He was not going to university until the following,October.,F,He wanted to
24、 save up some money to go traveling.,Global Reading,Skim the story and mark the statements T(true)or F(false).,4.,He,was,arrested,by,a,policeman,while,he,was,stealing milk bottles from doorsteps.,(),F,He didnt steal any milk bottles.He was arrested because the,policeman thought he had the intention
25、of stealing milk bottles.,Global Reading,5.,The,narrator,was,shocked,to,find,that,his,release,from the charge was chiefly due to his,“right”,accent,and his middle-class family background.,(),T,3.A Brush with the Law,(Para.1),The narrator,has once been in,trouble with the,law,which was,a rather,unple
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