1、电梯顶板混凝土及墙拆除施工方案 2电梯顶板混凝土及墙拆除施工方案 1。 工程概况 (1)、工程名称:光谷世界城B地块 (2)、工程地点:武汉市武昌 (3)、总承包商:武汉市世界城置业有限公司 (4)、设计单位:武汉和创建筑工程设计事务所有限公司 (5)、监理单位: (6)、建设单位:锦宸集团 (7)、改造加固单位:武汉平浩建筑科技有限公司 (8)、工程内容:根据业主需用,由武汉和创建筑工程设计事务所有限公司设计,将光谷世界城B地块2区六层部分楼板静态拆除,见下图斜线部位: 编制依据 1、施工图变更图 2、建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB503002001) 3、混凝土结构加固技术规范(CEC
2、S25:90) 4、湖北省建筑工程施工现场安全管理标准 constant volume with distilled water to the scale。 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing。 2.2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0。001g), with about 25mL water dissolv
3、ed and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0。5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0。5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate。 2。4
4、operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid。 another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid。 then with par
5、ameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0。6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0.2 Sodium bisulfite similarly
6、diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor)。 2。5 results calculationhydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X-sample, mg/100 g; 14。97-conversion factor; 5、建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(JGJ130-2001) 6、混凝土结构后锚固技术规程(JGJ1452004)。 7、建筑
7、施工安全检查标准(JGJ59-99) 8、建筑施工高处作业安全技术(JGJ80,91) 9、钢结构设计规范(GB500172003) 2。 施工部署; 2。1。施工组织安排 根据施工现场实际情况,在合理统筹安排且确保工程总体工期的前提下,配合现场水电、消防施工。组织施工时从下向上施工,为加快施工进度,可几层同时施工。 2。2。施工重点、难点 工程中楼板静态拆除为施工的重点,脚手架搭设为难点。 2。3.劳动力安排计划 为保证本工程的工期质量要求,在合理安排工序和劳动力的前提下,选择技术素质高且具有类似工程施工经验的队伍.现场施工人员安排如下图所示: 序号 名称 人数 备 注 1 技术人员 3 全
8、面负责施工现场技术管理、施工质量、施工变更及洽商等事宜 2 现场班长 3 负责水钻切割、植筋、剔凿、配胶等施工管理工作 3 安 全 员 1 全面负责施工现场安全、消防、文明施工及工人食宿等工作 4 技术工人 30 水钻切割、植筋、剔凿等工作 5 放 线 工 2 负责切割放线工作 6 电 工 1 负责现场安全用电 7 普 工 6 负责施工现场搬运、渣土清理等工作 8 钢筋工 20 负责钢筋的加工、绑扎 9 木工 15 负责支模、拆模 10 砼工 10 负责砼浇筑 11 架工 20 负责脚手架搭设、拆除 2.4。主要设备安排计划 序号 设备名称 规 格 型 号 单 位 数 量 新旧程度 1 水 钻
9、 - 台 20 半新 2 打磨机 牧田9526NB 台 20 半新 3 吹风机 Q1FJWB20028 把 10 半新 4 电 锤 博士11D、7D 把 10 半新 5 配电箱 - 台 10 半新 constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1。1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing。 2。2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation sa
10、id take samples 5 g (accurate to 0。001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0。5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0.5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble
11、). mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate。 2。4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0。2), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL d
12、istilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0.6, is with distilled wat
13、er diluted stay measuring liquid, with 0。2 Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2。5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the X-sample, mg/100 g; 14.97-conversion fac
14、tor; 3. 主要分项施工方法及技术要点 3.1。楼板水钻切割工程285382789 3.1。1. 施工工艺 定位与划线 不正确 复查切割部位确保拆除位置准确无 误 做好临时支护及防护措施 用切割机或水钻钻孔切割 破损砼 检查 合格 4.2拆除原则 拆除原结构构件施工原则:自上向下,逐层进行;现拆除非承重构件再拆除承重构件;拆除施工前明确是否需要支撑卸荷,先卸荷再拆除。 4。3.脚手架搭设 本工程拆除部分脚手架搭设主要是维护架。维护架体系为施工过程中施工用操作脚手架及安全防护脚手架. (1) 在拆除之前先期在结构外侧面搭设维护脚手架设施,脚手架外立杆作剪刀撑,确保脚手架牢固可靠。 (2) 在
15、进行楼板的拆除作业之前,首先在板下搭设满堂脚手架,竖杆双向间距1.2m,距地面0。15m设扫地杆一道,水平杆间距不大于1.5m。顶层横杆距constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1.1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2。2 instruments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm)。 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate
16、to 0。001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0。5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0。5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble)。 mixed uniform, filter, aban
17、doned to initially of 10mL filtrate。 2。4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodium solution (0.2%), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform
18、, as stay measuring liquid. then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liquid of sucking photometric (if sucking photometric is greater than 0。6, is with distilled water diluted stay measuring liq
19、uid, with 0。2 Sodium bisulfite similarly diluted reference solution, calculate the absorbance when multiplied bythedilutiofactor). 2。5 results calculation-hydroxymethyl(6); (6) in the formula: hydroxymethyl furfural content in the Xsample, mg/100 g; 14。97-conversion factor; 离结构板底约400500mm,满铺脚手板,防止在拆
20、除过程中混凝土块损坏下层楼板. (3) 脚手架搭设伴随拆除施工进度进行,流水作业,避免造成施工中的延误。 1.3混凝土结构静力拆除 (1) 使用液压钳结合水钻破碎或水钻钻孔切割分块的方法将原混凝土结构拆除,采用液压钳拆除时,不可某一部位一钳到底。 (2) 将混凝土碎块清运到地面,并及时清运至现场指定垃圾堆放地点。 2。 水钻切割施工工艺 (1) 工艺流程 定位放线?切割块体划分?作业水排放措施?准备作业水?固定切割设备?试切割?调整设备?切割?切割块体清运 (2) 施工过程 开始切割施工前,先搭设脚手架做好施工平台。 1) 放线、验线 由专业人员放线确定所要切割混凝土的具体位置,报请各有关单位
21、验收,并由相关人员检验。 2) 切割分块 本工程楼板和梁切割开洞是室内施工,不具备利用大型起重设备和运输设备的条件,基本以人工操作为主,因此切割分块不宜过大,切割拆除后外运,故此部分切割块为150kg/块左右。分块尺寸不宜大于500mm500mm。 3) 切割 明确所要保留混凝土板、墙的部位,使水钻刀头按所放线体相切,连续钻孔。水钻孔保证至少相割5mm。 4) 清运混凝土块体 constant volume with distilled water to the scale. 1。1.2 methyl aniline solution: weigh When preparing. 2。2 in
22、struments: ultraviolet spectrophotometer (284nm,336nm). 2.3 sample liquid of preparation said take samples 5 g (accurate to 0.001g), with about 25mL water dissolved and moved into 50mL capacity bottle in the, joined 0。5mL clarified agent I, mixed, again joined 0。5mL clarified agent II, mixed, water
23、diluted to scale (necessary Shi can joined 1 drops ethanol to elimination surface of bubble)。 mixed uniform, filter, abandoned to initially of 10mL filtrate. 2。4 operation program draw filtrate the 5mL Yu 2 a tube (diameter 18mm, long 150mm) workers, in a tube in the joined 5mL sulfite hydrogen sodi
24、um solution (0。2), mixed uniform as parameter than liquid. another tube in the joined 5mL distilled water, mixed uniform, as stay measuring liquid。 then with parameter than liquid for control, Yu purple outside points light photometer wavelength 284nm and 336nm at, determination stay measuring liqui
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- 电梯 顶板 混凝土 拆除 施工 方案